Урок з англійської мови "Healthy Eating"

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Урок-диспут з англійської мови в 10 класі «Healthy Eating. Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism»
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Тема Healthy Eating. Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism.

Мета :

• Практична: практикувати навички усного мовлення та аудіювання;

навчити учнів розуміти текст, вилучаючи потрібну інформацію;

висловлюватися за темою з опорою на ключові слова;

аргументовано висловлювати та відстоювати власну думку;

удосконалити вміння ставити та відповідати на запитання різних


• Розвиваюча: розвивати вміння вести предметну дискусію з дотриманням відповідних правил; розвивати критичне мислення, тренувати увагу, пам'ять.

 Розвивати в учнів такі компетентності, як: соціальна і громадянська, спілкування іноземною мовою, екологічна грамотність і здорове життя; компетентність особистісного самовдосконалення - уміння навчатися впродовж життя.

• Виховна: формувати відповідальне ставлення  до свого здоров’я, потребу їсти здорову їжу;

виховувати повагу до думки співрозмовника та  відстоювати власну точку зору.

Форма проведення: урок-диспут.

Обладнання: мультимедійна дошка та презентація, програма зчитування QR кодів, інтерактивний комп'ютерний диск "Blockbuster 4 DVD-Rom"


Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Організаційний етап.

Т- Good afternoon, students. I am glad to see you in a good mood and smiling. So let’s start our work.


2. Оголошення теми уроку і постановка задач.

Т-Today we’re going to have an unusual lesson –discussion «Healthy Eating. Pros and Cons of Vegetarianism». At the lesson you will learn how to eat well in order to be healthy, to be or not to be a vegetarian.

At the end of the lesson you will be able to: use the words on the topic;

- listen to and understand what people say about their eating habits and healthy lifestyle;

-  give advice on good eating habits.

 Today at the lesson we have 2 groups-the supporters of meat-eaters and those who support a vegetarian way of life. In each group there are information agents, experts on healthy eating, and several interviewers. During the discussion you should follow these rules:

-Be ready to tell everybody your own opinion and explain it.

-Respect your partner’s opinion.

-Listen to your partners.

 -Do not interrupt.

-Be polite.

When you express your point of view don’t forget about Language Supporters- I think, I suppose, I agree, I don’t agree, Perhaps.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1.Активізація мовлення.

А)повторення ЛО. (рис 1.)

Посилання на вправу https://learningapps.org/3639273

T-To operate the words and phrases on the topic ‘Healthy Eating’ let’s revise the vocabulary. Scan the code with your phones. Match the words and phrases with their meanings.

QR Code


Рис.1. Скріншот (активізація вивченої лексики)

T-I see that you know the words well and their definitions so I suggest you making up a proverb.

 Eating healthy makes me happy. Do you agree with the saying?

You are right. When the body is healthy, the mind will also be healthy.

Not only we pay much attention to food, but famous people considered this topic very important in their life.

Look at the words by famous people.  Who is this person? Let’s read the phrase together:

 I hate people who are not serious about meals. It’s so shallow of them O. Wilde.

It’s very important to choose the right food nowadays. A healthy and a balanced diet is useful for every person. We depend on food as well as  cars depend on gas, for example. A balanced diet should become a way of our life.

2.Знайомство з результатами опитування «Eating Habits of My Classmates»

 T-As you know people usually like to eat meat, but some people exclude meat from their everyday menu. And whether to consume it or not is a very contradictory problem, which is constantly investigated. That’s why I’d lіke to give a word to Alina who interviewed the students on this topic. Let us see what the results are.

Результати дослідження (рис.2-6)

Рис.2.Яке ваше ставлення до вегетаріанства?


Рис.3. Як часто ви вживаєте м’ясо?

Рис.4. Як часто ви вживаєте фастфуд?

Рис.5.Ви завжди снідаєте зранку?

Рис.6. Що ви зазвичай їсте на сніданок?

