Урок з англійської мови "Подорож" для 5 класу

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі за оновленою програмою на тему : "Подорож. Тур по Великій Британії".

Матеріал містить різноманітні та цікаві завдання, різні види роботи на уроці. Учні працюють індивідуально, у парах та у групах, де можуть розвивати вміння монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.

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5 клас







Скубенич Інна Юріївна,

вчитель англійської мови

Тур’я–Реметівської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст.















Teacher: Inna Skubenych

Class: 5                                                  Date:

Тopic: Travelling                                 Microtopic: London Sightseeing Tour

Objectives: students will be able to:

  • activate vocabulary on the topic “Travelling”;
  • tell about  the ways of travelling;
  • ask about the location of  buildings;
  • talk about the famous sights in London;
  • give directions describing a city.

 Vocabulary: famous places of interest, sightseeing tour, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, clock tower, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square.

Grammar items: wh-questions, future with be going to.

Materials to be used: student’s book ‘To the Top’(2A), teacher’s magazine, computer Internet recources



1. Greeting and Aim

T: Good morning, students. I'm very glad to see you today. I hope you are fine.

T: Today we are going to speak about London and its parts. You will learn many interesting about them. By the end of the lesson you should be able to speak about the capital of the United Kingdom.

T: Do you like to travel? Today we will travel to a wonderful place in England – its capital city London.

2. Warming up

1) Speaking

  • Close your eyes, think about London and try to imagine it in your mind.
  • Describe what you “saw” in your mind.
  • What things do you associate with London?
  • Make a list of your favourite  places in London
  • Which one do you like best? Why?

(Slide 4)


2) Brainstorming

T: let’s remember how can you travel and what kind of transport it may be? Let’s look to the board and think about as many different ways to travel as you know.

Ways to travel  (Slide 5)

3) Student card

T: But before we start our tour we should fill in the International Student card.

International Student card

Name ______________________________

Surname ___________________________

Nationality _________________________

Age _______________________________

Country ___________________________

City _______________________________

Place of birth _______________________

Date of birth ________________________

School _____________________________

Class _______________________________



(Slide 6)



  1. New material presentation

T: And now imagine! We are going on a tour around  London.

T: Close your eyes for a minute and imagine that you have just arrived to London. There are so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new places of interest. Among them are: St Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of  London, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, London Eye etc.

Teacher shows the presentation of  famous places in London.

- As you know, London stands on the river Thames. London, the capital of Great Britain, is a very old city. We can see a lot of interesting there. There are famous squares and streets, parks and palaces. (Slide 8)

- Look! You can see the famous clock tower - Big Ben. Tourists want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell. It is a big bell. The bell weights 13 tons. The man who built Big Ben was very tall and workers and his friends called him Big Ben. So the English people called the bell Big Ben too.  (Slide 9)

- You can see Buckingham Palace.

Queen Elizabeth lives there. Buckingham Palace has 600 rooms, a swimming pool, a cinema, a  ballroom and a garden. In summer the Queen Buckingham Palace is the London home of the kings and queens of Great Britain. Now the gives three garden parties for about 9000 guests. (Slide 10)

- On the right bank of the Thames you can see the Tower of London. The Tower of London is a very old building. It is 9 hundred years old. In the early days of the history of England the English Kings lived here. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those years. Black ravens live outside the Tower now. The English people like them very much. The Tower of London is a museum now. (Slide 11)

- And now we are making our way to Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is a historic building. It is a symbol of England. The coronation of all British kings and queens takes place in Westminster Abbey. It is a very beautiful building. (Slide 12)

- You can see Trafalgar Square is a famous square in the centre of London. In the middle of it is a monument to Admiral Nelson is situated. The monument includes four bronze lions. (Slide 13)

- Go for a walk to St. James Park or to Hyde Park. (Slide 14)

- let's watch some video and try to remember the famous places of interest. Listen to the speaker.

Students watch video and after that name the places they watched.(video ‘London’)

-Let's find Trafalgar square and Big Ben on the map.

- Is Victoria Station far from St. James Park?

- Where is Trafalgar Square?

- What museum is not far from Hyde Park?

  1. Listening
  1. Pre-listening task

T: Find the pairs to the words

  • Big      London
  • Tower        Ben
  • Trafalgar     Parliament
  • Westminster    Square
  • The Houses of                           Abbey
  • The Tower of    Bridge

(Slide 16)

  1. Listening

T: Watch the video "Top 10 attractions London".

Look at the map of London and try to find the places which we are going to see. (Slide 17-18)

Students watch video.

  1. Post – listening
    T: Say what you have already seen and what you have not seen in London yet.
  • We have already seen...
  • We haven't seen yet...      

(Slide 19)


1.London Zoo

8. The Tate Gallery

2. Trafalgar Square

9. The Thames

3. The Houses of Parliament

10. Big Ben

4. London Bridge

11.Westminster Abbey

5. St. James Park

12. St. Paul's Cathedral

6. The Tower of London

13. Buckingham Palace

7. Duble Decker Bus

14. London Eye


T: Agree or  disagree the statements according to the text:

  1. More than 9 million people live in London.
  2. London buses are called double-deckers.
  3. London is situated on the river Thames.

