Урок з теми "Шкільне життя"

Про матеріал

Відкритий урок з теми "Шкільне життя" в 6 класі з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови направлений на удосконалення знань і вмінь з використанням ІКТ.

На уроці вирішуються практичні задачі вдосконалення навичок з чотирьох видів діяльності (аудіювання, говоріння, читання і письма), а також формується вміння висловлювати свою власну думкуі представляти презентацію в Power Point . За допомогою інтерактивних завдань формується вміння працювати в парах і командах.

Урок супроводжується матеріалами власної вчительської презентації та аудіозаписами.

Перегляд файлу


            Demonstrative lesson on the topic “School life.   ( 6b, specialized)

Type of the lesson: the Lesson of improving knowledge and skills using ICT

         The objectives of the lesson:

Training (practical):                 

 • to improve pupils’ skills of the correct pronunciation;

 • to increase  familiar lexical units and activate new vocabulary in speech;

 • to develop listening skills;

  • to learn pupils to express their own point of  view;

  • to learn how to make up  dialogues relying on the conversational phrases;

  to develop the skills of  cursory reading;

   to teach pupils to extract the necessary information from the text;

    to develop grammar skills correcting the mistakes in the text for reading;

  • to improve the practical skills of English on the topic"School Life" in monologue and dialogue form;

  • to help pupils present their projects in Power Point.


• the development of communication skills, attention, thinking, visual and auditory memory;

• the development of team work and interact in pairs and groups;

• the development of ingenuity and creative approach to the educational process;

• To expand  pupils’ interest to the English subject through the information-informative technologies.


• to develop the motivation to further mastery of English;

• to develop a culture of tolerance in communication;

 •to form the ability to work in partnership for the project;

• to educate caring attitude towards school subjects.

Educational:  To expand the knowledge on the topic “School life”.

 Technologies: interactive,             

                         learning together,

                         the use of computer information technologies (ICT),

                         personally - oriented,


                          project methodology

 Forms of the work: individual, pair, group.

Equipment and material resources:

System unit with two monitors (computer and TV set), a drawing of a flower with words written on the petals, phonetic symbols[e],[eə], [ ie],[eə], teacher’s PowerPoint presentation  to the lesson (15 slides),  3 pupils’ group photo slideshow  projects: Project 1-”Physical training is my favourite subject (6 slides),” Project 2 – “Music is my favourite subject (7 slides)”, Project 3 – “English is my favourite subject(10 slides)”posters of conversational  approaches “Expressions of the own opinion" (Table 1),"Expressions of regret,"(Table 2) "Expressions of sympathy”(Table 3),

handout material to the lesson (Test. Application1),

textbook: «Click on 2", by Virginia Evans, Neil O'Sullivan Publisher: Express Publishing.

Audio recordings:  pista mp3 №26 (textbook «Click on 2"  ex.28 p.33),

 pista mp3 №27(textbook «Click on 2"  Ex. 27 p. 33)

Audio melody of the  song "We wish you a Merry Christmas".

                                   The timing of the lesson:




Organizational moment

1 minute


 Phonetic drill ( including listening to audio recording pista mp3 №27)

2minutes (including 25 seconds)


 Lexical brainstorming.

1 minute


Motivation. Teacher’s introduction.

1 minute


Warming up

1 minute


Listening to the short dialogue(pista mp3 №26) 

20 seconds


Listening comprehension

20  seconds


Pupil’s  oral expressions of their own opinion(Table 1) according to the listening comprehension results

40 seconds


Making up own dialogues “My lost school thing”and role-playing it.

7 minutes


Introduction of the new words

5 minutes



1 minute


Reading of the article “My favourite school thing” with simultaneous implementation of grammar task and translation.

3 minutes


Reading Comprehension and oral expression of agreement and disagreement.

3 minutes


Monological speech "My favourite school thing " according to the text, based on the plan in the form of questions



Project Work

10 minutes


Submission of the homework



Summarizing of the lesson. Reflection.

2 minutes


Evaluation , self-assessment .

2 minutes


Giving gratitude postcards to the pupils

1 minute


1. Organizational moment:

 Greeting.  T: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you again!

