(English rhymes and songs)
Автор: Колодяжна Валентина Дмитрівна,
вчитель англійської мови Бугаївської ЗШ І-ІІІ ступенів
Вовчанської районної ради Харківської області
До даної авторської збірки ввійшли римовані вправи, які базуються на елементарних лексико-граматичних конструкціях, необхідних для засвоєння на початковому етапі вивчення англійської мови в НУШ. Є кілька віршів для учнів середньої ланки.
Викладений римований матеріал рекомендується використовувати як на уроці, так і в позаурочний час, оскільки він є виправданим на практиці ефективним засобом зниження психологічно-емоційного навантаження учнів та підвищення їх внутрішньої мотивації, інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови. Учитель, за бажанням, може адаптувати до підручника, за яким працює.
Подаючи вірші та римівки під час фонетичної зарядки чи фізкультхвилинки, він має домогтися повного розуміння учнями запропонованого лексико-граматичного матеріалу, опрацювати текст хором та індивідуально. Доцільно разом з учнями підібрати до нього бадьору мелодію (можна в стилі реп), яка всім сподобається, і проспівати, використовуючи міміку та жести голосами персонажів улюблених казок. Після цього дозволити дітям записати хорове виконання на диктофон, щоб порадувати співом батьків. Вдома діти повинні підібрати до тексту пісні картинки з Інтернету (за наявності) чи намалювати ілюстрації, щоб наступного уроку презентувати їх під час виконання пісні «на сцені».
Дані римівки (на розсуд учителя) можуть стати основою для мовленнєвих ігор, які найбільше подобаються дітям. Через кілька уроків бажано в довільній формі перевірити вміння учнів застосовувати відпрацьований лексико-граматичний матеріал в спонтанному, непідготовленому мовленні.
Чітка рима та повторюваність лексичних одиниць значно полегшують і прискорюють засвоєння і закріплення тематичної лексики, відповідних граматичних структур а отже, сприяють формуванню фонетичних, лексичних та граматичних навичок учнів.
Who is this?
This is a girl.
What is that?
That is doll.
Who is this?
This is a boy.
What is that?
That is a toy
Who is a dog?
I am a dog.
Who is a frog?
I am a frog.
Who is a monkey?
I am a monkey.
Who is a donkey?
I am a donkey.
This is my dog.
That is my room,
These are my forks.
Those are my spoons.
This is her bed.
That is her pet.
These are her knives.
Those are her kites.
This is his hare.
That is his chair.
These are his pens.
Those are his friends.
One dog, two dogs,
One frog, two frogs,
One bird, two birds,
One goat, two goats,
One cat, two cats,
One pet, two pets,
One map, two maps,
One chair, two chairs,
One bag, two bags
One pen, two pens,
One leg, two legs,
One flag, two flags.
I’m happy, happy, happy,
You’re sad, sad, sad,
I’m good, good, good
You’re not bad, bad, bad
My song, song, song
Is too long, long, long,
I’m right, right, right,
You’re wrong, wrong, wrong.
We’re thin, thin, thin.
They’re thick, thick, thick.
We’re small, small, small.
They’re big, big, big.
This song, song, song.
Is too long, long, long.
We’re right, right, right.
They’re wrong, wrong, wrong.
Who is hungry?
Who is fat?
Who is happy?
Who is sad?
Who is thirsty?
Who is tired?
Who is wrong?
And who is right?
I am hungry,
You are fat,
He is happy.
She is sad.
We are thirsty.
You are tired.
They are wrong.
They are not right.
Are you a spider?
Do you know a snake?
Are you a dolphin?
Do you live in a lake?
Are you a shark
or a giant blue whale?
Do you live in the ocean?
If yes, let’s laugh and play!
He is not a tree,
She is not grass,
He is not a flower,
She is not a glass,
He is not a girl,
She is not a boy,
But I love them both,
Them both, most of all!
It’s not a bicycle.
It’s not a bus.
It’s not a yacht.
It’s not a trolley-bus.
It’s not a boat,
It’s not a ship.
It’s not a motorbike.
Do you like to trip?
My cat is red,
Your cat is grey,
Her cat is white,
It likes to play.
My dog is brown,
His dog is black,
Her dog is white,
With a spot on the back.
Green, blue, yellow, grey –
Let’s have a colour play!
Red, pink, purple, black,
Do you like this ugly snake?
White, orange, violet, brown,
Do you like your native town?
Your azure native town?
Sing, dance, turn around!
But don’t fall to the ground.
I have got a sandwich,
I have got an apple,
I have got a banana,
I have got a cake,
I have got a carrot,
Chicken, pizza, peas,
Закрию холодильник,
Щоб Мурчик не заліз.
