Урок з американського країнознавства ''Years after World War I''

Про матеріал

Урок має на меті повторити ключову інформацію по заданому історичному періоду Америки та розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення; опрацьовувати вже відому лексику та вивчати нові лексичні одиниці.

Перегляд файлу

American Country Study

Form 11              After World War I. Roaring Twenties Good Times

Мета: повторити матеріал (головну інформацію) по періоду; почати опрацьовані інформації по періоду Great Depression; розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення і збагачувати загальну ерудицію; підвищувати інтерес до вивчення історичного минулого світу;

Обладнання уроку: зошити учнів; роз даткові картки з завданням; дошка; книжки

                                                 Хід уроку

I. Organizing point

In today’s lesson we are revising the period just after World War I and the 1920s. Let’s remember some key facts about the situation in the American society of that period and the processes which took place.

II. Warm-up

To start with, let’s clear it up why the twenties got such a nickname – “Roaring”. Before you start to produce ideas, here is the definition of the word “roaring” – making a deep very loud, continuous noise. Pupils start giving the right ideas, sometimes with a little help from the teacher:

  • Model T (Tin Lizzie) – the car by Ford-shook, rattled – was very noisy. Millions of Americans had it.
  • A lot of electrical devices/appliances had been invented (for household). They were noisy as well.
  • In the 1920s radio was invented. Radio stations were all over the country – more noise made by radio reports, music, etc.
  • Jazz was very popular (and very loud) style of music those days.


III. The Main Point.

  1. The Situation with Women. We are revising next piece of information through doing an exercise. Get the cards and complete the dialogues.


A.: - ………………………………………….

B: Well, they were really disappointed: women worked hard during the Civil War, but they didn’t get the right to vote after it.

A.:  ………………………………………….?

B: Yes, there were positive changes for black men – they get a suffrage.

A.:  ………………………………………….?

B: Surely, they didn’t stop protesting.

A.:  ………………………………………….?

B: Oh, only after World War I men began to support.

A.:  ………………………………………….?

B:  Because men really saw the contribution made by women.

A.:  ………………………………………….?

B: Yes, you’re right. They finally realized that democracy should begin at home.

A.:  ………………………………………….?

B: No, that happened with the ratification of the 19th Amendment.

A.:  ………………………………………….?

B: That happened in 1920.

  1. Next part of the lesson – new material. Let’s pay attention to the main points: I’ll help you with the new material and at home you’ll learn it in details.

IV. Homework. Get prepared with the new material Depression Years.







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