Урок з англійської мови "Світ професій"

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови для учнів 11 класу на тему : "Світ професій"
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Тема. The world of jobs. Світ професій


  • закріпити та розширити лексику до теми “Професії”;
  • розвивати мовленнєву компетенцію;
  • поглибити знання про різні види професій та вчити висловлювати

власне відношення до них.


  •       Jobs related to work with children are/ Професії, які пов’язані з роботою з дітьми:
    •        a teacher - вчитель
    •        a baby-sitter - нянька
    •        a child-minder - вихователь
  •       Jobs related to medical sphere/ Професії, які пов’язані з медичною сферою:
    •        a doctor - лікар
    •        a dentist - стоматолог
    •        a nurse - медсестра
    •        a surgeon - хірург
    •        a medical researcher - дослідник
    •        a vet - лікар-ветеринар
  •      Jobs related to military, police and court sphere: /

Професії, які пов’язані з військовою,  поліцейською та судовою сферою

  •        a police officer - поліцейський
  •        a private investigator - детектив, слідчий
  •        a traffic warden – інспектор дорожнього руху
  •        a judge - суддя
  •        a lawyer - юрист, адвокат
  •        a safety officer - офіцер безпеки
  •        a lifeguard - рятівник
  •        a fire-fighter – пожежник
  •      Jobs related to sphere of business, economics and banks: /

             Професії, які пов’язані з сферою бізнесу, економіки і банків

  •        a director - директор
  •        a manager – менеджер, керівник
  •        an executive administrator – виконавчий директор
  •        a secretary - секретар
  •        a clerk - клерк
  •        an economist - економіст
  •        an engineer - інженер
  •        a public relations officer - працівник зі зав’язків з громадськістю
  •        a tax inspector - податковий інспектор
  •        a debt collector - колектор
  •        an accountant - бухгалтер
  •        a stock broker - біржовий брокер
  •        an estate agent – агент з нерухомості
  •      Jobs related to the sphere of service: / Професії, які пов’язані зі сферою обслуговування
    •        a restaurant chef- шеф
    •        a waiter/waitress - офіціант/ офіціантка
    •        a sales assistant - продавець
    •        a grocer - продавець бакалійної крамниці
    •        a butcher - м’ясник
    •        a baker - пекар
    •        a flight attendant - стюардеса, бортпровідник
  •      Skilled manual jobs: Робітничі професії
    •        a hairdresser/barber - жіночий перукар/ чоловічий перукар
    •        a tailor/dressmaker - кравець
    •        a builder - будівельник
    •        a carpenter - столяр
    •        a plumber - сантехнік
    •        a welder - зварник
    •        an electrician - електрик
    •        a mechanic – механік
  •      Jobs requiring creative skills: Професії, для яких потрібні творчі здібності
    •        a fashion designer – дизайнер одягу
    •        an architect - архітектор
    •        a sculptor - скульптор
    •        an artist - митець, художник
    •        an actor/actress - актор/актриса

Say which of the jobs above are

- dangerous

- need a university education

- mostly done by men/women

- prestigious

- well paid

- not very well paid

Choose the right answer.

The job I'd like to have should be…

* interesting * unusual * exciting * pleasant

* prestigious * popular * satisfying * respected

* creative * challenging * easy to do * useful

Read the text and say which advice you like best.

Thinking of Your Career?


Jennifer Morrison (she is writing her third novel): In school I did well, but felt discouraged by the teachers. It all changed one summer, I felt that my school wasn't doing enough to educate me. At the same time I understood that I was responsible for my own education. My advice is don't wait for others to edu­cate you, do it yourself. Also read as much as you can

https://refdb.ru/images/521/1040528/m2823e98b.jpgPatric Martin (he is a physician): I didn't plan to be a doctor, but loved sci­ence. Later I found out that doctors also solve problems and rely on facts like sci­entists do, only they have to do it within a very short period of time. I like my work because I know that my decisions influence my patients' lives and I have to use my brain and hands every day. My advice to young people who made up their minds to study medi­cine is ask yourself why you want to be a doctor. If it is for the prestige or the money, find a different profession.

https://refdb.ru/images/521/1040528/677f6961.jpgChris Wilson (he is a computer engineer in San Francisco): When I was a kid, I wanted to be a rock star because of all the success and admiration they get. I began to play the guitar at the age of nine and spent the next 20 years chasing я dream. I finished high school and toured with a band playing in clubs. As a day job I did telephone surveys for a computer com­pany. Eventually the company employed me full time and let me learn on the job. I started to make real money and finally it occurred to me that maybe computers were more than a day job. At the age of 27 I gave up my rock star dreams because music had become nothing but a chore. My advice to young people is — you have freedom to sculpt your future but remember that there's no time to waste.

 Choose the right item.

1) Jennifer thinks that in education you should rely on ... .


  1. your teachers
  2. your parents 
  3. yourself


2)Patric thinks that the medical and scientific professions ... .


  1. are very different
  2. are alike
  3. can not be compared


3) Patric thinks that ... who wants to study medicine can become a doctor.


  1. everyone
  2. not everyone
  3. practically no one


4) When Chris says that he chased a dream he means that


  1. he looked for something unrealistic
  2. he looked for something nobody wanted
  3. he looked for something very unusual


5) For Chris music was the most important thing in his life,

           1.   never

           2.  always

           3. for some time

Speak about how you have chosen your future career.


  • what you wanted to do as a child
  • if and when you changed your mind
  • what or who helped you to make your choice
  • what you expect of your future job
  • what you see as advantages and disadvantages of your chosen career


24 липня 2024
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