Урок "Vegetables" у 5 класі

Про матеріал
Урок у 5 класі на тему "Vegetables" з використанням джазового ритму, який є основою для опрацювання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу. Комплекс вправ допомагає учням у формуванні навичок аудіювання, говоріння,читання, письма.
Перегляд файлу
  1. Pre-listening. Play a game.  Make a circle and pass the clap to your partner with the words : “I can name 10 words on the topic”.
  2. Listen to the jazz chant. Listen and repeat.

http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=230x230&chld=L&choe=UTF-8&chl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fs%2Fr4fdiazzqy5h76z%2FMarian.mp3%3Fdl%3D0Marian’s a Vegetarian (by Carolyn Graham)

Marian’s a vegetarian.

She doesn’t eat meat.            

She doesn’t eat fish.

Marian’s a vegetarian.

She eats vegetables every day.

Broccoli pizza, mushroom stew.

Garlic soup with onions too.

Eggplant, carrots, cauliflower pie.

She loves vegetables.

So do I!

  1. Respond to my statements.
  • I like vegetables. – So do I.
  • I like broccoli. –
  • I like beets. –
  • I like garlic. –
  • I like …
  1. Possessive case or the verb to be.
  • Marian’s a vegetarian.
  • Marian’s pizza is delicious.
  • Pete’s a good football player.
  • Pete’s ball is black.
  • Bill’s American.
  • Bill’s family is big.
  1. Read the chant, circle the vegetables Marian likes and write them down.


Картинки по запросу "гриби""  Картинки по запросу "баклажан"" Картинки по запросу "цибуля"" Картинки по запросу "цветна капуста""


Картинки по запросу "часник"" Картинки по запросу "морква"" Картинки по запросу "броколи""




  1. Match the vegetables with the names of dishes.














  •          Say which dishes Marian likes;
  •                  which ones you like
  1. Use all these word combinations and make up a menu for Marian. Try to make it varied so that she doesn’t become bored.

Day       Meal









































Make up sentences:

Marian eats…   for        breakfast         

              likes…             lunch

                                      dinner              on…


  1. Use the word combinations and find someone who…

…likes broccoli pizza – Do you like broccoli pizza

…likes mushroom stew

…likes garlic soup

… likes cauliflower pie

…likes eggplant sandwich






Broccoli pizza

Mushroom stew

Garlic soup

Cauliflower pie

Eggplant sandwich































Картинки по запросу "галочка" - yesКартинки по запросу "крестик значок"-no

 9.Make up affirmative and negative sentences.

E.g. Tania likes broccoli pizza.


        She doesn’t like garlic soup.

  1.    Без названия.jpgRead what children think about Marian’s diet.

 I’m Susie Miller. I don’t understand vegetarians. I do love food! Perhaps fish and chips is my favourite food. Moreover, my mom says I’m a very good cook. My pizza with carrots , some pieces of meat and cheese is very tasty! Usually I make a special sauce to it, but I don’t like chilli sauce, because it’s too spicy for me.

Без названия (1).jpg

kid05.jpgMy name is Mike. I’m from the UK. I love fruit  and vegetables. My breakfast consists of two apples, an orange and four tomatoes. For dinner I have  macaroni and a vegetable salad. Some people think I have a boring diet but this isn’t so. I eat vegetables because it’s good for health.


Hi ! I’m Nuria and I’m from Spain. I can’t say that broccoli is my favourite food. I think people should eat all kinds of food. In my family we all eat cereal, eggs, milk and cheese, meat, fish. Of course we eat plenty of  fruit  and vegetables every day. Different kinds of food contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Who might say this: - Eating vegetables is…

  •          cool;                                                - exciting;
  •          dangerous;                                    - useful
  •          boring;





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