ТЕМА: Використання Present Perfect.
Мета уроку: активізувати навички вживання Present Perfect у різних видах мовної діяльності.
Розвиваюча: навчити вміння логічно мислити, розвивати монологічне мовлення, закріпити вміння спостерігати, порівнювати, зіставляти, аналізувати, уміння працювати в колективі.
Виховна: формування стійкої мотивації, підтримки інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови
Оснащення: дошка, книга, картки, комп'ютер.
Good morning now. Good morning now. Today we will speak about Present Perfect . Let's begin our lesson. Let's revise the poem:
Wake, body, wake, mind!
Work, play, seek, find,
Eat breakfast, dinner too,
Wash, brush, sing, dance, and do!
The fox slept in the ---
The --- slept in the mitten.
The frog slept on the ---.
The --- slept on the mat.
(box, kitten, log, cat)
I’ve broken my --- –
I can’t drink tea.
I’ve broken my TV set –
I can’t --- TV.
(cup, watch)
Знайдіть слова, у яких є звуки [e] [ei] [o] [I:] [I].
Утворення часу The Present Perfect Tense, асоціативні слова-опори (прислівники часу).
1.. I have just had lunch. |
A) She must be on her way to college. |
2. She has already left the house. |
B) He knows this country very well. |
3. Somebody has broken the window in our classroom. |
C) It’s too cold here. |
4. I have known her since our childhood. |
D) I am not hungry. |
5. We have left all the money at home. |
E) She is my best friend. |
6. David has been to the USA more than once. |
F) We can’t buy anything. |
7. Grandmother has written a letter. |
G) His mother is very upset. |
8. The boy has fallen ill. |
H) She is going to the post-office now. |
Look at the pictures and say (Слайди 8-11)
- Hello, Kate. What are you doing?
- I'm cleaning the room
- I have already cleaned my room and I can come and help you
- Don't trouble. I have already cleaned the carpet, dusted the sideboard and the chairs. Now I'm going to wash the floor. See you later.
– So long
What have you done today? (Слайд 12)
The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and remember: You are brilliant, talented students today. Your marks are...