Урок з англійської мови в 11 класі на тему: "Почуття та емоції"

Про матеріал

Тема уроку : FEELINGS AND EMOTIONSПочуття та емоції .

Мета: навчати іншомовного спілкування, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації; формувати й удосконалювати вміння та навички сприйняття на слух; удосконалювати граматичні навички учнів; удосконалюватинавички усного продукування та усної взаємодії; активізувати вживання тематичних лексичних одиниць у мовленні, розвивати мовну і слухову пам'ять, розвивати творчі здібності учнів, сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки, розвивати вміння ефективно працювати в групах.

Перегляд файлу

Тема уроку :  FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS  Почуття та емоції .


Мета: навчати іншомовного спілкування, використовуючи проблемні комунікативні ситуації; формувати й удосконалювати вміння та навички сприйняття на слух; удосконалювати граматичні навички учнів; удосконалювати  навички усного продукування та усної взаємодії; активізувати вживання тематичних лексичних одиниць у мовленні, розвивати мовну і слухову пам'ять, розвивати творчі здібності учнів, сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки, розвивати вміння ефективно працювати в групах.


Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка, ноутбук, дидактичний роздавальний матеріал, аркуші паперу, кольорові олівці, картинки.


Очікуванні результати: : на кінець уроку учні вмітимуть вести розмову про почуття та емоції, використовуючи необхідний лексико-граматичний інвентар.


Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизація знань.






Т. Good morning! I am glad to see you? How are you today?

P. I feel good. (I feel fine; I feel great; I am in a good mood;І am bright; I am happy; I feel scared; I am upset; I am jumpy.)

Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку

Т. The topic of our lesson is... Let’s try to guess. Слайд 1

Warming up

T. Look at the blackboard. Translate the words.

(На дошці чи на картках  написані слова українською мовою. Учні повторюють їх за вчителем, перекладають їх англійською.)


































Т. Look at the first letters. What words can we make? Слайд2

P. Feelings, emotions.

T. Yes, the topic of our today’s lesson is “Feelings and Emotions”. Today we shall work in groups. We’ll recall vocabulary, read, write, listen. Today we have to discuss the importance of feelings and emotions in the life of people.


Feelings (Слайд 2)

Feelings go up and feelings go down
There are feelings inside us all spinning around.
Sometimes they're good and sometimes they're bad
But feelings are something that everyone has.
Being shut out and feeling unsafe are feelings that
I think that Everyone Hates.





T:What are feelings and emotions?

Nobody can help having feelings - they are part of everyone. We feel different things all day long as different things happen to us.


Look at the blackboard and read the quotations.Слайд 3

• “Feelings are the language of the soul”

   Feelings and emotions, just like the ship we are on, up and down”

How do you understand them?



   Sometimes we feel sad — when someone we love goes away.

   Sometimes we feel happy — when we are having fun playing.

   Sometimes we feel scared, angry, guilty, lonely or any of a huge range of human emotions.

   It is important not to be ashamed of having feelings. Everyone has them — good and bad.

- we can all learn to show our feelings in ways that are helpful to us and to others, not ways that are hurtful.



Brainstorming (Мозковий штурм)

T. When you watch TV or movies you can usually work out what the character is feeling by looking at the face. Are you good at “reading” faces?

Here are some faces. Please describe emotions. (Слайди з обличчями)4 - 16

1. Happiness — щастя

2. Joy — радість

3. Delight — задоволення

4. Pain — біль

5. Disgust — огида

6. Shame — сором

Watching, discussion Перегляд фільму про емоції

Т. Let’s watch a film. (Film “Feelings and Emotions” What feelings and emotions did you see?


Vocabulary practice


T. Which words describe negative feelings? Which words describe positive feeling? Go to the blackboard and write down the words in two columns.

(The teacher suggests recalling words denoting, at first, positive, then, negative feelings.) Слайд 17





















T. Well done!


T. What thematic groups of emotions do you know? Provide examples.( Випереджувальне завдання)


№ п.п.

