Урок з іноземної мови на тему: "Їжа"

Про матеріал

Урок з іноземної мови про кухню України, США та Великобританії. Розповідається про різноманітні страви України, українську кухню. Розкриваються особливості харчування у таких країнах як США та Великобританія. Наголошується про негативний вплив їжі швидкого приготування на здоров'я людини.

Під час проведення уроку застосовувалися такі форми проведення з учнями як: читання, слухання, представлення учнівських презентацій, мозковий штурм.

Перегляд файлу

Group: 112

Date: the 29 th of November

Topic: «Food we eat»

Type of the lesson: combimed

Practical aim: to develop speaking, reading, listening, writing.

Adjoining task: to develop pupil’s pronunciation habits.

Development aim: to develop pupil’s creativity, logical thinking and monological speaking.

Equipment: books, blackboard, pictures, cards, power point presentation.

Lesson Structure

  1.  Introduction

Teacher: Good morning, students. Today we are going to talk about meals. Write down the topic of our lesson in your copy books. You know that there is a saying: »You are what you eat». What do you think it means? (Pupils express their ideas).

  1.            Warm-up.

Teacher: There are a lot of proverbs connected with food. Your task is to make up proverbs.

  1.          A sound mind in a sound body – У здоровому тілі здоровий дух. Appetite comes with eating – Апетит приходить під час їжі.
  2.          Every day brings its own bread – Буде день,буде їжа.
  3.          It’s a pretty kettle of fish – Ось такі пироги.
  4.          Keep your breath to cool your porridge – Їж пиріг з грибами та тримай язик за зубами.
  5.          Life isn’t bad when you have bread – Живемо та хліб жуємо.
  6.          Too much butter won’t spoil the porridge – Кашу маслом не зіпсуєш.
  7.          Cast no greedy eye at another man’s pie – На чужий коровай, рота не розкривай.
  8.          Man shall not live by bread alone – Не хлібом єдиним живе людина.
  9.          A hungry man shells meat a far off – У голодної куми хліб на умі.
  1.        Main part




Pre – reading

Read attentively to the poem “ I like food” and name two products you like and dislike.

I like food

I like food, I like eating

Lots and lots of food.

Bread and jam, and meat, and fish,

Cakes and biscuits too.

Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,

Mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,

And salted mushrooms too.

I like food, I like eating

Lots and lots of food.

Cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce leaves,

Chocolate and cheese,

Toast and butter, soup and spices,

Onions, cereal, cucumber slices,

Marrows, pumpkins, beets.

Don’t forget I also like drinking, when I eat:

Coffee, tea and water-soda.

After reading

Look at the blackboard and say what do you like and dislike.

  1. Phonetic Drill

Read these sentences and mind your pronunciation.

  1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  2. Good health is above wealth.
  3. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
  1. Vocabulary

Look at the screen and find as many words as you can.

  1. Speaking

Your task is to say……

What would you eat if you were…..?

  1. at an expensive restaurant
  2. at a birthday party
  3. on a picnic
  4. on a coffee break
  5. at a fast food restaurant
  1. Checking-up the home task.

Pupil’s projects


Ukrainian Cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine is one of the most famous and well-known in the world. Modern Ukrainian cuisine is formed mainly on the basis of the mixed unique regional features. Different floury dishes, meat dishes, vegetable and milk dishes, various drinks of fruit and honey are very popular in Ukraine. Each region of Ukraine has it’s own borsch recipe. Although it is not a unique major dish of Ukrainian national cuisine. Such soups like kulish, yushka meat soup, fish soup (ukha), okroshka are also popular. And each of these soups has a lot of variations. A lot of soups are prepared on the basis of popular types of meat and vegetables.

Especially known and most favourite dish all over the world is famous Ukrainian borsch. Borsch is cooked of fresh vegetables: cabbage, beet, tomato with the addition of pounded lard with garlic and parsley. The combination of all these groceries give the borsch its piquancy, aroma and unforgettable taste. There are about 30 types of Ukrainian borsch. Ukrainian national cuisine is delicious, nutritious and useful. Varenyky and halushky, eaten with great pleasure all over the globe, especially where there is Ukrainian Diaspora. A lot of afters are made from potatoes: deryny and knydly, for example. Ukrainian cuisine prepares great quantity of pies. Another special dish is holodets ( aspic), prepared according to different recipes all over Ukraine. Ukrainian national cookery is rich in meals cooked in special cases (wedding, birth of the child, send-off  to the army and others). In such a way pancakes of wheat and buckwheat flour and varenyky are the obligatory meals in Pancake week (Masliana). The ceremonial dish was fruit compote- uzvar. Now these dishes are common in every Ukrainian canteen and restaurant.


British Cuisine

The British like what they call good plain food. They must be able to recognize what   are eating. Usually they like roast turkey, roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and fish and chips. Afternoon tea is taken at about 5 o’clock , but it can hardly be called a meal. It is a cup of tea and cake or biscuits. At the weekends afternoon tea is a special occasion. Friends and visitors are often invited to have a chat over a cup of tea. Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day. It is usually eaten at 7 o’clock. The first course may be soup ( though the English don’t like it very much). The main course will often be fish or meat, perhaps the traditional beef steak of old England, and a lot of vegetables. The next course will be something sweet and often cooked, such as a fruit pie. Last of all there may be cheese, often with biscuits. It is common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea. They like to have ‘a nice cup of tea’ 6 or 8 times a day, sometimes even more. On Christmas Day a Christmas pudding is traditionally cooked for dinner. Long before Christmas housewives begin to plan what cake to make for Christmas. Usually they make fantastic Christmas cakes.

