Урок-вистава " авс-королівство"

Про матеріал
У формі казкової гри перевірити рівень засвоєння алфавіту, назв кольорів, рахунок до 10. Вчити ставити запитання та давати відповіді на них. Розвивати артикуляційний апарат, фонетичний слух, мовлення учнів. Виховувати цікавість до вивчення англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу


 Урок-вистава  на тему: « The ABC Ball ».


Мета: Перевірити рівень засвоєння алфавіту, назв кольорів, рахунок  до 10. Вчити ставити запитання та давати відповіді на них. Розвивати артикуляційний апарат, фонетичний слух, мовлення учнів.

Виховувати цікавість до вивчення англійської мови.


T: Good morning, children!

Ch.: Good morning! ( twice)

        Good morning to you!

        Good morning! (twice)

        I’m glad to see you.

T: Our dear guests, teachers, parents, grandparents! Today you are present at a great party in the Kingdom of the English language. You will meet the Queen of the ABC Kingdom, Princess Yes and Princess No, and you’ll get acquainted with true servants of the Queen-letters of the ABC. So welcome to our ABC ball!

(The Queen with her two daughters enters the hall.)

Queen: Good morning, dear guests! Glad to meet you at our ball. I am the Queen of the ABC Kingdom, these are my daughters Princess Yes and Princess No.

Princess Yes: Hello, I’m Princess Yes. I never say “ No”, and always agree with everything and everybody.

Princess No: Hi, I’m Princess No. I think it is silly to agree with everybody. That’s why my favourite word is ”No”.

Queen: Ladies and Gentlemen! I’m happy to open our ball with my true servants: The letters of the ABC.

( The letters enter the hall in pairs singing the ABC song : ABCDEFG


                                                                                              QRSTUVW (twice)

                                                                                               XYZ (twice)

                                                                                     Now, I know the alphabet.)

Queen: Dear letters, I’m glad to greet you all together at our ABC ball.

Letters: Together, together (three times)

             We study and play.

Princess Yes: Do you remember the anthem of our Kingdom?

Letters: Of course, we do!

(They sing a song: Oh, English, English, English

                               For all your friends and you.

                               Oh, English, English, English

                               In London and Peru.

                               It’s English, English, English

                               In Kyiv and Madrid.

                               It’s English, English, English

                               For every, every kid!



Princess No: It’s high time to introduce yourselves

(One by one: My name is…; What is your name?)

(Children sing a song : “ What is your name? (twice)

                                         Now tell me, please:

                                         What is your name?

                                          My name is Janet (three times)

                                          That’s my name.

                                          Where do you live?(twice)

                                          Now tell me, please:

                                          Where do you live?

                                           I live in London (three times)

                                           That’s where I live.

Queen: What is this song about?

            Make up your own dialogues and act them.

             What numbers have you heard in this dialogue?

             Let’s count until 10.

             Name numbers. Name your telephone numbers.

             Do you remember our poem?

Children: One, one, one . Little dogs run.

                Two, two, two. Cats see you.

                Three, three, three. Rats on the floor.

                Five, five, five. I see butterfly in the blue sky.

                Six, six, six. Two short sticks.

                Seven, seven, seven. Here is a raven.

                Eight, eight, eight. A hen at a gate.

                Nine, nine, nine. The apple is very fine.

                Ten, ten, ten. Catch me, if you can.

Queen: Dear children, come to me,

            Let us sing “ ABC “.

            Do you know all letters well?

            Can you sing them, can you spell?

Children: Yes, we can.

P: Буква А в абетці перша,

    А за нею буква В,

    Буква С іде за ними,

    А наступні  D та Е.

    Потім  F - цікава буква.

    Поряд з нею буква G .

    Н крокує вслід за ними,

    І кричить услід « Заждіть!»

    Буква  J для нас незвична,

    Незнайома нам вона,

    А ось К як українська,

    Знає це вся дітвора.


    L звучить, як в рідній мові,

    Вигляд тільки не такий.

    М та  N також знайомі

    В О вигляд теж простий.

    Буква Р крокує потім,

    Поряд з нею буква Q.

    Трійця приголосних далі:

     R, S, T за ними U.

     Букви V та W  вже в абетці на краю.

     X, Y, Z, ще я назву

     Й завершу розповідь свою.

(виходять літери)


A is for apple.

It is in the tree.

Will you jump a little

And pick it for me?

B is for ball.

The ball is red and blue.

Let’s take it up,

I want to play with you.

C is for cat.

The cat lives in the house

It doesn’t like to eat sweet cakes,

But it can catch a mouse.

D is for dog.

The dog is very smart.

It likes to run, it likes to jump

With children in the yard.

E is for egg.

It’s yellow and white.

And it is for eagle

That flies so high.

F is for fish.

It swims in the sea.

It has a worm for dinner

And doesn't like tea.   


  G is for girl.

 She has a nice hat.

 Does she have a nice coat?

