Урок з англійської мови для 2 класу на тему:"День Народження"

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Урок із англійської мови для учнів 2-х класів на тему:

«День Народження»






Підготувала та провела

вчитель  англійської мови

Винничук Лідія Миколаївна















Тернопіль 2024


The theme:          











The objectives:

  •            practical: to revise vocabulary on the topic, to practise reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, to practise using Present Continuous;
  •            developing: to develop pair and group work, imagination and creative thinking:
  •            cultural: to form habits of healthy lifestyle, to broaden pupils’ outlook.




Resources used:

  • Power Point Presentation;
  • lessons 22 and 23 flashcards;
  • videos “Hello, how are you?”, “If you are wearing…”, “Gogo 22”, “Goodbye, see you again”;
  • paper candles;
  • a cardboard cake;
  • photos of pupils.








I. Greeting.

T: Good morning children! Glad to see you.

Т + S: Good morning teacher! Let’ welcome each other with our favorite song

Hello! Hello!

Hello! How are you? (2)

I’m good.

I’m great.

I’m wonderful. (2)

Hello! Hello!

Hello! How are you? (2)

I’m tired.

I’m hungry.

I’m not so good. (2)

Hello! Hello!

Hello! How are you? (2)

T: Great job. Sit down, please.  How are you today?

S: I’m good/I’m great/I’m wonderful/I’m tired/I’m hungry/I’m so so/ I’m sleepy.

T: Today, we will be the guest at a birthday party. We will revise Present Continuous and do a lot of interesting exercises. By the end of the lesson you will be able to:

  •          describe your clothes;
  •          use the knowledge of the vocabulary studied on the topic;
  •          use Present Continuous in affirmative and negative sentences.


II. Phonic drills

T: There will be a cake with the candles at a birthday party. Let’s practice how to blow the candles.  Take your candles.




 Let’s blow like a horse [h-h-h]. Now all together please. Ok, stop. Olia/ Stas/ Rosana/Denys, please.


T: Now, let’s blow like a panda [p-p-p]. All together please. Ok, stop…Vlad/Nastia/………, please.


T: Now, let’s blow like a fox [f-f-f]. All together please. Ok, stop. Vladimir/Orysia….., please.



III. Vocabulary practice

T: Now, you can blow the candles like a horse, panda, fox , but the mum lets us to go at a birthday party only if we have done your homework. So let’s check your home task. For today you had to learn the new words and to revise the words from the previous lessons. Look at the blackboard. There are words. One pupil goes to the blackboard, the other tells the word in Ukrainian. Your task is to find the word, translate it into English and turn over the card.


Words: sleep, read, play, hide, basketball, volleyball, football, tennis.


IV. Speaking

T: I see you have done your homework very good. So, let’s go at a birthday party. We have to get ready for it. Take please, your bags with clothes. What have you got in your bags?

S1: I’ve got glasses.

S2: I’ve got a scarf.

S3: I’ve got a hat.

S4: I’ve got gloves.

T: Look, it is sunny. What are you wearing?

S5: I’m wearing glasses.

T: Look, it is cold. What are you wearing?

S6: I’m wearing a hat.




T: Look, it is cool. What are you wearing?

S7: I’m wearing a scarf.


T: Look, it is frosty. What are you wearing?

S8: I’m wearing gloves.



T: I am taking some photos at a birthday party. Smile and wave your hands.







Now, let’s look at them. What is he doing?

S1: He is playing the guitar.







T: What are they doing?

S2: They are hiding.






T: What is she doing?

S3: She is sleeping.





T: What is she doing?

S4: She is singing.







T: What are they doing?

S5: They are reading.







V. Relaxation

You can put on your birthday hats. Now, we are at a birthday party. Look, Gogo is our birthday boy. He welcomes us with a song. Stand up, please. Look and repeat (video “If you are wearing…”)


VI. Writing

T: Now, let’s look what other children are doing at a birthday party. Open your PB at p. 93, ex. 2. Look at the pictures. Find the differences and write.



















VII. Reading

T: Now, it’s time for a cake. But our cake is magic.

One pupil goes to the blackboard, takes a piece of cake, read and mime. The rest have to guess, what you are showing. Please, raise your hands.

Sentences on the cake:

  1. I’m swimming.
  2. I’m flying.
  3. I’m jumping.
  4. I’m reading a bike.
  5. I’m rollerblading.
  6. I’m running.
  7. I’m cleaning my teeth.
  8. I’m walking.
  9. I’m climbing a tree.
  10. I’m playing basketball.
  11. I’m sleeping.
  12. I’m reading.


VIII. Listening


T: Now, it’s time to watch a cartoon at a birthday party (video“Gogo 22”). Watch, than match and write in Present Continuous.


Jenny                                run

The submarine                 walk

The man                           fish

The boy                            swim

The girl                            dive



  1. Jenny is swimming.
  2. The submarine is diving.
  3. The man is walking,
  4. The boy is fishing.
  5. The girl is running.


IX. Home Task

T: It’s the end of our birthday party and we have to go home. Open your day books. Write down your home task for Friday AB p. 77, ex. 3,4. Ex. 3 – you have to look at the pictures and complete the sentences using she’s, he’s, she isn’t, he isn’t. Ex. 4 – you have to look at the picture and complete the sentences using Present Continuous.


X. Summing up


T: Now, we get on a train. We take with us not only positive emotions, but also useful experience and knowledge. Let’s sum up. Answer Yes or No.

  1. Did we watch a cartoon?
  2. Did we read?
  3. Did we play?
  4. Did we sleep?
  5. Did we write?


XI. Evaluation

T: You were very active today. Your marks are….


XII. Goodbye

T: So, stand up and let’s say goodbye (video “Goodbye, goodbye my friend”)

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