T: Good morning, dear children. Nice to meet you. How are you today?
Ps: We are fine, thank you. And you?
T: I am good, too. Look at the window. What is the weather like today? What season is it now?
Pupils’ answers.
T: Yes, you are right. It is winter. Ok, pupils, can you tell me, who is on duty today?
Pupils’ answers.
T: So, you know, we are studying very interesting and popular theme – “Food”. We can’t imagine our life without food. Food is a staff of our life. “ We live not to eat but eat to live”. It’s a famous proverb, you know. Do you agree with it? Why/ why not?
Ps: Because when we eat, especially such food as vitamins – fruits or vegetables – we will live and do everything we want.
T: Of course, you are right. If we eat some food, we get all necessary ingredients to our body to grow, work and play. And now, pupils, look at the blackboard. Here is some crossword for you. If you’ll solve it right, you’ll get to know what topic we will discuss at out lesson today. Here are some cards, you must take some one, read the question, name and write the word on the blackboard.
Pupils solve the crossword.
1. |
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g |
2. |
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a |
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8. |
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10. |
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11. |
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T: So, what topic will we discuss today? Yes, it is healthy food.
T: Children, let’s watch some video about what types of food must we eat, and after that you’ll be able to answer some questions.
Pupils watch the video.
T: Answer the questions, please:
T: ok, pupils, well. And now look at the blackboard. Here is some food pyramid and you must complete it with necessary food.
Pupils complete the pyramid.
T: pupils, you must listen to the text and complete it with words that you will hear.
Lunch at School.
Twelve o`clock is the time for lunch in our school. Children are running to the school cafe. They are thirsty and very hungry. Today they have some potatoes and some fish, a glass of tea and some biscuits for their lunch. There are also different kinds of burgers, pizzas and salads. Pupils can buy bottles of water, cans of lemonade or cartons of juice. My friend Pete likes to buy a bar of chocolate or a box of sweets. We like to have lunch at school.
Checking of understanding: Now let`s see how you understand the text. Do the test.
T: let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. Let’s revise and do our exercise.
If you like carrot – touch your nose.
If you like tomatoes – please, turn around.
If you like cucumbers – clap your hands three times.
If you like onion stamp your feet three times.
T: let’s divide into 3 teams “Apples”, “Oranges” and “Lemons”. Your task - match two parts of sentences. Who will be the first – they’ll get tasty things.
Pupils are divided into teams and do the task on the cards.
1. Eating carrots is a) getting colds
2. Fish is good for b) live long
3. Eating cheese at night makes you c) good for eyes
4. Garlic keeps you from d) sleeping
5. Drinking coffee keeps you from e) your stomach
6. Yogurt makes you f) dream
7. An apple a day keeps g) the brain
8. Warm milk helps you h) the doctor away
9. A cup of tea settles i) go to sleep
T: now, tell me, please, what recommendations do you know and what must we do to be healthy?
P1: take the right approach to food. Don’t think about food as “bad” or “good”. It is more important to eat a wide variety of food, especially fruits and vegetables.
P2: watch your portions. Pay attention to how much food you are eating and stop when you feel full.
P3: think about fitness. Do physical exercises for 30 minutes every day (like jumping, walking, swimming or training at the gym). Physical exercises help us to be active and healthy. They make our body strong.
P4: if you want to be healthy you mustn’t eat too much. It’s useful to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, they give us vitamins.
T: ok, children, very good. Remember the main rules of Healthy Lifestyle:
So, if you’ll keep these rules, you’ll be healthy and you’ll have more energy to play, to work, to study and to be in a good mood. So, REMEMBER THESE RULES!!!!
T: did you like our lesson today? What was the most interesting task for you? And now, imagine that you are real poets. Complete the poem
I am Sam. I like…. .(gam)
I am Bruce. I like… .(juice)
I am Sophie. I like… (coffee)
She is Betty. She likes… .(spaghetti)
He is Lee. He likes… .(tea)
T: Thank you for our lesson. You were great today and you worked very good. Your marks are… . You may be free. Good luck!
10 грудня 2013 р. у 6 класі був проведений відкритий урок вчителькою Скубенич І.Ю. на тему «Здорова їжа», де учні мали змогу показати свої знання та те, як вони засвоїли даний матеріал. Урок почався з обговорення прислів’я «Ти живеш не для того, щоб їсти, а приймаєш їжу для того, щоб жити». Цікавим було і подання теми уроку – розгадування кросворду, де ключовим словосполученням було – здорова їжа.
Під час проведення уроку учні дивилися відео про здоровий спосіб харчування, після чого мали відповісти на запитання та заповнити піраміду відповідно до тексту.
А учениці Бемак Петріана та Повханич Антоніна підготували навіть сценку «У ресторані», у якій грали роль офіціанта та відвідувача.
Під кінець уроку учні мали можливість трохи відпочити під час фізкультхвилинки та, представивши себе поетами, придумати закінчення вірша. Ось так цікаво й весело пройшов відкритий урок.