We don’t know that.

H is for honey.

It is so sweet.


“Let’s take a little”,

Says brother Pete.

I is for ice.

The ice is bright and cold.

And it is for ice cream

Loved by young and old.

J is for jam.

The jam is in the plate.

“ May I take a spoonful, mum?”

Asks little Kate.

K is for Kitten.

It is gay and funny.

It likes to drink milk,

But it doesn’t like honey.

L is for lorry.

It comes into the yard.

“ I’m a lorry-driver”,

Says Tom’s dad.

M is for monkey.

It can climb a tree.

It takes two bananas

From you and from me.

N is for name.

What is your name?

“ My name is Nelly?’’,

Says little Nell.

O is for orange.

It is sweet and juicy.

“ Give me an orange, please”,

Says little Lucy.

P is for pig.

And also for puppy.

Look at this puppy.

Isn’t it happy?

Q is for quilt.

It is on the bed.

What colour is the quilt?

The quilt is red.

R is for rose

That grows sweet and red.

“ I like to take care of my roses”,

Says little Ted.




S is for school.

Where we go every day.

We learn to read, we learn to write

And after school we play.

T is for tail

And also for train.

U is for umbrella.

That’s good in the rain.

V is for van

Which carries milk and rolls.

W is for window,

For wardrobe and walls.

X is for xylophone.

Y is for yard.

Z is for zebra.

To ride it is hard.

Queen: Now, my dear friends, will you recite a poem?

Children: Yes, of course.

  A BCD- ми сусіди,

  EFGHIJK- буде все у нас ОK,

  LMNOPQR- хай працює голова,

  STUVW- вчити віршики люблю я,

  XYZпо секрету каже Тед : « вивчи віршик цей як слід,будеш знати alphabet.

               (Song “ What school is teaching “)

                         Poem School

Queen:  Listen to me and say what season is it.

1. This is the season

 When children ski,

  And old Father Frost Brings the Cristmas tree.

2.Let’s have a picnic in the park.

  Let’s talk and smile,

  Let’s play and sing…

  Having a picnic is a great  thing!

3.The leaves are green and the sky is blue.

    I can walk and play in the park and you?

4.The summer is over,

   The trees are bare,

   There’s mist in the garden

   And frost in the air.

Princess “ Yes” and “ No” ask questions about  weather.

Is it cold (warm, sunny, snowy, wet, frosty, hot…) today?

What colour is winter(summer,autumn,spring)?( It is white,green,yellow,bright)

Do you know poems about colours? Recite them.




P: Щоб навчити малювати,

    Треба кожний колір знати:

  • Green-зелений, як травичка,
  • Blue-блакитний, як водичка,
  • Yellow-жовтий, як курчатко,
  • Grey-як сіре мишенятко,
  • Pink-рожевий, наче ружа,
  • Black-це чорний, як калюжа,
  • Red-червоний, наче мак,
  • Purple-схожий на буряк,
  • White-це білий, білий сніг,
  • що на землю м’яко ліг.

P: Red and yellow,

    Green and blue!

    Lots of colours

    For me and you.

P: What colour is the Sun?

    It’s yellow and bright.

What colour is the cloud?

It’s snow-white.

What colour is the grass?

It is green.

What colour is the Moon?

It’s silver like a dream.

P: Spring is green.

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow.

Winter is white.

          Queen: Колір мака буде- RED

                       Колір квітки, що люблю,

                       Зветься по-англійськи BLUE

                       Взимку колір цей буває

                       Це сніжинки колір- WHITE

                       Море, де стоіть « Артек»

                       По-англійськи зветься BLACK

                       Взимку та влітку колір один

                       Має ялинка. Зветься він GREEN

                       Хутро у вовка, хутро мишей

                      Брудного кольору. Зветься він GREY

                      Оплески ведмедю: « Браво!»

                      Він актор. А колір- BROWN.

( Pupil sings song “ Colours”)



Queen: It’s high time to entertain.

Princess” Yes”: Oh, yes! I love games. They are great.

Princess” No” : Oh, no! I hate games. They are so boring.

Queen: Stop it! A good ball is nothing without games! You may start.

( Pupils play game “ Cats and mice “:

 Little mouse, little mouse,

 Where is your house?

 Little cat, little cat,

 I’m a poor mouse,

I have no house.

 Little mouse, little mouse

 Come to my house.

 Little cat, little cat,

I cannot do that.)


Princess” Yes”: Do you like animals? ( Of course we do.)

            Do you like tales about animals? ( Yes, we do.)

Queen: Then let’s see a tale “ A House in the Wood “

              A House in the Wood

( A house and some fir-trees are on stage)

Mouse: I’m the mouse ,

             My ears are pink,

              My teeth are white,

              I run about house at night.

              My name is Pe-Pe

              This is my house.

Queen: The mouse was sad, so began to sing.

Mouse: One and two and three and four

             I am sitting on the floor.

