Урок англійської мови у 5 класі Our Daily Clothes Наш повсякденний одяг

Про матеріал

Мета уроку


розвиток навичок читання, говоріння (ММ та ДМ), письма, аудіювання за темою уроку;

практикувати у вживанні структур у Present Simple та Present Continuous в усному мовленні та на письмі.


розвиток пам`яті, уваги, логічного мислення;

розвиток творчих здібностей учнів;

розвиток інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови.


виховання культури поведінки та культури спілкування;

формування потреби одягтись охайно та зі смаком.

Перегляд файлу


ОПОРНИЙ ЗАКЛАД -                                                                                          НАВЧАЛЬНО-ВИХОВНИЙ КОМПЛЕКС  «ЗАГАЛЬНООСВІТНЯ ШКОЛА І-ІІІ СТУПЕНІВ –ДОШКІЛЬНИЙ НАВЧАЛЬНИЙ ЗАКЛАД - ПОЗАШКІЛЬНИЙ НАВЧАЛЬНИЙ ЗАКЛАД-ГІМНАЗІЯ»                                                                                                                   АСКАНІЯ-НОВА СЕЛИЩНОЇ РАДИ ХЕРСОНСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ




Our Daily Clothes

(Наш повсякденний одяг)

план-конспект                                                                      уроку англійської мови у 5 класі







                        Людмила Леонідівна Малик,                                                          учитель англійської мови

(Авторська розробка)





розвиток навичок читання, говоріння (ММ та ДМ), письма, аудіювання за темою уроку;

практикувати у вживанні структур у Present Simple та Present Continuous в усному мовленні та на письмі.


розвиток пам`яті, уваги, логічного мислення;

розвиток творчих здібностей учнів;

розвиток інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови.


виховання культури поведінки та культури спілкування;

формування потреби одягтись охайно та зі смаком.


Обладнання: ноутбук, проектор, екран; відеозаписи пісень ``The Clothes Song``,                    ``The Clothing Song``,відео ``Clothes Chants``; структурно-мовленнєва схема ``Compliment Your Partner About His or Her Clothes`` (HO1); текст вчителя ``My Clothes`` (HO2); проекти учнів ``My Favourite Clothes``; зразок діалогу «Talking About the Weather and Clothes (Telephone Conversation)» для роботи в парах ; лексичні картки з теми``Clothes`` ; діалоги з теми  ``In the Shop`` (НО4); кольорові олівці, завдання для роботи в групах ``Dress Your Teddy`` (НО5); підстановча таблиця для підбиття підсумків уроку ``What can you do now?`` (HO6).


Використані джерела


Електронні ресурси:
















Хід уроку



Підготовка учнів до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.                                                                                      Greeting (a song ``Hello``)                                                                                                       


Topic T. Unscramble the word on the BIB to find out the topic of the lesson ( uor scolhte –Our Clothes).

Aim                                                                                                                                                                   T. By the end of the lesson you will be able to

describe your clothes

describe your friend`s clothes                                                                                                                           speak about your favourite clothes                                                                                                                      sing English songs about clothes

buy clothes in the shop                                                                                                                compliment your friend about his or her clothes

solve clothes puzzles



Vocabulary Revision.  Clothing Chants for kids  (See Supplementary Material)                        


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taoCF1cKZSY (Part 1);   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNg3KuUFkxU (Part 2).


II.MAIN PART OF THE LESSON                                                                                                     Основна частина уроку                                                                                                                       1. Complimenting a partner about his or her clothes           (Pair Work)

 T. I`d like you to compliment your partner about his (her) clothes   (HO1)                                 


2. Speaking (playing a ball) See T`s text ``My Clothes `` (HO2)                                                      

Ss answer T`s questions: What do you wear (put on) when it is hot (warm, cold, cool, rainy); when you go to school (to a party, to the gym, to the seaside)?                                                               


3. Check on homework.  Presenting group projects ``An Ideal School Uniform``

Group I (girls) present an ideal school uniform for girls.

Group II (boys) present an ideal school uniform for boys.

Note: These are so-called ``alive projects``. Models are students themselves.                                   


4. Relaxation. Singing `` The Clothes Song``.        (See Supplementary Material)                           



(See Supplementary Material)                           


5. Pair Work Roleplaying the dialogues                                                                      (HO3)

Talking About the Weather and Clothes (Telephone Conversation)                                  


6. Speaking. Ss present their individual projects (designed at home) on the topic                        ``My Favourite Clothes ``.                                                                                                                        


(What are your favourite clothes? Why do you like them? Where do you wear them?)


7. Relaxation. Singing ``The Clothing Song``


(See Supplementary Material)


8. Ігрова ситуація ``Who is it ?``                                                                                                                         T.        P1    Imagine you are having a birthday party. A guest is knocking at the door.  Guess ``Who is it?`` The children will help you by describing his or her clothes.

                                                  Cl. He (she) is wearing … .                                                                     

                                                  P1 (with his (her) eyes closed) Is it N.?

9. Roleplaying ``In the Shop`` (HO4)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


10. Group Work ``Dress Your Teddy``(draw the clothes on the teddy).                                          Presentation Our Teddy is wearing …  (HO5)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


III . SUMMARIZING  Підведення  підсумків уроку.                                      


T. What can you do now?    (HO6)                                                                                                       


Home  assignment. Teacher. Individual work . Solve the clothes puzzle


See different assignments on the topic ``Clothes``:                                                         www.english 4kids.comhttp://www.eslkidslab.com/worksheets/set3/clothes/index.html

Clothes Crossword ,  Сlothes Sentence Scramble , Clothes Spelling Quiz,  Clothes Word Scramble , Clothes Word Search Puzzle, Clothes Spelling Exercise .                                                                                                           




Saying good-bye. T. Remember the proverb ``Clothes don't make the man``




Compliment your partner about his (her) clothes


               N.,  your …          is                    new




                                             are                 elegant





                                                      My Clothes                                                HO2                                    

When it is hot (warm)

Ann:   I wear a skirt.