  4. London buses are red.

  5. The Trafalgar square is situated in the centre of  London .

  6. London Bridge was constructed in 1894.

  7. Houses of parliament is famous bridge of  London.

   8. Buckingham Palace is the residence of  British Queen Elizabeth II.

   9. London Eye is the most famous attraction among tourists all over the world.

(The statements are on the cards) (Slide 20)


  1. Physical  Activity

Song ‘Tower Bridge Is Falling Down’

(Slide 21)


  1. Speaking
  1.  Answer the questions
  • What is Westminster Abbey?
  • What is Big Ben?
  • What is the Tower of  London now?
  • What palace is the home of the Queen?
  • What famous London  bridge do you know?
  • What is in the center of  Trafalgar Square?
  • Is Covent Garden a market or a department store?
  1. Pair Work. Read and make the dialogue.

T: Read  the dialogue and make your own. (Slide 22)

  • A: How do you like London?
  • B: Oh, it's beautiful.
  • A: Yes, I think it's one of the most interesting and unusual cities in the world.
  • B: Oh, yesterday I saw the Houses of Parliament, heard the voice of Big Ben, and visited the famous Tower.
  • A: Have you visited Westminster Abbey?
  • B: Not, yet. What is it famous for?
  • A: It is the royal church
  • B: How can I get there?
  • A: By bus or just walk.


  1. Reading

T: Read the text quickly and find the names of the main parts of  London


London is the capital of Great Britain. Its population is more than 8 million people. London stands on the river Thames. It is the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world.

London is not only the capital of the country; it is also a very big port, one of the greatest commercial centers in the world, a university city, and the seat of the government of Great Britain.

The main parts of London are: the City, the West End. the East End and Westminster.

The City is the commercial part of London. Only about ten thousand people live there.

The West End is the richest part of London. You can find the best shops, theatres, cinemas, museums, fine parks and  squares there. Its houses and streets are very beautiful. The rich people live in the West End.

The East End is the part of  London where working people live. There are not many parks in London.

There are a lot of places of interest in London: Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, and many others.

T: Read the sentences and say are they true or false?

  1.    London is the capital of Great Britain.
  2.     London is a very big port
  3.     London has  three  main parts
  4.     The City is the historical part of  London
  5.     The West End is the richest part of  London.
  6.     The East End is the poorest part of  London

Keys: 1.T ; 2.F; 3.F; 4.F; 5.T; 6.F.


  1. Writing


T: Write a postcard to your friend




Dear______ !

I'm in_____ now.

I have already been to _____.

And I ____

See you soon. Bye.

(Slide 25)

  1. Application of new material
  1. T: Children, you must listen to the sentences and name the place of  interest  in London.(Teacher reads about famous places, pupils must name what is it )

Sights  of  London

1. Trafalgar Square – this place is in the centre of London. There is a monument to Admiral Nelson and two fountains there.

2. The Houses of  Parliament – this is the home of the British Government. There are many towers on the building and there is the famous clock in one of them.

3. Big Ben – this is a famous clock named after Sir Benjamin Hall.

4. Westminster Abbey – this church is a symbol of English traditions and is more than 900 years old. Nearly all the kings and queens of Britain were crowned and buried there.

5. Buckingham Palace – it is the official residence of the royal family. It was built in 1703 and has 600 rooms and 3 miles of a

red carpet.

6. St. Paul’s Cathedral – this church was built by a famous architect. It took him 35 years to built it. It is huge with a golden cross and a bell on the top.

7. The Tower of London – it is one of the oldest buildings in London. It was founded in the 11th century by William the Conqueror and is a museum now. There is the White Tower in the centre of it.

8. Tower Bridge – it is situated near the Tower of London. It is one of the most famous bridges in the city and first was opened in 1894.


  1. Game “Detectives” (Slide 26 – 27)

Let's play a game "Detectives". Look at the map of  London, follow the instructions and find the place - palace, two museums, underground station.

1) Start from Victoria Station, turn left at Eccleston Street, turn left at Knightsbridge underground station, go down Brampton Road. It is on the right side of the road.

2) Start from Victoria Station, go up Victoria Street, and go past Westminster Abbey. It is near the park.

3) Start from Victoria Station, go up Victoria Street, go past Westminster Abbey, go past Big Ben and go up White Hall, turn right.

4) Start from Charing Cross, turn left at Charing Cross Road, go up Charing Cross Road, turn left at Oxford Street, go along the street and turn right at Baker Street. Go up the street


1) The Natural History Museum .

2) Buckingham Palace.

3) Charing Cross - underground station.

4) Sherlock Holmes's House.


III. Summing up

  1. Homework

T: Your homework for the next lesson will to write places of interest in your town and tell what can we see there and how can we get there.

(Slide 28)

  1. Summarizing

T: What would you like to visit in London?

  • I would like to visit...,  because I want to see...

(Slide 29)


  1.  Assessment

T: Thank  you for your work today. You were great. Your marks are… .








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