             I am playing with a ball

             And a pretty little doll.

Frog: Hi! Who are you?

Mouse: I am a mouse Pe-Pe

             And who are you?

Frog: I am a frog Croack-Crock.

          May I live with you?

Mouse: Sure, Come in, please.

Mouse and Frog sing:

1 and 2 and 3 and 4,

We are sitting on the floor.

We are playing with a car

And a pretty little star.




 Cock: Hi! Who are you?

Mouse: I am a mouse Pe-Pe.

Frog: I am a frog Crock-Crock.

M. and F.: And who are you?

Cock: I am a Cock-a-doodle-doo.

          You know my song, don’t you?

          I wake up the countryside

          Up and down, and far and wide.

     May I live with you?

M. and F.: Sure, come in, please.

Queen: The Cock, who wakes up us in the morning, wants to do exercises with us.

             Let’s do it together.

Cock: Hands up, hands down,

          Hands on hips, sit down.

          Stand up!

          Hands to the sides,

          Bend left, bend right.

          Hands on hips. 1,2,3, hop. 1,2,3, stop!

          Sit down.

Hare: Hi! Who are you?

M.,F.,C.: I am………

And who are you?

Hare: I’m a hare, a little one.

          I like to play, I like to run.

          My name is Hop-Hop,

          May I live with you?

M,F,C: Sure, come in, please.

Hedgehog: Hi! Who are you?


I am a hedgehog.

I can run, but very slow.

I have needles on my back.

You can see me in the forest,

Carrying apples on my back.

 May I live with you?

M,F,C,H: Sure, come in, please.

Cat: I’m a cat. My name is Pit.

       And in the sun I like to sit.

       May I live with you?


Fox: Hello, friends!

Animals: Hi!

Fox: May I live with you?

Animals: No, no, you are bad. Go away, go away.


Fox: I’m not bad.

I can jump like a frog. Boing, boing!

I can swim like a fish. Splish, splash, splish!

I can jump and I can swim,

I can dance and I can sing!

And I can run and run and run

Just like this!

Animals: Come in! Let’s sing a song:

“With a fiend to come alone”


Queen: Let’s thank our actors.


P: We made friends with ABC.

   We can read,we can write,

   We can sing, we can dance,

   We can speak English too.

   We love learning English

   And what about you?

 Children: Learning English

                 Is a pleasure,

                 Is a leasure.

                 Oh, what fun

                  To jump and run.

( All children dance and sing ): “ If you’re happy “

1.If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,

If you’re happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it.

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.

2. ……..stamp your feet.

3. ……...say OK!

4. ………do all three.


Queen: Thanks a lot. But our ball is coming to the end, and we say “ Goodbye” to everyone.


Children (together):

Goodbye, mothers! Goodbye, fathers!

We hope you had fun!
Goodbye, teachers! Goodbye, guests!

Goodbye, everyone!














                  План-конспект відкритого

           уроку-вистави з англійської мови

            у 3 класі на тему: «The ABC ball »

















                                                                                      Величенко Л.Ю.






Чернігів 2013










What is your name? (twice)

Now tell me, please

What is your name?


My name is Alice,

My name is Pete,

My name is Alice,

Remember my name.


                       Song “ABC”ABCDEFG



W-X, Y and Z

Now, I know my ABC

Come on now and sing with me.


Mother will be please with me,

Now I know my ABC.


                         Song “ Colours”

I see green, I see brown,

I see that funny fellow.

I see white, I see black,

I see this and that and that.

I see pink, I see brown,

I stand up and I sit down.

I see red, I see blue,

I see you and you and you.


                      Song “ If you happy…”

If you happy and you know it, clap your hands (twice)

If you happy and you know and you really want to show it,

If you happy and you know it, clap your hands.

………………………………stamp your feet.

……………………………….shout “hooray”

………………………………..do it three

(clap, stamp, hooray)





                           Song  “What School is teaching “


Writing words like Motherland

In a neat and knowing hand

School is teaching (3 times)

Add up figures with a run

Not to tease a younger one

School is teaching (3 times)

            How to make a house for birds

            And correctly spell the words

            School is teaching (3 times)

            To be kind and care for books

            Mind your ways and mind your looks

            School is teaching (3 times)

To make use of grammar rules

Watch the raindrops hit the pools

School is teaching (3 times)

To obey as well as lead

And to be a friend in need

School is teaching ( 3 times)


                              Song “ With a friend to come along”


With a friend to come along, ( twice )

I’m a merry speaker.

With a friend I’m feeling strong, ( twice )

And without him weaker.

                                 Refrain: I shall walk hand in hand

                                               With my one and only friend

                                                Until the day my troubles end.

Should I need some help in class ( twice )

Friends will not deny it.

If a thing beyond my grasp (twice )

Friends will clarify it.


I can go to hunt a bear ( twice )

Minding one thing only

That my friend is always there ( twice )

And the beast is lonely.















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