Урок "Європейський Союз. Історія та культура". 9 клас

Про матеріал
Розробка відкритого уроку з англійської мови для 9-ого класу на тему " Європейський Союз. Історія та культура"
Перегляд файлу

Subject : English language (Англійська мова)

Group: 26

Profession: Operator of the computer set (оператор комп’ютерного набору)

Date: 24.11.2016.

Theme: Ukraine in the World.

           Україна у світі.

Theme of the lesson: The European Union: the history and culture.

                                    Європейська співдружність:історія створення та культура.

The Aim: develops, educational, training (розвиваюча, навчальна, виховна)

  • Формувати навички монологічного мовлення на рівні мікровисловлювання з опорою на наочність (ключові слова, таблицю, схему).
  • Формувати навички систематизувати і коментувати одержану інформацію.
  • Формувати навички логічно будувати висловлювання за змістом почутого (побаченого, прочитанного).
  • Розвивати вміння продукувати писемне повідомлення з дотриманням мовних правил за темою.
  • Розвивати вміння читати і розуміти текст, використовуючи мовну здогадку з опорою на контекст.
  • Поглибити знання учнів про  Європейську співдружність.
  • Розвивати естетичне сприймання дійсності.
  • Формувати почуття гордості за свою країну, як частину Європейської співдружністі.


Type of the lesson: combining (комбінований)

Кіnd of the lesson: lesson-workshop (урок – практикум), lesson-lecture (урок – лекція)

Interdisciplinary connectivity: Geography (географія), History (історія), Art Culture (художня культура).

Equipment: прапор Євросоюзу, прапори країн Євросоюзу, аудіо запис гімну Євросоюзу, ПК, мультимедійний проектор, демонстраційний матеріал на слайдах мультимедійної презентації, опорні конспекти, ілюстраційний матеріал (портрет Амадея Моцарта,портрет Вільяма Шекспіра, портрет Оскара Уайльда, фото Лувра, картина Пікассо, фото скрипки Страдіварі, ілюстрація до твору Андерсена, робота Леонардо да Вінчі « Мона Ліза», вид Болонського університету в Італії, вид собору Паризької Богоматері, фото Коко Шанель, фото Віденської державної опери.)

Methods of studying: verbal (словесний), video-method (відео-метод), practical (практичний).

Forms of learning activity: individual-groups (індивідуально-групова), in pairs (в парах).


Procedure of the lesson.

Хід уроку.

I Preliminaries of the lesson.

I. Організаційний момент.

Привітання, перевірка наявності учнів, перевірка готовності учнів до уроку;


II. Incentives and motivations of teaching cognitive activity.

II. Стимулювання та мотивація навчально-пізнавальної діяльності.

I’d like to tell you that today we are going to have a lesson with a difference. The Day of the European Union in Ukraine is usually celebrated in May. But, according to the situation in our country, when every month, every day we’ve got on the TV new information about free-visa regime for Ukraine, our EU member ship, and nowadays our position in this union is really obscure, this theme is actually as ever could be. Besides, the 2016 year – is called the year of English language. So, please, be very attentive at the lesson.


III. Presentation of the theme and aims of the lesson:

IІI. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку:

 The theme of our lesson is “The European Union: the history and culture”. During our lesson we have to solve some tasks:

- Expand knowledge about the countries of the European Union;

- Find out the aims of the European Union;

- Learn some new information about the history of the European Union.


III. Actualization of basic knowledge

III. Актуалізація опорних знань.

      Conversation: Your home task for today was to find answers for such questions:

1. This composer was born in Austria, Salzburg. The conservatory there is named after him.

2. “Don't waste your love on somebody, who doesn't value it.” Who wrote these words?
3.” Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”  These words belong to the author of “The picture of Dorian Grey”. Who is this writer?

4. What museum is the picture of “Mona Lisa “ kept? 

5. Who was the founder of artistic style “cubism”?

6. Who created the most expensive and famous violins?

7.What Danish writer is called the king of fairy-tales?

8. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” These words belong to Aristotle.  What country is his Motherland?

 9.He was a student in Florence, he tried to design a flying machine but became famous due to the picture of “ Mona Lisa ”.

10. Where is the oldest European university situated?

11. Victor Marie Hugo described this famous church in his novel which has the same name. What church is it?

12.This woman is recognized as the icon of fashion. Who is she?

13. More than 450 Balls are organized at this Opera House. Where is it situated?

These artists and mastes are known in all of the world. What do unite them? Absolutely, all of them are representatives of European culture. And we see how variegated it is. So, today we learn more information about Europe, in particular about one of the most powerfull organization in the world “European Union”


IV. Presentation and Consolidation of the new material.

IV. Основна частина уроку. Викладення нового матеріалу.


1. Listening «Ode to Joy» by Beethoven

You have just listened the anthem of the European Union. This is a well-known classical music. What else do you know about the hymn of EU?






2.Introducing  some information about the European Union.

 The European Union (EU) is a politico-economic union  of  states that are located primarily in Europe. The European integration has been providing for stability, peace and economic prosperity for the last 59 years. It helped to raise the level of living and create the inner market.

The European Union (EU) was created after the Word War II. Process of the European integration began on 9, May 1950 when France offered to “form the first foundation of the European federation”. At first six countries united – Belgium, Germany France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Today there are 28 members in the European Union.

The European Union is based upon the supremacy of the law and democracy. Its main aims are:

  • Creation if the European citizenship;
  • Guarantees of freedom, security and law;
  • Assistance in economic and social progress.

The main institution is the European Parliament which is elected every five years by citizens in the countries-participants.

-What countries of European Union do you know?

