Урок з англійської мови для 9 класу на тему "Nature and Environment"

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Сучасний урок з використанням інтерактивних методів; враховує вимоги програми та вікові особливості учнів; чіткі та лаконічні інструкції; розвиває усі види мовленнєвої діяльності.

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Розробка уроку англійської мови для 9 класу

Вчитель: Петрова І.О.

Тема: Nature and the Environment

Підтема: Lets talk!


Практична: Практикувати учнів у писемному та усному мовленні.  Активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць теми та граматичного  матеріалу «Conditional I».  Розвивати навички аудіювання. Практикувати учнів у переглядовому читанні. Тренувати учнів у вживанні умовних речень  в усному та писемному мовленні. Вчити учнів співпрацювати у групах;  вести дискусію; складати діалог – розпитування, проводити інтерв’ю.

Освітня: Сприяти розширенню філологічного світогляду та  збагаченню знання учнів з теми «Природа та довкілля»

Розвиваюча: Розвивати слухову пам'ять учнів, слуховий контроль, коротко -  та довготривалу пам'ять, здатність самостійно планувати мовний вчинок; логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки англійською мовою.

Виховна: Виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до оточуючих, здатність до співпраці, інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.

Обладнання: Підручник для 9 класу, прислівя Tastes differ”, девізNoone is perfect”, “Where there is the willthere is the way”, цитати про природу, тематичні малюнки, картинки для лексичної гри, аудіо запис діалогу, тексти для читання про визначнi винаходи, граматична вправа; індивідуальнi завдання;  вправа “Agree or disagree”, відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4H1N_yXBiA,  схема,  картки для самооцінювання.

Перебіг  уроку

І.Початок уроку. Організація класу. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку учням

T.:  Good morning, friends! I hope you are doing well.

You know, I am so absent-minded. I need your help. Look at the blackboard and try to guess the topic of our lesson.

Today we are going to learn more about nature, its problems and the ways to solve them , we’ll refresh our active vocabulary and the grammar material concerning Conditional I, have a discussion. At the end of the lesson you are to make up dialogues about your personal attitude to environment.

II. Warm- up

T.: Have a look at the blackboard. Tastes differ

What do you think of this proverb? Do you agree with it? Why (not)?

Sure, we all are different. Some of us are optimistic and cheerful, kind and responsible, others are careless or indifferent. And some of us are good friends of the earth.  And we all have different ideas concerning the ways to help our planet.

You know I am so absent –minded today and I can’t make head or tail with these quotations! I cut them by mistake and no need your help to complete the quots.  Here are some cards!

The earth

doesn’t belong to

a man;



to the earth.

To take care

of the planet

is to take care of

our own house.


and our duty is

to respect

has its rights


Work in groups  and give short comments upon!

Let’s have fun. Guess!

- It’s our planet (the Earth);

- a thick forest in tropical countries ( rainforest);

- the science studying the relations of plants, animals and people to each other and to the environment (ecology);

- there are different kinds of it, such as water, air, land and even noise (pollution);

T.: You see, if you try hard – you succeed. So the motto of our lesson is:

Noone is perfect


“Where there is the will – there is the way”

III. Check on homework

T.: What environmental problems do you know?

T.: I am eager to listen to your projects concerning  one of ecological problems. Be ready to comment upon the works of your groupmates and give the marks!

IV. Grammar review

T.: We notice that some of you used Conditionals in your stories. So you see it is really important to know its peculiarities. Besides, it’s quite convenient! Let’s practice a bit! Here are some cards. … and …. will work individually. Read the assignment and say if it’s clear to you. … will work at the blackboard. The rest of the pupils should be attentive and smart while doing the exercise!

Open the brackets using the verbs in the proper form!

1. If we …. (to use) bikes instead of cars, the level of air pollution   …(to decrease).

2.  If the sun …. (to shine), we  (to go) on picnic.

3.  If he  …(to plant) at least a tree, he…  (to help) our environment.

4.  If my friends … (to come), I  ….(to be) very happy.

5.  If she … (to earn) a lot of money, she…  (to fly) to New York.

Card for individual work (1)

Open the brackets using the verbs in the proper form!

