Урок-віртуальна мандрівка з англійської мови для 2 класу "Давайте підемо до зоопарку"

Про матеріал
Метою цього уроку є розвиток навичок сприймання на слух, зорового сприймання, усного продукування та взаємодії. Виконуючи цікаві завдання, такі як «Запам’ятай», «Відгадай тварину», «Гра у мовчанку» та багато інших учні пригадують та розширюють свій вокабулярний запас по темах «Тварини» та «Дії», активізовують навички використання модального дієслова can та граматичної структури have/has got. Школярі відчувають себе справжніми артистами виконуючи запальні фізкульхвилинки «Сan an elephant jump?» та «Hokey-Pokey dance». Проведення віртуальних подорожей робить процес навчання більш захоплюючим та динамічним.
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 Тернопільська спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ступенів №29 з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов 



Конспект уроку з англійської  мови  для 2 класу на тему «Давайте підемо до зоопарку»










Підготувала та провела

вчитель англійської мови

Винничук Лідія Миколаївна






Тернопіль 2024



The theme:   Let’s go to the zoo

The objectives:

  •            practical: to revise vocabulary, to practise reading, listening, speaking and writing skills;
  •            developing: to develop pair and group work, imagination and creative thinking:
  •            cultural: to broaden pupils’ outlook.


Resources used:

  • Power Point Presentation;
  • Flashcards with wild Africa animals;
  • videos Let's Go To The Zoo”, “Who Took The Cookie?”, “The Hokey Pokey Shake”;
  • a toy hedgehog;
  • a bag with plastic toy animals;
  • pictures with rules.










  1. Greeting.

T: Good afternoon, everybody!

Dear pupils and guests! We’re very glad to meet you and welcome you to our lesson. It will be an unusual lesson – a completion between two teams. We won’t read texts or write. We were busy doing all that at the previous lessons. Today we will play and go to the zoo.

Our competition has some rules:

  1.     Don’t shout. Try to be quiet.
  2.     Raise your hands.
  3.     Listen carefully.
  4.     Follow instructions.
  5.     Respect each other.


T: Well, it’s time to begin our show! First of all, let’s greet the members of our jury. They will count all your points and announce the winner. Dear jury, for every correct answer the team can get1 points.

Now, we want to introduce the participant of our completion, the pupils who love and know English. So meet our teams.

Team 1 “SMART”

We like to write.

We like to ride.

We like to jump up very high.

We like to touch the sky.

We like to clap and turn around.

We like to touch the ground.


Team 2 “BRIGHT”

We like to sing.

We like to dance.

We like to run about.

We like to skip.

We like to jump.

We like to play and shout.

T: We wish you good luck and success, our dear pupils. Be very attentive and don’t afraid. Everything will be alright.

  1. Round 1


The pupils listen to the sounds and they have to guess the animals. The correct answer is shown in the Power Point presentation “What animal is it?”

Video: Animal sounds for children (20 amazing animals):

  • Cat – dog (0.00-0.24);
  • Horse – pig (1.04. – 1.29);
  • Duck-goat (1.53 – 2.18);
  • Frog – lion (2.25-2.55);
  • Elephant – bear (3.35 – 4.00)

Answer keys:


Team “Smart”

Team “Bright”

















T: I see you know the animals, so let’s go to the zoo.

Song “Let's Go To The Zoo”

 Stomp like elephants! [Stomp your feet. Elephant gesture.]
Let's go [Make "L" shapes with your index fingers and thumbs and extend them forward from your chest.]
to the zoo. [Draw a "Z" in the air.]
And stomp like the elephants do. [Stomp your feet. Elephant gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And stomp like the elephants do.

[Stomp around the room like elephants.]

Jump like kangaroos. [Kangaroo gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo. 
And jump like the kangaroos do. [Kangaroo gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And jump like the kangaroos do.

[Jump around the room like kangaroos.]

Swing like monkeys. [Monkey gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do. [Pretend to swing from a tree. Monkey gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And swing like the monkeys do.

[Swing around the room like monkeys.]

Waddle like penguins. [Penguin gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do. [Penguin gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And waddle like the penguins do.

[Waddle around the room like penguins.]

Slither like snakes. [Snake gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do. [Snake gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And slither like the snakes do.

[Slither around the room like snakes.]

Swim like polar bears. [Polar bear gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do. [Polar bear gesture.]
Let's go to the zoo.
And swim like the polar bears do.

[Swim around the room like polar bears.]

Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do. [Do a silly dance!]
Let's go to the zoo.
And dance like the animals do. ♫

  1. Round 2


T: In the zoo you can meet different animals. Look, who can you see?

P: I can see a..

  1. snake 2. whale 3. vulture 4. zebra 5. fox 6. penguin 7. monkey 8. hippo

9. kangaroo 10. tiger 11. lion 12. elephant

T: Now, I turn the pictures over. Your task is to guess what animal is behind the number. Try to use the sentence  “I think number 1 is a…”. Repeat

IV. Round 3


A Power Point presentation with riddles is shown on the white board. Pupils have to read them and guess. The answer is the animal from the previous round. In order to find out which team is going to be the first, children play “Rock-Scissors-Paper”. Kids have to start their answer asking: “Is it a…?”