I haven’t got a sandwich –
Ще кухар не зробив,
I haven’t got a pizza –
В печі її спалив,
I haven’t got a banana –
На підвіконні згнив,
I haven’t got a sausage –
Її мій Мурчик з’їв.
I have got a parrot,
I have got a cat,
I have got a guinea-pig,
I have got a rat,
I have got a hamster,
It’s sleeping on the mat,
Next to the aquarium,
Have you got a pet?
He has got a parrot,
He has got a cat
He has got a guiny-pig,
He has got a rat,
He has got a hamster,
It’s sleeping on the mat,
Next to the aquarium,
Has she got a pet?
I haven`t got a rabbit,
I haven`t got a pig,
I haven`t got a horse,
Because it’s very big!
I haven`t got a donkey,
A cow, a foal, a calf,
I haven`t got a goat
I want you not to laugh.
I have got a Mummy,
I have got a Daddy,
I have got a Grandpa,
I have got a Granny,
I have got a sister,
I have got a brother
I have got two aunts, two uncles,
I’ve got four clever cousins.
I have got a mother,
I have got a Granny,
I have got an aunty,
Her name is Janet.
I have got a bedroom,
There is no mess
I have got a handy,
It’s on my desk.
I have got a dog,
I have got two cats,
They are very angry,
They like catching rats.
He has got a house,
She has got a flat,
He has got a garden,
She has got a pet.
Her pet is a kitten,
It’s white and grey,
She likes with her kitten
After school to play/
He has got a cupboard,
A bed, an armchair,
She has got swing boat
In the open air.
I like to travel when it’s warm
By train, by plane, by car,
I like to walk, to go on foot,
To hike – but not so far.
I’m living with my family
In a sunny flat,
My room is very cozy,
Here lives my lovely pet.
My pet, a fluffy puppy,
Is sleeping on the mat,
And who sleeps in the kitchen?
My darling, pussy-cat.
Are you an American?
No, no, no, I’m not!
Are you an Englishman?
No, no, no, I’m not!
Do you live in Germany?
Do you live in Spain?
Do you live in Japanese?
I’m living in Ukraine.
Are you from Australia?
Are you from Europe?
No? And where are you from?
Please, show on the map!
Who lives in this cage?
A young white mouse does,
Who lives in this aquarium?
My golden little fish does,
Who lives in this old cattle-shed?
My cow with her calf,
Who lives in this dog-house?
My lovely puppy does.
I don’t want to eat,
I don’t want to drink,
I don’t want to sleep,
I don’t want to skip,
I don’t want to swim,
I don’t want to run,
I don’t want to ride a bike,
I want to hug my Mum.
Do you know him?
Do you know her?
No, I don’t,
I don’t know.
Does he know you?
Does he know us?
Does he know them?
Yes, he does.
(Yes, he knows)
I dream to fly
High to the sky,
To blue, clear clouds
Like a butterfly,
What time is it? –
I’ll ask the Sun.
I’m very tired,
Let me sit down!
Who dreams to fly high to the sky?
My lovely children do.
Who likes to learn a foreign language?
My lovely children do.
Who wants to eat this tasty sandwich?
My lovely children do.
They are my helping hands, my joy
My dear Ann, Pete and Sue.
– Are you at home?
– No, I’m not.
I’m walking in the park.
– Are you alone or with a dog?
– Alone.
It’s very dark!
– Come soon to me!
I have just baked two delicious cakes,
But, carefully by the lake!
There’re living poisonous snakes!
To come – came
To meet – met
To drink – drank
To go – went
To ride – rode
To eat – ate
To swim – swam
To make – made
To have – had
To think – thought
To win – won
To bring – brought
To see – saw
To teach – thought
To say – said
To get – got.
– What season is the warmest, darling?
What season is too cold?
– The summer is the warmest one,
And winter’s frosty and cold.
It’s slippery and often snowy,
The wind is strong like ice.
– And do you like such angry weather,
Dear Granny?
– Daddy does.
What is the weather like today?
It’s sunny, clear and hot.
And yesterday? What was it like?
Wet, rainy, windy, cold.
Who told about it you, Granny?
My TV set me told.
The bookcase is at the door,
The desk is on the floor,
The clock is on the wall,
My classroom is big, not small.
The cupboard is at the wall,
The chair is on the floor,
The window is at the board,
The classroom is clean and hot.
There`s a door, there`s a wall.
There`s a ball on the floor.
There`s a desk, there`s chair.
There`s a board. The board is fair.
There`s a pen in the bag.
There’s a bag near the leg.
What can you see?
I can see a bee.
Can you see a frog?
No, can`t.
I can see a log.
What can't you buy?