           I wear a blouse.

           I put on my sandals.

Dan:   I wear shorts and a T-shirt.

           I wear socks and shoes.

           I put on my sunglasses.

When it is cold

Ann (Dan):  I put on my coat.

                     I put on a warm hat and a scarf.

                     I wear gloves or mittens.

                     I wear boots.

When it is cool

Ann (Dan):   I put on jeans and a sweater.

                     I wear socks and shoes.

                     I wear a jacket and a hat.

When it is rainy (wet)

Ann (Dan):  I put on my raincoat and rainboots.

                     I use an umbrella.

When I go to school

Ann:   I usually put on a school uniform.

           I wear a green jacket, a green skirt and a white blouse.

           I wear white socks and brown shoes.

           I don`t wear a tie.

Dan:   I usually put on a school uniform.

           I put on a blue jacket, blue trousers and a white shirt.

           I wear black shoes.

           I sometimes wear a tie.

When I go to a party

Ann:   I wear a smart dress and tights.

           I wear nice shoes.

           I sometimes wear a skirt and a blouse.

Dan:   I wear nice trousers, a jacket or a jumper and a tie.

When I play

Ann(Dan): I wear jeans or sweatpants.

                   I put on a T-shirt and a cap.

                   I put on my socks and sneakers.

When I go to the gym

Ann(Dan): I wear trainers, a tracksuit and a T-shirt.

At home

Ann(Dan): I usually wear a T-shirt and shorts or sweatpants.

When I go to bed

Ann(Dan): I put on my pyjamas.

When I go to the seaside

Ann:   I put on a very colourful swimsuit.

Dan:   I put on my swimming trunks.



Work in pairs. Change the dialogue. Talk About the Weather and Clothes                        (Telephone Conversation)                                  

  • Hi, Jack! This is Jim. I`m calling from Africa.                                                                                                  
  • Hello, Jim! What`s the weather like in Africa?                                                                                               
  • It`s hot.                                                                                                                                            
  • What are you wearing?
  • I am wearing a cap, a T-shirt, shorts and sandals.                                                                              
  • Have a good time!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  • Thank you. Bye-bye.                                                                                                                      



In The Shop                                                                HO4

- Good morning! (Good afternoon! Good evening!)

- Good morning! (Good afternoon! Good evening!)

- Can I help you?

- Yes, please. I`m looking for a T-shirt. ( a pair of  jeans)

- What colour would you like?

- Yellow.

- What size are you?

- Small  (S).             Medium     (M).       Large   (L).

- Here you are.

- Thank you. Can I try it on?             (Can I try them on?)

- Yes, of course. The changing room is over there.

- I`ll take it. How much is it?

- £ 34.35   (thirty-four pounds. thirty-five pence.)

- Here you are.

-        Thank you. Here is your change.


























Group work          



  Dress your Teddy                                                              

(What is your Teddy wearing?)




Summarizing                     Topic ``Clothes``                                                         HO6

What can you do?


I              can                   describe my clothes

               can`t                describe my friend`s clothes

                                        speak about my favourite clothes

                                        sing English songs about clothes

                                        buy clothes in the shop

                                        compliment my friend about his or her clothes

                                        solve clothes puzzles



  Supplementary Material


Clothing Chant for Kids - My Clothes with Sentences - ELF Kids Videos (Part 1)


1.  My coat is green.

2.  My shirt is pink.

3.  My t-shirt is blue.

4.  My skirt is blue.  (All singular)

5.  My boots are brown.

6.  My mittens are red.

7.  My shoes are blue.

8.  My socks are green. (All plurals)

9.  Rain boots on my feet.

10.  Earmuffs on my ears.

11.  Underpants on my HEAD?!

12.  A hat on my head.  (location)


My Clothes with Sentences: Part 2 - Clothing Song for Kids - Clothes Vocabulary


1.  I have a cap.

2.  I have a jacket.

3.  I have a scarf.

4.  I have a sweater.  (all singular)


5.  I have glasses.

6.  I have pajamas.

7.  I have gloves.

8.  I have jeans.  (All plural)


9.  Long, brown pants

10.  Short, green shorts.

11.  Pretty pink dress.

12.  Very colorful swimsuit...??? :)


The Clothes Song     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f1GcEbBjhM


I`m a cowboy, oh yes!             2

I`m wearing blue jeans


I`m wearing blue jeans

And a white hat.


I`m a cowgirl, oh yes!

I`m wearing black jeans


I`m wearing black jeans

And a red hat.

The Clothing Song      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cBmnRsh8Hw


Hey, what is she wearing?

She is wearing a pink dress      3

She is wearing a pink dress

How about him?


He is wearing a blue shirt         3

He is wearing a blue shirt

How about her?


She is wearing a green skirt      3

She is wearing a green skirt.

How about him?


He is wearing grey pants        3

He is wearing grey pants

How about them?


They are wearing white hats        3

They are wearing white hats

How about it?


It is wearing purple shoes           3

It is wearing purple shoes

How about you?



































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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
15 лютого 2021
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