Урок " Використання Present Perfect."

Про матеріал
Активізувати навички вживання Present Perfect у різних видах мовної діяльності.
Перегляд файлу

ТЕМА: Використання Present Perfect.


Мета уроку: активізувати навички вживання Present Perfect у різних видах мовної діяльності.

Розвиваюча: навчити вміння логічно мислити, розвивати монологічне мовлення, закріпити вміння спостерігати, порівнювати, зіставляти, аналізувати, уміння працювати в колективі.

Виховна: формування стійкої мотивації, підтримки інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови

Оснащення: дошка, книга, картки, комп'ютер.


Хід уроку

1. Початок уроку

Good morning now. Good morning now. Today we will speak about Present Perfect . Let's begin our lesson. Let's revise the poem:

Wake, body, wake, mind!
Work, play, seek, find,
Eat breakfast, dinner too,
Wash, brush, sing, dance, and do!


II. Презентація теми уроку

III. Фонетична розминка: Find the rhyme

The fox slept in the ---
The --- slept in the mitten.
The frog slept on the ---.
The --- slept on the mat.
(box, kitten, log, cat)

I’ve broken my --- –
I can’t drink tea.
I’ve broken my TV set –
I can’t --- TV.
(cup, watch)

Знайдіть слова, у яких є звуки  [e] [ei] [o] [I:] [I].

4. Повторення теоретичного матеріалу:

Утворення часу The Present Perfect Tense, асоціативні слова-опори (прислівники часу).

5. Активізація граматичного матеріалу в практичних завданнях.

  • Напишіть третю форму правильних дієслів (завдання на дошці)
    To water, to clean, to decorate, to wash, to watch, to play, to turn, to close, to carry
  • Fill in the gaps and translate (Слайд 3)
    Break – br____ke – br______ken
    Drink – dr _____nk, dr_______nk
    Go – w______nt – g______ne
    Have – h_______ – h_______
    Do – d____d – d______ne
    Leave – le_____ – le______
    Run – r____n – r_____n
    Get – g_____t – g____t
    Lay – l_____d - l_____d
  • Answer my questions (T-Cl)
    Have you met your friend today?
    Have you already had lunch?
    Have you already got a “good” mark?
    Have you ever been to the Zoo?
  • Ask your classmates what he/she has done today? (P1-P2; P2-P3...)
  • Перевірка
  • Look at the pictures and say what Kate and Boris have done (Слайд 4)
    Water flowers, clean the carpet, wash their hands
  • Look at the pictures and say what they haven’t done (Слайд 5)
  • Complete the following situations:
    1. Lena is cleaning the table. Now the table is clean
    2. The girl is painting the picture. The picture is nice.
    3. The granny is knitting the sweater. Now the sweater is ready
    4. Ann is doing her homework. ... She can have a rest.
    5. My mother is cooking dinner. ... Now we can have a dinner.
  • Match the sentences (the result of the action) (Слайд 6) (один учень працює біля дошки, інший його перевіряє).

1.. I have just had lunch.

A) She must be on her way to college.

2. She has already left the house.

B) He knows this country very well.

3. Somebody has broken the window in our classroom.

C) It’s too cold here.

4. I have known her since our childhood.

D) I am not hungry.

5. We have left all the money at home.

E) She is my best friend.

6. David has been to the USA more than once.

F) We can’t buy anything.

7. Grandmother has written a letter.

G) His mother is very upset.

8. The boy has fallen ill.

H) She is going to the post-office now.

  • Клас виконує завдання по картці. Перевірка за комп'ютером
  • What would you say in the following situations? (Слайд 7) (P1-P2: P3-P4…...)
    You know the grammar rule very well. Why?
    1. You don't have your English book in your bag. Where is it?
    2. The teacher gives you a very good mark. Why?
    3. You are late for classes. Why?
    4. Your purse is empty. Why?
    5. You are very tired. Why?
    6. That girl is your best friend and you know her very well. Why

Look at the pictures and say (Слайди 8-11)

  1. what they are going to do
  2. what they are doing
  3. what they have done

6. Listen to the dialogue. Then make up your own dialogues on analogy.

- Hello, Kate. What are you doing?

- I'm cleaning the room

- I have already cleaned my room and I can come and help you

- Don't trouble. I have already cleaned the carpet, dusted the sideboard and the chairs. Now I'm going to wash the floor. See you later.

–  So long

7. Make up a few sentences about what you or your friends have done this year

8. Підсумок уроку.

What have you done today? (Слайд 12)

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and remember: You are brilliant, talented students today. Your marks are...



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