T-On the one hand the results are appealing, but on the other hand there are different points of view among your classmates. It is interesting that there is one person who does not eat meat. One of the reasons people refuse eating meat is the loss of weight. Some teenagers nowadays worry too much about their weight and use a calorie-controlled diet


a) Pre-listening

Т-What does it mean to eat a balanced meal? That’s right, it means to eat products of four main food groups, not  to eat  too much of the same food.


T-But what are they? I hope you will answer the question after watching the following video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnWaIzqnBNA


Рис.7. Перегляд відео «Що таке здорове харчування?»

-Post-listening. Гра «Аукціон».

Т-Now it’s high time to hold an auction.  I will read you the sentences from the video extract. Decide which of these sentences is correct. Buy only correct ones if you can! Each group has 100 Euro to spend. Don’t waste money on incorrect sentences? Ready! Steady! Go!

-The simplest dietary philosophy is to eat food the way a man provides to you

-In the department-store you get fresh fruits and vegetables

-You get dried beans in the grain section

-One can get milk products in the dairy department

-If a man makes it, do not eat it.Jack La Lanne

-There are three food groups in the healthy diet

-Leafy vegetables are in the grain group

-Low-fat dairy products are rich in calcium

 Let’s check what sentences you have bought.

4. Актуалізація опорних знань 

A) Reading


T-Eating habits are very important. Every person chooses his own eating habits. One of them is to be a vegetarian. Who is a vegetarian?


T-This is the text-summary, which presents a description of the word vegetarian and gives the reasons to be a vegetarian. While reading fill in the gaps to make the summary complete.


A vegetarian is someone who (1)__________ eating meat. The word  "vegetarian" comes from the Latin word vegetus (2) ___________ "whole, fresh, full of life". According to the text people (3)________ to be vegetarians for six reasons. Here they are:

It's (4)__________ to kill animals for food.

A vegetarian diet is (5)______________ than a diet that includes meat.

A vegetarian diet is (6)______________ than a diet that includes meat.

Some people are vegetarian because of their (7)____________ beliefs.

Some people have (8)________________ to be vegetarian for  ecological reasons.

It's easier to grow vegetables than to raise vegetable-eating animals to (9) _______ food for all the people.

Key:     1) avoids       5) healthier        8) chosen

             2)  Meaning 6) cheaper          9) provide

             3)  Choose    7) religious

             4)  Wrong


 T-According to the text what are the reasons of becoming a vegetarian? Find the reasons in the text and underline them.

Are there any other reasons of becoming a vegetarian? Discuss them in your group.

5. Робота з текстом про органічну їжу.

Т-Read the text about organic food and click on the words YES or NO. (Рис.8.)


Рис.8. Інтерактивна вправа з використанням комп'ютерного диску "Blockbuster 4 DVD-Rom"

6) Перевірка домашнього завдання.

 Виступ експертів кожної групи. Робота с плакатами.

Т-And what is your point of you? Do you support the philosophy of being a vegetarian or you think it’s unhealthy to be a meat-eater? In your groups there are experts and information agents. Everyone has to speak. Write as many ideas as possible on your flipcharts. The deadline is 5 minutes.

7) Обговорення.

Т-Represent the ideas of your group and another group be ready to ask questions if there are facts which seem surprising to you.

T-As for me I am a meat-eater. And I can say for sure we should consume meat and meat products and products of 4 food groups to be healthy and fit. We must appreciate our health and do a lot to keep it because we can’t buy health. «Let’s eat to live not live to eat».

«Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you are».

ІІІ Заключна частина

1.Підведення підсумків.

 T: Dear experts on healthy eating, what is your verdict? What should we eat and what should not to keep our body fit.

Do you agree with the experts?

Метод «Прес»

1-I think that…


T- Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to the end.

By the end of the lesson you can:

-use the words on the topic;

- listen to and understand what people say about their eating habits and healthy lifestyle;

-  give advice on good eating habits

Was the lesson useful or interesting for you today? Thank you very much, you have done a great job today!

2. Пояснення домашнього завдання 

T-Your home-task for the next lesson will be to write an essay “Why I eat (don’t eat) meat?”

3. Виставлення оцінок

It’s time to say: “ Good – bye! “ You were great! Your marks are…







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