Тематична група емоцій



Зацікавленість – Збудження

Appealing – привабливий; to Goall out – лізти зі шкури; Attaboy!  Браво!


Задоволення – Радість

Approving – похвальний; InSeventh heaven – бути на сьомому небі від щастя; Hooray! –Ура!



Affected – вражений, зворушений;

A bolt from the blue – грім серед ясного неба;

Cor! – Та невже!, Оце так!


Горе – Страждання

Bedeviled –змучений;

One’s heart is breaking – серце крається;

Ay me! – Горе мені!


Гнів – Лють

Cheated – обурений;

As mad as hell – злий як чорт; Dammit! - Тьху!, Дідько!


Відраза – Гидливість

Abject  - мерзенний; To  hate (sb., smth) like poison – огид, як гірка редька; Pshaw! - фі! Фу! Тху! Подумаєш!


Презирство – Зневага

Acrimonious – саркастичний;Don't be a goose! – не будь дурним!;

Balloonjuice - дурниці!, нісенітниця!, маячня!


Страх – Жах

Aghast – охоплений страхом;Hair stands on end – волосся стає дибки;

God damn! – Хай йому чорт!


Сором – Сором’язливість

Coy – соромливий; To come out at the little end of the horn – сісти в калюжу; Meh - те!, ну; можна, однаково


Провина – Каяття

Indicted – обвинувачений;Catch it hot – бути спійманим на гарячому;

Whoops! – Упс!


Homework. Check up

T. Your home task was to prepare positive recommendations for people.

(Учні пишуть на дошці рекомендації.) Викладають у формі кітки

  Believe in yourself.

  Humor yourself and others. Love one others.

  Joyfully live each day.

  Create a good life.

  Kindly help others.

  Smile often.

  Value life.

  Work for the common good.

* do not worry be happy


Relaxation break Слайд 18

T. Now let’s have a relaxation break and listen to a poem.


Feelings are as natural as can be.

Feelings are inside you and me,

Feelings are simply grand,

Feelings let us know how we stand.

It is the most important fact:

How we feel is how we act.

Here’s another part of the deal:

How we act decides how we feel.

Remember this whatever you do,

How you feel is mostly up to you.

(by Betty Debnam)


T.  Listen to a song (Song about feelings) Запис: Louis Armstrong      « What a wonderful world», перегляд презентації.


Read and translate. Слайд 19

1. Every morning, Sam is so enthusiastic to begin his day that he jumps out of bed and begins to sing.

2.  His mother became worried when she didn’t hear from him for two days.

3.  David is quite shy so he doesn’t like talking to people he doesn’t know.

4.  Katie feels threatened every time her boyfriend talks to another girl. She thinks that every girl wants to steal him.

5.  In the U.S., Thanksgiving is a holiday in which people give thanks for the blessings they have. Before the Thanksgiving meal, family members will say what they are thankful for.

6.  When Emily has a lot of work to do and feels stressed, she becomes very tense and cannot relax.

7. Our friend Lily makes us fee! left out when she has a party but doesn’t invite us.

8.  Even in hard times when I don’t have a lot of money, I stay hopeful and believe that next month will be better.


Work in groups

Make quotations from separate words (Кожна група отримує набір слів для складання цитати.)

Приклади цитат  Слайд 20

1. Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel. Jean Racine

2.  One thing you can’t hide — is when you’re crippled inside. John Lennon

3.  Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary. Mark Twain

4.  The finest emotion of which we are capable is the mystic emotion. Albert Einstein

5.  Sadness is almost never anything but a form of fatigue. Andre Gide


Test (Картки) Слайд  21

(Кожна група отримує тестові завдання. )

1.When I saw this movie, I was ... because I thought it  would be much better.

  disappointed   • grateful •  nervous

2. My wife and I are very ... that you could  come.

  ashamed        • unhappy  • pleased

3. Linda became ... to  her new classmate David, a very handsome young man.

  attracted      • shocked      happy

4. They were ... when they heard that no one was hurt in the accident.

  lonely         • relieved     ashamed

5. Victoria has no friends in this city. She feels very ... .

  surprised      • lonely    great

6. Where were you? I was ... that something bad happened.

  worried        • furious    pleased

7. When my brother found out that they treated his girlfriend so badly, he was ... .

• convinced      • merry • furious

8. They were both very sad, so they had a ... goodbye at the airport.

• bored          • amazed • tearful

9.І was very ... with my test results.