               Group: So are we! Good morning!

 T: Turn to each other, touch your hands and try to say some pleasant

 words. P1P2; P3 P4

P1: You are good –looking! P2: Nice to meet you! P3: Don’t worry! Be happy! P4: You are beautiful! P5:You are a good friend! P6:You are clever!

  1.  Phonetic drill:Ex.28 p. 33

First let’s exercise in phonetics: - Now we’ll train your phonetic skills

а). T  Cl Pronounce the sounds [e]  -  [eə], [ie] - [eə] looking at the phonetic symbols  on the board.

b). Phonetic Comprehension: listen and  tick the words with them ((audio recording (pista mp3 №27) is sounding  and the pupils mark the words from the table in their sheets (Test. Application1): ferry, Mary, merry, fairy, fare, here, hair, fear.





  [ ie]


























с)   P1,  P2, P3, P4 Read these words with correct рronunciation in chain.

d). listen and repeat the sentences (audio recording is sounding and students are listening and following the speaker pista mp3 №27): It’s not fair to stare at Mary. Come here and fix my hair. I’ve paid the fare for the ferry. Jerry shared his pear with Claire.

d) Read these sentences with correct pronunciation in chain (textbook «Click on 2"  - Ex. 28 p. 33) P1,  P2,  P3,  P4, etc.

The main course:

T: Let’s start our lesson.

 1.  Lexical brainstorming. The method of cluster.

  T:  Now you see the flower drawn on the board with some words on its petals. Read them and think what the name of our topic can be.

Group: Is it topic “School”? Is it topic “Teacher’s and pupils”? Is it topic “School subjects”? Is it topic “School life”?









Demonstration of slides 1,2: Well, our topic is “School life” The teacher invites one of the pupils to write down the name of the topic on the board (in the middle of the flower).

2.Motivation. Teacher’s introduction.

Today we’ll speak about our school and your school subjects. We’ll discuss some school situations and you’ll role-play them. You’ll learn how to make up dialogues,  we’ll learn new words and you can use them in your oral speech. And the main thing is that you’ll learn how to express your own opinion. Let’s start! We have a lot of interesting work to do.I hope that you’ll enjoy the lesson.

3. Warming up:  frontal work. There is a photo of British students and their questions on the slide 3.

Teacher introduces the situation to the pupils: British students want to get acquainted with you. They have left some questions to you about your school life on the site of our school. Please, answer them.

 - What form are you in?    

 - What time do your classes  start?

  -How do you get to school?

  - Do you have to wear a school uniform?  

  - How many lessons do you have every day?

  - What subjects do you have on your timetable?

   -  Do you like your school?

Possible answers: We are pupils of the 6th form. Our classes start at 8 o’clock in the morning.Yes? we do.We have to wear a school uniform.

I get to school by bus (on foot, by tram, by trolleybus, by car).We have 6 lessons every day. On Monday (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) we have English, Maths, Ukrainian language, Geography, PT,History etc.

We like our school very much.

4.Listening to the short dialogue:

While- listening activity

T: Listen to the short dialogue (audio recording  pista mp3 №26)and try to understand it. Pupils are listening to the short dialogue 1 time.

              Has anyone seen my bag?

  •     What does it look like?

                It’s blue with white handles.

       -       What’s in it? Anything important?

                My wallet and sunglasses.

5. Past- listening activity:

1).Listening comprehension:

T:Take the sheet with application1(Test.)and  circle the correct answer. 

1). The lost thing is

  1. а pen       b) a bag       c) a map

2). The colour of the lost thing is

a)  blue          b) green   c) white

3) The lost thing has got white :

      a) straps          b) handles   c) strips

4). Inside the lost thing there are

 a) wallet and sunglasses   b)pens and pencils   c) lunchbox and keys

2). Express your own opinion regarding to the test answers using communicative approaches.

Expressions of the own opinion(Table 1 is on the board).

I think               

Я думаю                           

 I am sure        

Я впевнений

It seems to me

Мені здається        

May be             


In my opinion 

За моєю думкою  

P1: I think the lost thing is a pen. P2 I am sure The colour of the lost thing is white.