1. If it …. (to rain), the children …. (not/to go) for a walk.

2.  If she … (not/to read) the novel, she …. (not/to pass) the literature test.

3.  If I …. (not/to argue) with my father, he  ….(to lend) me his motorbike.

4.  If we …. (to take) the bus, we….  (not/to arrive) in time.

5.  If Dick….  (not/to buy) the book, his friends  ….(to be) angry with him

Card for individual work (2)

1.  If Tom….  (not/to tidy up) his room, Victoria  won’t help him with the muffins.

2.  If the boys  (not/to play) football, the girls  won’t come to the football pitch.

3.  If you eat too much junk food, you …. (not/to lose) weight.

4.  If I  ….(not/to make) breakfast tomorrow morning, my girlfriend …will not love me anymore.

5. If they … (not/to hurry), they will not catch the train.

V. Listening.  Speaking

T.: Do you know much about ecological problems and their peculiarities? Let’s learn more about them and listen to the quiz !

Listen to the text and define whether the statements are true or false!

1. Solar energy is a renewable energy.

2. Sea level rises because of greenhouse effect.

3. Carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas.

4. The Arctic ice is melting because of global warming.

5.  The 3 Rs are: reduce, reuse, redo.

T.: Let’s check! By the way, Can you correct the false statements? 

VI. Reading

T.:  Read the text below and complete the sentences!

Human-made noise pollution in the Earth's oceans and seas is becoming a serious threat to sea wildlife. Scientists report that there is hardly an underwater place left where sea mammals can live in peace and quiet. Dozens of species of whales, dolphins, turtles and other creatures depend on sound in their communication, finding mates and hunting for food. So noisy environment is making it difficult to lead a normal life. This is according to a report from the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), called «Ocean Noise: Turn it Down». The environmental group says noise from shipping, oil and gas surveys, offshore construction and water sports has reached dangerous levels for sea life The IFAW says the distance over which blue whales can communicate is down by 90 per cent. It also reports that in the past decade, many whales have become beached after being disorientated because of loud noise. The group also warns that noise pollution is only going to get worse. There are 90 survey ships active in the oceans today. In addition, the number of ships sailing the seas will double by 2025. Mark Simmonds, a lFAW spokesman, said « man-made noise is already causing a kind of acoustic fogy, and called for a «response to noise pollution in the underwater».

1) The noise humans make is harmful for …….

2) There are very few quiet places ……..

3) Sound doesn't………….

4) The distance over which blue whales can communicate…….

5) Noise pollution ……………………

VII. Discussion

T.: What environmental problems do you know? Which of them are the most dangerous for the humanity? We see that we all have different ideas. Let’s discuss. Work in groups.  Here are some cards.


Friends of the Earth

London Wildlife Trust


Friends of the Earth

London Wildlife Trust


Friends of the Earth

London Wildlife Trust


Take a card and organize groups according to the information in it. Discuss ecological problems we are facing nowadays and their consequences on people, nature etc. You may use the information provided in ex.3b, p.161! Here is some paper for you to organize your thoughts.

T.: When you are ready, raise up your hand, please!

VIII.  Watching and discussing the Video. Dialogues

T.: Watch the video to learn more about environmental problems:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4H1N_yXBiA

Watch and make notes. Then be ready to discuss the information and complete the scheme! Brainstorm!

T.: So, speak about your attitude to the environment!  Work in pairs! Let’s imagine that one of you is a reporter who interviews a teenager! Use the information of ex.7a, p.164. Is everything clear?

T.: Who wants to be the first? Try to be emotional! Here are the microphones for you!

IX. Homework

T.: At home you are to do ex.3, p.158 (in written form).   Prepare a leaflet “Let’s Save Our Planet!” Is the task clear to you?

X. Summing up. Assessment

T.: What have we done at the lesson? What did(n’t) you like? Why (not)?

…., please, assess and comment upon the work of your groupmates.

T.: The lesson is over! See you! Have a nice day!

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