American Food

What is American food? Hamburgers and hot dogs?  Fried chicken and giant steaks? Well, yes. But spaghetti and sour pork. The fact is that Americans eat every kind of food imaginable. There are , for example, more than 1,000 Chinese restaurants in New York city alone. As the same time, people in the States still like to think of some kinds of food as especially American. They like idea of the American family sitting around the table eating turkey at Thanksgiving. They like to think of ‘Mom’ as the best cook in the world, even if their own mother never did much cooking. Families in the US eat together less often than they used to. Instead of meeting at the dinner table, families often meet in the kitchen, around the refrigerator. There’s no time for old-fashioned cooking. Quick snacks all through the day have taken its place. And to save trouble, people eat wherever they like, in the streets, in front of the TV, or at their desks. An enormous fast-food industry gives hungry American the snacks they want when they want them. Ice cream, popcorn, and hot dogs are on sale everywhere. Best known , perhaps, is the McDonalds hamburger business. But if more and more Americans eat fast food, more and more Americans also worry about it. Fast food makes you fat, and Americans are the fattest people in the world. Being fat , in fact, can cause real problems for an American. If you want to do well, you must be thin.





Fast Food

Fast food is food that can be prepared and served very quickly. The term “fast food” was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam – Webster in 1951. Outlets may be stands or kiosks which provide shelter or seating or fast food restaurants. Restaurants where customers sit are fast casual restaurants. A burger and fries is the most popular meal bought in the USA. In fact, Americans buy almost 5 billion burgers a year. This popularity has spread around the world with the growth of international fast food restaurants chains. But mind: fast food is dangerous food. Don’t eat it very often!             

My favourite dish (varenyky)

Varenyky are my favourite dish. They are national Ukrainian dish that is also loved in other countries. I think that everyone who comes to Ukraine wants to try this dish. I like varenyky with potatoes very much. On the other hand, varenyky with cabbage, cheese, cherries and other berries are tasty too. Varenyky contain flour, milk, salt and soda. You can cook them every day or on holidays. Every Ukrainian likes varenyky. I think all of you like them as well.

  1. Reading


 Look at the screen. How do you think what is this text about ?

Healthy and Unhealthy

Stuart is thirteen years old. He is a vegetarian – he doesn’t eat meat. Stuart eats fruit, vegetables and cheese. He usually drinks milk, not cola, and he doesn’t eat chocolate or sweets. Stuart always walks to school and he usually swims every day and he often plays basketball and football. Sally is thirteen years old, too. She eats meat every day.  She loves hamburgers and cheeseburgers. She often eats ‘fast food’. Sometimes she has an apple or an orange but she never eats vegetables. Sally doesn’t often exercise. She sometimes dances at parties and in the holidays she often swims or plays tennis with her friends.

Post reading

Discuss in pairs Sally and Stuart’s way of eating. Do you have the same eating habits?

  1. Listening

Listen to the interview very attentively.


Interviewer: George, Why did you decide to open a restaurant in Argentina?

George: I’d always wanted to have my own restaurant and it would have been very

expensive to do that in England.

Interviewer: What kind of food do you serve?

George: Mainly international dishes like pasta, steak and fries, risotto – but we also do several English dishes as well. 

Interviewer: Were American people surprised when they heard that an English chef was going  to open a restaurant here?

George: Yes, they were – very! I think people don’t usually expect the English to be good cooks.

Interviewer: Is your chef English?

George: No, he’s Argentinian –but I’ve taught him to make some English dishes.

Interviewer: What kind of English dishes do you have on your menu?

George: Well, we’re open on the morning, and we serve traditional English breakfast, and then we have a lot of English desserts at lunchtime, for example , trifle – that’s typical English dessert  made with fruit and cake and cream. And we do proper English teas in the afternoon –tea with cakes and sandwiches .

Interviewer: Are the English dishes popular?

George: Yes, especially the desserts and cakes. I think people in Argentina have a very sweet tooth.

Interviewer: And finally is there any English food that you really miss here?

George: The thing I miss most living in Argentina is English cheese. I really miss Stilton –which is a wonderful English blue cheese. It’s not like Roquefort but I think it should be. You should try it!

 Interviewer: I’ll try! Thank you for the interview.

George: Welcome to the restaurant!

Read the statements below and say if they are true or false

  1. George opened up a restaurant in Canada.
  2. They mainly serve international dishes.
  3. George thinks everybody knows the English to be excellent cooks.
  4. The chef of the restaurant is Argentinian.
  5. They have traditional English breakfast and typical English desserts on the menu.
  6. English dishes are not much popular in Argentina.
  7. George misses a wonderful French cheese – Roquefort.
  8. Stilton is English blue cheese.
  9. They open in the morning and serve traditional English breakfast.
  10. They do proper English teas in the morning-tea with cakes and sandwiches.
  1. Giving and explaining home task.

At home, please , think over and describe a product without mentioning its name. In out next lesson your group mates will try to guess it.

  1.  Summing – up and evaluation.

Thank you very much for your active work, pupils. All of you get good marks today. The lesson is over. Have a nice day.



































Підготувала: Данилівська Я.Д.




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