P3 …, P4…. If the answer is right pupils rise the hand, but when the answer is wrong the pupils don’t rise their hand at all.

3). Making up own dialogues and role – playing them.

a) T: Now we’ll learn how to make up your own dialogue according to the situation "the lost thing" using the sample of Ex. 27 p. 33, communicative approaches "Expressions of regret," "Expressions of sympathy” and photo slides show 7-13: (Pair work).

b) T: Listen to my reading of communicative approaches and repeat after me T  Group

And now you, please! P1 P2 P3…

Express sorrow at your lost school thing (Table 2 is on the board).


What a pity!                   

   Який жаль!

  It’s so distressing!           

- Така прикрість

What a misfortune!                

-  Яке несчастя! 

 I am very much upset.

-Я дуже засмучений

I regret it so much.      

-  Я дуже шкодую.

What a nuisance!      

-Яка  неприємність! 

Express sympathy (Table 3 is on the board).


Everything will be all right!

-Все буде добре!

Take it easy!          

- Не приймай близько до серця!

Cheer up!                        

- Не сумуй!

Let’s hope for the best!

- Будемо сподіватись на краще!

Dont worry.

-Не хвилюйся!

  Pupils get some time to choose the lost thing and make up their own dialogues writing them down into their exercise – books.

The situation is role-played  based on the TV screen (which serves as a second monitor), which prompted with the text of a dialogue and pictures of school things  -slides 4-11.

Example 1:

P1: - Hello, Mary!

P2: -Hello, Lera!

P1: - What’s the matter?

P2: - I am very much upset. I’ve lost my electronic book. Has anyone seen it?

P1: - What a pity! What does it look like?

P2:   You know it’s white  with  grey stripes on the sides.

P1: What’s in it?

P2: My very important documents.

P1: Take it easy! I will help you to find it.

P2:Thanks a lot. See you soon!

P1: Bye!

Example 2

P2: Hello, Lera!

P1: Hello, Mary! What a misfortune! I’ve lost my pencil case. Has anyone seen my pencilcase?

P2: What does it look like?

P1: You know it’s red and purple.

What’s in it? Anything important?

My sharp pencils, my ruler and my new clean rubber.

I regret it so much! I will help you to find it. Don’t worry!

Thanks! See you soon!

Example 3:

P3: Hello, Artem! What a nuisance! I’ve lost my ruler.

P4: Hello, Sergey! What does it look like?

P3: It is metal. It’s orange. It is 30 centimeters in length

P4: Let’s hope for the best! You’ll find it!

P3: OK! Thank you!

Example 4:

P4: Hello, Sergey!How are you?

P3: I’m well! And you?

P4: I am very much upset!

P3: What’s the matter?

P4: I’ve lost my pen.

P3: What does it look like?

P4: It’s black plastic one.

P3: Take it easy! Cheer up! Buy another one.

P4: All right! Bye!

See you soon!

  7. Pre-reading activity.

1). Introduction of new words:

T:Now we’ll work with another school situation “My favourite possession” Slide 12: Let me introduce new words to you photo slideshow  .

Heavy [ˈhɛvɪ] важкий

sticker-   [ˈstɪkə] наліпка              

Fasten           [fa:sn]                 застебнути

shiny             [ ʃaini]                блискуча

 lid                 [lid]                    кришка

useful            juːsfʊl]             корисна

jewelery            dʒuːəlri]          ювелірні вироби

carefree          keəfriː]           безтурботний

innocent         [ˈɪnəsnt]             наївний

T P1 P2 P3 P4 P5…

Examples: My school bag is too heavy. I’ve got a pencilcase with  stickers on it. I fasten my cardigan when it’s cool. I have broken a lid of the saucepen. My mobile phone is useful. My mother has got a box of jewelery. My childhood was carefree . I was very innocent when I was five

8.Relaxing T: Dear pupils! Sit comfortably and have a rest looking at the screen of the TV(the second monitor). Relax music. Youtube. Slide 13.

9. While- reading activity.

1).Reading of the article My favourite school thing with simultaneous implementation of grammar task.