• jealous        • disappointed    sympathetic

10.І am 100 % ... that he will find another job.

  enthusiastic   • surprised   *   convinced

Keys: 1 disappointed; 2 pleased; 3 attracted; 4 relieved; 5 lonely; 6 worried; 7 furious; 8 tearful; 9 disappointed; 10 convinced.


T. Discuss the following questions:Слайд 22

1.  Why do people have emotions and feelings? What good are they? What emotions and feelings are usually classified as positive and negative? Do you find it easy to talk about your feeling?


  • Emotions are an integral part of human nature. We can better understand people around us due to emotions. We can judge about state of each other and gear up for dialogue or join activity even without having a conversation. Even people of different cultures can see face expressions and then identify what feelings have person at this moment. Through emotions (whether it is anger, happiness, fear, love or loneliness) we have different reactions to the current events which take place around us.


  • Emotions influence our thoughts, actions and attitude towards one or another subject or situation. Considering the great influence of emotions on human life emotional literacy is of great importance in modern life.
  • In my opinion the main emotional literacy components are control of emotions, stress tolerance and adequate response. Every person tries to control his/her emotions, but not all the people manage to do it.


  • There is a difficult situation in modern world. Now here, now there cruel murders, explosions, accidents, calamities, nature convulsions happen, assaults and acts of terror are committed. All of that have an unfavourable influence on a person emotional picture and first of all cause negative emotions and health problems.
  • Many of the problems in modern society are due to people being unable to understand and appropriately express emotion. Emotional literacy can help solve many social ills such as violence, drug abuse and global societal conflicts.
  • Today emotional literacy benefit is marked worldwide.  Emotional literacy can change every person and his/her attitude to the people around him/her for the better. Emotional literacy is a key to living a full rich life. Emotional literacy is a profound and beautiful language available to everyone. It can have absolutely fast and lasting effect.


  • Different people express emotions in different ways. The absence of emotional expression does not mean the lack of emotions. Human being can hide his/her worries and drive them deep inside. It can cause sustained mental strain which have bad influence upon our health. That is why I found it necessary to train to emotional literacy in childhood.  At that time it is necessary to base person morality and his/her attitude to himself/herself and to the world.


  • In many cases emotional reactions help to identify the attitude towards occurrence, to right a wrong, to go through ups and downs in labour and sport competition. They promote contact between people. Quite a number of professions require person to have an ability of emotion control and adequate reaction to the people actions. To understand other people reactions and react to them correctly is an integral part of success in many occupations. Disability to agree with person or understand him/her can lead to full occupational incompetence. Ability to sort out emotions and perform them is necessary to people who devoted themselves to art (actors, artists, writers).


  • I consider emotional literacy to be very important ability for modern human being. As it is very hard to manage with everyday problems, we spend a lot of strength and energy. The most important is that the reaction to the incident is often negative and not in the best way causes our health.
  • Emotional literacy can be helpful in all sorts of situations, for instance, at work during the conversation with your boss or colleagues. I think many people try to be tolerant in such cases in order not to spoil relationships. Also the good example is student life in the hall of residence, where two or three students live in one room. They have common household and all the time they have to join duties and compromise, and sometimes make concessions. In many cases you should control your emotions in order not to damage relationship with a roommate. In such way you can learn emotional literacy, which will help you in further life.


2.  Who do you talk to if you have a problem?

3.  What would you do or say if a friend was upset?

4.  What kind of things do you do to cheer yourself up?





T. Thanks a lot for your work. Now draw what emotions have you after today’s lesson. Слайд 23

  (Учні на аркушах паперу малюють смайлики і кріплять їх на дошці .) Your marks are...


Home work:

 Write a short essay about your   weekend using new vocabulary,


describe your feelings and emotions. Слайд 24





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