Урок з англійської мови для 2 класу на тему "Seasons"

Про матеріал
Урок з англійської мови на ознайомлення дітей з глобусом, як моделлю нашої планети та процесом зміни пір року.
Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку aнглійської мови

 з використанням навчального посібника

 «Quick minds 2»

Вчитель: Пасічна Ольга Миколаївна



Topic: “Seasons”

Outcomes: at the end of the lesson, the students will be able to say the seasons in different countries.

Objectives: to present seasons and countries,

-to practice readindg skills,

- to enable pupils to make use of their word knowledge


Materials: інтерактивна дошка , Youtube videos, Quick Minds 2 Pupil’s Book, Activity book, інтерактивні вправи Word Wall, a globe





-Good morning, everyone! How are you today?


 2. Warming-up.

-What’s the weather like today?


-Why is it hot today?Why isn’t cold?

  1. Pre-activity:

-Where do you live? Where is our city situated? Where is our country situated?

Can you find it on the globe? How is our planet called? Let’s find out more about our planet.



  1. Main activity:
  1.       Pupil’s book. P. 84 ex.1

• Ask pupils to look at the picture carefully. Elicit word Earth, globe, ect. Point out, that it has got two parts.

 • Pre-teach words Nothern part and Southern part.

 • Pupils read and answer the questions in pairs.

 • Check the answers with the whole class.







  1.     Draw the hemispheres and write the seasons.


  1.     Pupils talk about seasons in different countries using the globe and the map.

         -What season is in Ukraine now? (the USA, the UK, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Egypt, Poland, etc.)

  1.     Interactive task.





  1.     Work with Activity book.

 Ex.1 p.84

• Pupils look at the pictures and match them with the words.

 Key: 1 a, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d

Ex.2 p.84

• Pupils read the sentences and write the correspondenting season.

 Key: 2 winter, 3 summer, 4 spring



  1.     Reinforcement

• Pupils close their eyes and imagine their favourite season.

 • They open their eyes. Elicit some of their ideas

III Summing-up activities.

- Let’s sum up the results. Thank you for being active and enthusiastic. I have really enjoyed working with you.

            Ending of the lesson. Saying “Goodbye!”


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