T: While reading the text to yourself correct grammar mistakes. Then translate this text and be ready for reading comprehension.

10 Past-reading activity.

1). Reading Comprehension.  Аgree (+)  or   disagree(-): (Application1Test.)

 ___ a) Writer’s mother gave him a plastic pencil case.

____ b) The pencil case was square in shape.

____ c) The lid of the box was shiny.

____ d) It fastened  with a shiny golden clasр

 ____ e) The pencil case was full of pens inside.

 ____f) The pencil case continued to be useful.

2).Oral expression of agreement and disagreement.

Agree or not, using communicative approaches and give your opinion orally.


1). That’s true!  -  Правдиво!

2). That’s right ! – Правильно!  

3). I agree!  -  Я згоден!

4). Of course! – Звичайно!

5). Yes, indeed!   - Так, дійсно!                                                          


1). No way!  - Ніяким чином!                                          2). I disagree! - Я не згоден!

3).You must be joking! - Ви шуткуєте!

4). That’s wrong! – Неправильно!

5). That’s false! -  Невірно!









3).                       Monological speech "My favourite school thing " according to the text, based on the plan in the form of questions.  Pupils, looking at the screen (slide 14), use the plan and tell  about their favourite possession

а) What is your favourite possession?

b) Who gave it to you?

c) When did  he/she give it to you?

d) Why did he/she give it to you?

e) How do you feel about it?

Example 1: My favourite possession is a ruler. My mother gave it to me. I was seven years old, then.

My mother gave it to me for my first day at school. I like it very much because it is practical and useful.

It reminds me about my carefree childhood.

Example 2: My favourite possession is a vocabulary. My dad gave it to me when I was seven years old. He gave it to me because I started to learn English. I like it and always keep it clean. It reminds me about my innocent childhood.

11. Project Work  (Checking homework)

T: What are your favourite subjects? Which of them do you enjoy studying?

3 Pupils’ groups are demonstrating their photo slideshow projects on the topic “My favourite subject” one after the other.

  Group 1.  

Group photo slideshow project 1“Our favourite subject is Physical training”. Photo  slideshow (6 slides) is demonstrating while pupils are telling about Physical Training lessons with the photos of real Physical training lessons.

P1: Slide 1: “Our favourite subject is Physical training” . Slide 2: Our teacher’s name is Victoria Dmitrievna. She’s a good sportsman. She teaches us how to run, jump and play sport games. I enjoy sports competitions at our lessons.

P2: Slide 3:We have to come to our PT lessons in our sport suits).  We often play volleyball and handball. Slide 4: Victoria Dmitrievna teaches us how to play basketball. Slide 5:The lessons of Physical Training make us stronger. Most of all I like sport relay race and I often won the prize. We have our lessons twice a week: on Monday and Wednesday.

P3: Slide 6: Physical Training lessons strengthen our health. I like sport. From my childhood I play football and basketball. I am a great fan of the English team Chelsea. That’s why my favourite subject at school is Physical Training.

We think that it’s time to do exercises for everyone!

P3 Group: Let’s do exercises!

The pupil is conducting exercises:

Hands up, hands down,

Hands on knees, sit down!

Clap your hands, stand up!

Stаmp your feet, hands up!

One, two, three, Hop!

One, two, three, Stop!

One, two, three, Hop!

One, two, three, Stop!

Group 2

Group photo slideshow project  2:“Our favourite subject is Music.” Pupils are telling about Music lessons while demonstrating Photo slideshow (7slides) consisting of the photos of  Music lessons.

P4: Slide 1:” Our favourite subject is Music. Slide 2: Our teacher of Music is
Tetyana Vyacheslavivna.  Music is everywhere: in the streets, on TV, over radio, in the shop, at home, on a picnic, in the buses and trolleybuses and, of course, at our Music lessons. At the lessons we sing songs. Slide 3: Our teacher Tetyana Vechislavivna plays  the button accordion. Slide 4: It’s interesting to listen to music. We often make projects about popular singers and composers. I like Music.