-What country decided to leave EU?



3.  Let us recall member states of the European Union with their capitals, try to fill in the gaps.


1.Austria –  ______                     15._______- Rome

2.Belgium  - Brussels                  16.______   - Riga

3.________ - Sofia                      17.Lithuania- _________

4.Croatia - _________                 18.Luxembourg- ________

5.________- Nicosia                    19.Malta- Valletta

6.Czech_Republic- ______          20.The Netherlands – _________

7.Denmark-________                  21.Poland - ________

8.Estonia - _________                 22.Portugal -  Lisbon

9.________ - Helsinki                  23.________ - Bucharest

10. _______- Paris                       24. Slovakia - Bratislava

11. Germany-_______                  25.________ - Ljubljana        

12. Greece -_______                    26. Spain   -    _______

13. Hungary_________                27. ________- Stockholm

14. ___________- Dublin             28. _________-  London                    



4. The lexical material (Speaking).

 Look at the blackboard and read the words. Give the definitions to these words. One of you reads the definition and the other has to answer what is this.

Prosperity, provide, aim, law, citizenship, inner market

…- the state of being successful, especially financially.

…- to give or supply something to somebody.

…-something that you intend to do or to reach .

an official rule of a country that says what a person , company , etc may or may not do. 

- the state of being a member of a particular society with obligations and functions .

…- situated within the area.



5. Reading:

At first six countries united – Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Now we are going to have six groups to introduce these countries. It will be accompanied by a short presentation but first each group should complete one text with words above it.


Fill in the gaps with one of these words.

Speak, age, became, primary, capital

Belgium is situated in the West of Europe. Only a thin stripe of the Northern Sea separates it from Great Britain so a lot of people____ English. But French, German and Flemish are also spoken. The ____of the country is Brussels. The city which _______the residence-city of the European Union and NATO and there-by the capital of Europe. It’s interesting to know the law on compulsory general education has been acting in Belgium since 1914 and includes six-year _____school and two grades secondary, so pupils finish school at the ____of 18.


Fill in the gaps with one of these words.

Powerful, language, lessons, population, modern

Germany is situated in the central Europe. It has the greatest number of neighbours among the European countries. It’s a big and _______country with the _________more than 82 million people who can speak different European languages but state ________is only German. The capital city Berlin combines the atmosphere of both old and ________city. It’s a city of numerous museums, palaces, festivals and concerts.

It’s interesting to know that Germany was the first in Europe to introduce the unified state educational system. Most schools start ________at 7 30 a.m. Germany is famous for its composers, poets, philosophers.


Fill in the gaps with one of these words.

Occupies, official, famous, university, wonderful

France _________the western part of the European continent. Officially it is called the Republic of France. France gave the world Napoleon and Jeanne of Arc, Moliere and Monet, Stendhal and Hugo. The Paris ________Sarbonne is one of the most prestigious where a lot of prominent scientists were graduated. The only ________ language –French –is spoken in the country .one of the most ________capitals of world is French capital Paris. Paris is ________for its fountains and bridges, museums and parks, restaurants and banks. Paris has become the synonym of fashion-shows and the best world couturiers.


Fill in the gaps with one of these words.

Painters, million, famous, educational, founded

The republic of Italy is the country in the South of European Union. It doesn’t occupy big territory but it has population of 61 million.

Many Italian ______are recognized geniuses: Leonardo da Vinci, Emilio Greco, Raphael Santi. Italy is also ________for its writers and musicians. Italy has a very high________ level. The Bologna University, which was _________in the XII century, is the oldest in Europe. Italian is spoken on the whole territory of the country.

Twelve _______tourist visit the capital city every year, Rome in itself is a museum-city and at the same time it is the city of museum.


Fill in the gaps with one of these words.

Map, name, population, development , languages

The grand Duchy of Luxembourg is just a small triangle on the____ of Europe located in the North-West of it between France, Germany and Belgium. Due to its neighbours it has 3 state_______: French, German and Letzebuergesch of course. Its_________ is only 392 000 people but the country has high enough level of___________. However only the 7-year education is compulsory in the country. The capital of the country has the same _____as the whole country.

The Netherlands

Fill in the gaps with one of these words.

Numerous, government, names, primary, official.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is the country of _______rivers, lakes, canals. Holland and The Netherlands are the two_________ of the same country. Amsterdam is the capital of the country but the _________of the country sits in Hague.

Dutch and English are _________languages of the country. The Netherlands has a free-of-charge 8-year education – 6 year ________school and the second grade is gymnasium and technical school.




- Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. English is an official language in these six countries.

2. Brussels is the city which became the residence-city of the European Union.

3. Amsterdam is the capital of the country and the place where the government of the country sits.

4. In Germany most schools start lessons at 8 30 a.m. as in Ukraine.

5.  Paris has become the synonym of fashion-shows and the best world couturiers.

6. Holland and The Netherlands are the two names of the same country.

7. The population of Luxembourg is fewer than 1000 000.

8. The Netherlands has a free-of-charge 12 -year education.

9. The Paris university Sarbonne is the oldest in Europe.

10. Germany is famous for its composers, poets, philosophers.

11. Germany has the greatest number of neighbors among the European countries.


V. Ending of the lesson.

V. Підсумок уроку.


 Summing up I have to mention your attention that Ukraine is going to join the European Union soon. This process obviously will benefit our country.  First of all we are waiting for the decision of Council of Europe according to the free-visa regime.

So, tell me please, do we , Ukrainians, take the place in European Union? And what maybe we lack to become a member of it?


V. Homework.

Write a composition: “Ukraine as a member of the European Union”.























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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 вересня 2019
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