1. It is a big animal with the huge ears. (Elephant)

2. It is a bird and it likes meat. (Vulture)

3. It is very funny and likes bananas. (Monkey)

4. It can jump and has a baby on its bag. (Kangaroo)

5. It is a bird but it can’t fly. (Penguin)

6. It is the king of the animals and it can run fast. (Lion)

7. It hasn’t got the legs and it can’t walk or run. (Snake)

8. It is large and it can swim. (Whale)

T: Now, let’s have a little fun

Song “Can an elephant jump?”














V. Round 4


T: There’s a little hedgehog in our zoo. How many spikes has it got?

P: It has got 10 spikes.

T: What colours are they?

P: They are green, blue, orange and red.

T: One team member has to choose a spike, read and mime for the class to guess. Whoever guesses correctly, takes the next turn.

P1: Can you…?

P2: No, I can’t …/Yes, I can…..


  1. I can play the guitar.
  2. I can skip.
  3. I can dance.
  4. I can run.
  5. I can turn around.
  6. I can climb a tree.
  7. I can fly a kite.
  8. I can dance.
  9. I can sing.
  10.  I can swim.

T: It was brilliant. You work hard. Are you hungry?

Ps: Yes, we are.

T: Look, I have got some cookie. Who want the cookie? Close your eyes.

Song-game “Who Took The Cookie?”

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
[Panda] took the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me? [Panda points to herself.]
Yes, you! [Children nod their heads "yes" and point at the panda.]
Not me! [Panda shakes her head "no."]
Then who? [Everyone shrugs their shoulders.]

Rabbit! [Panda points to the rabbit.]

[Make a rhythm with everyone patting their legs and clapping their hands to the beat. Pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap.]
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
[Rabbit] took the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Not me!
Then who?


Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
[Bear] took the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Not me!
Then who?


Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
[Penguin] took the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Not me!
Then who?


Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
[Kangaroo] took the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Okay, okay...I took the cookie!

I took the cookie from the cookie jar.
The yummy, yummy cookie from the cookie jar.
Are you hungry?
Let's share! 
Who wants some cookie? 
I do! Me, me, me! 


  1. Round 5


The pupils are shown some animals. They name the objects. E.g. It’s a horse. It’s a goat, etc. After that all the objects are put into the bag. Music is playing and the pupils are passing the bag. When the music stops, a pupil puts his/her hand into the bag, holds one animal and has to guess without looking at it. And then the pupil shows the object.

T: What’s this?

S: It’s a …

Answer: horse, goat, sheep, donkey, cow, camel, tiger, rhino, zebra, giraffe.

  1. Round 6


Simon gives commands to the group of listeners. Simon’s commands can be given in two different ways: beginning a command by saying, “Simon says…” or simply stating the command. Listeners must listen closely to what the leader, Simon, commands them to do. If Simon gives a command by first stating, “Simon says…” the listeners must obey Simon’s command. If Simon gives a command without first saying, “Simon says…” the listeners must not obey his command.

Answer keys:


Team “Smart”

Team “Bright”


Simon says: “Stand up”

Simon says: “Stand up”


Touch the ground

Stomp your feet


Simon says: “Clap your hands”

Simon says: “Jump up high”


Simon says: “Run-run-run”

Simon says: “Swim-swim-swim”


Close your eyes.

Touch your nose


Simon says: “Sit down”

Simon says: “Sit down”


  1. Round 7

                                   MEMORY GAME

Place a number of objects on your desk or flashcards on the board. The children try to memorise all the words. After about a minute or two, cover the objects or flashcards. The children write the words for the objects they remember. The winner is the child who remember all the objects.


Raw 1: Sunny, family, new, house, swimming pool.

Raw 2: Cloudy, friends, park, river, playground.

Raw 3: Hot, children, bus, shop, toys.

T: It was the last competition. Let’s give our jury some time to count all our points. And we, let’s have some fun. It’s time for “The Hokey Pokey Shake”.

Song “The Hokey Pokey Shake”

 Hey, everybody. It's time to do the Hokey Pokey!
Make a BIIIIIG circle. Here we go.
You put one hand in. [Put one hand in the circle.]
You put one hand out. [Put that hand out of the circle.]
You put one hand in. [Put the hand back into the circle.]
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. [Shake your hand.]
You do the Hokey Pokey [Spin and dance] and turn around.
Everybody turn around. [Turn around in a circle.]

You put two hands in.
You put two hands out.
You put two hands in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and clap your hands.
Everybody clap your hands.

You put one foot in.
You put one foot out.
You put one foot in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sit down.
Everybody please sit down.

You put two feet in.
You put two feet out.
You put two feet in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and stand up.
Everybody please stand up.

You put your head in.
You put your head out.
You put your head in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sing a song.
La, la, la, la, la, la!

You put your backside in.
You put your backside out.
You put your backside in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and be quiet.
Everybody please be quiet. Shh!

You put your whole self in.
You put your whole self out.
You put your whole self in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and take a bow.
Everybody take a bow.


  1.     Summing up

T: It is time to listen to our jury and get to know what team is the winner today. (Jury’s words). My congratulations to the winners. I think that you are really the best at English in your class. That’s why you get presents for your work. The team, that has lost, should not be disappointed. I think that next year you will win for sure! But now you get some comforting presents.

X. Goodbye

T: So our quiz is over! Good bye everybody.


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 2 клас (Ростоцька М. Є., Карпюк О. Д.)
20 квітня
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