P5: My favourite subject is Music, too. We have it once a week on Monday. At our lessons we learn to sing naturally and melodiously. Slide 5: We usually sing with pleasure. I enjoy listening to music and songs on TV and through the Internet at our Music lessons. Slide 6: I love Music because we have a lot of fun at our lessons.

P6: We learn biographies of famous composers: T. Tchaikovsky, F.Bach, L. Beethoven and others. It’s interesting to listen to music and practice to recognize sounding musical works of famous composers.

P6: Our Music lessons promote the development of musical ear, musical memory and imagination. Our teacher Tetyana Vechislavivna greatly brings up the love to children’s songs, classical and modern music. I love our lessons. She devides us into teams and (slide 7)we present our  favourite songs.

Group 2: And now listen to the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas” (a melody of the song is sounding) Pupils are performing the song.

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year!

We hang our Christmas stockings

We hang our Christmas stockings

For Santa to fill!

 Group 3

Project 3 :“English is our favourite subject”.

Photo slideshow of the real English lessons is demonstrating on the screen.

Pupils are presenting their group photo slideshow project 3 (10 slides).

P7: Slide 1: English is my favourite subject. We have English five times a week: on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Slide 2: Our teacher Lyudmila Grygorivna is a very good teacher.  Slide 3: We learn new words, read, translate and retell texts. Sometimes we write dictations, self- dictations and do tests.  Most of all I like learning new words and role - playing dialogues.

   P8: Slide 4: At the lessons we learn grammar rules, do grammar exercises. I like a grammar game “I am a computer” which teaches us to ask general and special questions. Besides we make projects on different topics. Slide 5: We role-play real situations, for example, the situation “On the picnic” Slide 6: I enjoy my project “Pizza recipe”.
I enjoy  playing English games and having some fun at the English lessons. We describe pictures and role play real situations. We write compositions about our family, school and our friends! I love watching videos, films and discuss them.

P9: Slide 7: As for me, I like working on a computer. There are programmes that teach us to have the correct pronunciation, to learn new words, to do grammar exercises, to make new friends and to speak English with them. Slide 8: We are the winners of English contests“Greenwich” and “Puzzle” . 
Slide 9: We enjoy studying English on the books Click on 2 ! But most of all I enjoy watching English cartoons through the Internet at our lessons. Slide 10: Our teacher Lyudmila Grygorivna  does everything to give us good knowledge in English. 

And now we want you to taste English apple pie. It’s very delicious.

The pupils put the apple pie on the teacher’s desk and during the break they are tasting it and treating the guests with it too.

 Teacher: I should say that your projects were interesting and beautifully illustrated. Besides, they have been presented brilliantly.

12. Submission of the homework: Your H/t is to write down the short composition(60 words) on topic “School life” for our new friends from Britain. In written form tell the British students about our school, your favourite lessons, your sad and happy situations at school. We’ll send your compositions to our new British friends.

So don’t forget to write your e-mail.

 The final stage.

1). Summarising of the lesson. Reflection.

Teacher: Our lesson is coming to the end. Let’s make the conclusion of our work. Was the lesson interesting to you? Why?

P1: Yes, it was very interesting. We role-played dialogues and presented our favourite subjects.P2: It was interesting because  we learnt the new words P3: It was interesting to read an interesting text. . P4:It was interesting to listen to pupil’s projects

P5:It was interesting to watch slides and relax for a short time.

Teacher: Was it useful?

P6: Yes, it was.We learnt to express our own opinion. P6:We learnt to express  sorrow and sympathy. P7:Because there were a lot of activities. P8:It was useful because we discussed different school situations. P9:It was useful to listen to the dialogue and make up our own ones.

2).Evaluation, self-assessment: T: And now estimate your work at the lesson.

Pupils are encouraged to note the self-assessment of their work. (Application 1. Test.)

T: Your marks are…

  You have worked hard today. Thank you for your active work at the lesson.

3).Giving gratitude postcards. The teacher gives each pupil a postcard with gratitude for the work at the lesson.





Thank you for your work on the topic “School life”


 So, the lesson is over. You can be free. Slide 15: (Teacher’s slides show presentation) Good bye!    .                                     





















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