I can't buy a butterfly.
Can you buy a fly?
No, I can`t.
I can buy an ant.
Whom can`t you find?
I can`t find my aunt.
What can’t you find?
I can`t find my mind.
Who can read?
Misty, Thunder, Pete.
Who can relax?
Whisper, Ted and Flash.
Who can clean a flat?
Max, Tom, Bill and Kate.
What can you see?
I can see a frog.
What can you draw?
I can draw a dog.
You are there, I am here.
Подивись в сусідський двір!
You are there, I am here.
Щось підводить мене зір.
You are there, I am here.
Що за невідомий звір?
You are there, I am here.
Не куниця і не тхір.
You are there, I am here.
П’є із мисочки кефір.
How do you do.
How do you do.
Ти красива на виду
How do you do,
How do you do.
В парк з тобою я піду.
How do you do,
How do you do.
Будем дути у дуду.
What is the weather like today?
Питає вчителька дітей.
What is the weather like today?
А хто чекає на гостей?
What is the weather like today?
Is asking Mummy зранку Kay.
– The weather is sunny.
The weather is nice,
Get up, wash your face,
І до Granny збирайсь.
It’s sunny. – Іt’s not windy.
It’s not cold. – Іt’s warm,
Не віриш мені,
То поглянь у вікно!
The sky is not cloudy,
It’s white and blue,
Давно уже небо
Таким не було.
The sky is peaceful,
It’s blue and white,
До лісу, до парку
Скликає малят.
The wind is still sleeping,
The rain is not weeping.
The sun is shining brightly,
The day is politely,
In all rainbow colours,
Аж проситься в танець!
– Please, borrow me your ball.
– With pleasure, but I haven’t got a ball.
I can lend your my doll.
– Thank you!
– Not at all.
– Do you like the weather today?
– No, I don’t. The sky is grey.
It has been raining all day long,
The birds are sleeping, not singing a song.
It’s cold, it’s foggy. It’s cloudy and wet,
That’s why, my dear, I am so sad…
It’s six o’clock –
Дзвенить дзвінок.
It’s five past six. –
Просніться, міс!
It’s quarter to seven.
Збирайтесь у Бремен!
It’s half past eight,
Відвідайте Кейт.
It’s quarter to one.
Ось стіл Вам й диван.
It’s ten to two.
Беріть ковдру ту.
It’s quarter to five.
Скуштуйте мед-чай.
It’s half past nine.
Чекай, сон! Чекай!
At ten starts a film –
Яким буде він? –
If it’s black and white –
Sleep well! Good night!
Пізнай англійське дієслово,
Таку собі частину мови:
“To live, to sing, to write, to read” –
Доволі працьовитий рід!
Про нього казку розкажу,
На пальчиках все покажу.
ВОНО метку натуру має,
Всілякі трюки витіває…
Для прикладу – покличем “go”.
Який переклад має слово?
У словнику окрім “іти”
Ти зможеш “їхати” знайти.
А як з’єднаєш “GO” з “-ing”
Дієприкметник б’є у дзвін:
«Идущий», тобто «той, що йде» –
Куди те “-ing” його веде?
А як подружить теє “going”
З рідею“BE” – “am”, “is” та “are”
(Саме ж бо “BE” не стрінеш часто),
Про «зараз» мислить голова:
Йду (їду) зараз – “I am going”,
Йдеш (їдеш) зараз – “You are going”
А “he” та “she” біжать до “is” –
Доволі різношерстний віз!..
He’s going now. – Легінь йде.
А «She is going». – Діва йде.
А вже, як не одинокий йде,
То – “are + -ing” той стрій веде.
Запам’ятати дуже раджу
Ці маркери! Такі слова
як «now», “at the moment”,
“this day”, “”this week. Бува, й нема
Помічників – і так бо ясно,
Як два по два, як Божий день,
Про те, що «зараз (нині)» йдеться
Ну як граматика за день?
Оце ж і є отой CONTINUOUS,
Що з SIMPLE сусідою живе,
Якщо сподобалася казка
Й потрібна поміч, клич мене!
Не бійся замість слова “GO”,
В цю казку інші підставляти,
І будеш ти знанням чудовим
Всіх педагогів дивувати.
Відразу казочку цю згадуй,
Якщо про “NOW” вир ідей,
А не про “USUALLY” чи “AlWAYS”
If I had much money,
I would buy a yacht.
If I were an angel,
I would meet my God.
If I were a potter,
I would make a pot.
If I were a wizard,
I’d make winters hot.
I would be a runner
If I had long legs,
I would be a winner
If I had a chance,
I’d invent something new
If I had smart brains,
I would give you dew
If you smiled in advance.