Відкритий урок у 6 класі по темі "Хобі. Читання".

Про матеріал

Відкритий урок був проведений у 6 класі по темі " Хобі.Читання" на узагальнення лексико - граматичного матеріалу. Тип уроку - узагальнюючий.

Перегляд файлу

1.Тема уроку: Хобі. Читання.

2. Мета уроку:


  • узагальнити лексико-граматичний матеріал з теми «Хобі. Читання»;
  • проконтролювати знання учнями лексики по темі, вміння використовувати її в мовленні;
  • практикувати учнів у письмі.



  • стимулювати логічне мислення, уяву;
  • розширювати загальний світогляд
  • сприяти розвитку мовленнєвої компетенції, вміння виражати свої думки, розвитку навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення у парній та груповій роботі.



  • виховувати любов до літератури як культурної спадщини та джерела знань;
  • сприяти вихованню уважного відношення до оточуючих, толерантність до чужої думки; уміння працювати у творчих групах, відповідальності за доручену справу.



  • комп’ютер,
  • мультимедійний проектор,
  • роздавальний матеріал,
  • портрети письменників,
  • картки,
  • комп’ютерна презентація.


Тип уроку – узагальнюючий

Reading makes a full man

Francis Bacon

Хід уроку

І Вступ


T. Good morning, children. How are you today? Are you creative, inspired enough to start our lesson?

I am sure you are.

Am I right?

P. Certainly. (Sure)

T. Today I want to suggest you a very interesting theme for speaking. At first you look at the screen and tell me what can you see there?

P. Kinds of hobbies.

T. You are right. And when you read the epigraph of our lesson you ‘ll easily guess what kinds of hobbies we’ll discuss today.

P. Read epigraph and say Reading.

T. The theme of our lesson today is dedicated to books which are the sources of knowledge and information. Today we are going to talk about the role of books in the people’s life. We want to listen to your opinions about reading, your favourite books and their authors. I hope you will be energetic and active.

Warming-up ( Введення в іншомовну атмосферу)


Interactive exercise «Microphone»

T. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. Have you got many books at home?
  3. Where do you take books to read?
  4. Who is your favourite writer?
  5. What kinds of books can you find in the library?
  6. What kind of library do you attend? ( school, local, city…)

ІІ Main part

T. I see, you are very interested in reading. That’s why let’s remember the name of some books and their authors. Let’s speak into two groups in seven, according to the colour of your ties. You discuss and choose a leader of your group.

T. Who is a leader of the first group?


T.Who is a leader of the second group?


T. The name of the first group is «Librarians»

The name of the second group is «Readers»

T. Your task is to choose the name of the book and the author

( I give you 3 minutes)

Choose the name of the book and the author:

  1. Tom Sowyer     a) J. Swift
  2. Harry Potter      b) D. Defoe
  3. The Jungle Book     c) J. Rowling
  4. Gulliver’s      e) M. Twain
  5. Winnie-the-Pooh     f) R. Kipling
  6. Robinson Crusoe     g) A. Milne

Keys: 1 - d; 2 - c; 3 - e; 4 - a; 5 - f; 6 - b.

Speaking. We continue working in groups. I see you are good readers and let’s start a competition between two groups.

T. People or animals in a book are called characters. Your task is to describe guessing characters for each other.   (3 min)

Group 1:

This boy is a main character. He studied at a school of magic. He had a lot of adventure there. He fought heroically against the Dark Lord.  (Harry Potter by Joanne Rowling)

Group 2:

This character is a seaman, who lived alone on an unknown island which was far where the ships were going.   (Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dafoe)

T. You are right. A book is a main source of knowledge. As you see we’ll speak today about books and the place we can take them from, that’s why we continue working in pairs. Your task is reading the text. (2minutes)

  • pre-reading activity

Vocabulary practice

  1. to be fond of     захоплюватися
  2. to read for pleasure    читати для задоволення
  3.  to get some information   одержувати інформацію
  4. to be important    бути важливим
  5. to teach many useful things   вивчати багато корисних речей
  6. to help in difficult situations  допомогати у важких ситуаціях
  7. different kinds     різні види
  8. to choose to one’s own taste  вибирати за власним смаком
  9. as for me     що до мене
  10. real      справжній
  11. to broaden a person’s outlook  розширювати особистий кругозір
  12. to improve knowledge   покращувати знання

What would you like to know from text?

  • while - reading activity

Read the text and fill in the missing information


People all over the world are fond of reading. Most of them read for pleasure or in order to get some information. Reading is very important in our life. Books teach us many useful things and can help in difficult situations.

There are different kinds of books: stories, poems, fairy -tales … . Everyone chooses a book to his/her own taste.

As for us, we like … . They teach us … . We also like to read … because … .

I think that  books are our real friends.

  • Post – reading activity

T. Answers  the following questions

  1. Who is fond of reading?
  2. Why do most of the people read?
  3. What do the books teach us?
  4. What kinds of books do you know?
  5. Why do like reading?
  6. Are books our real friends?

Physical warm - up

You are tired and now we do physical warming up

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet together.

Spin, spin, spin around,

Spin around together.

Sing, sing, sing a song

Sing a song together.

Wink, wink, wink your eyes

Wink your eyes together.

Dance, dance, dance a dance,

Dance a dance together.

Wash, Wash. Wash your eyes

Wash your face together.

March, march, march to bed

March to bed together.

Interactive exercise « Brainstorm»

Writing. Work in group. (2 min)

I see you know many kinds of the books. Let` s remember. Mow you work in groups 2 min. And then write the kinds of the books, we` ve already learnt.

We`ll done! And now complete the sentences with the words from the «Mind Map»

Pairwork  (cards)  3 min

  1. ______ for very young children are often based on popular television programmes, such as «Thomas and Friends»
  2.  I love listening to my grandpa`s  ____ of life at sea.
  3. The «____   and Myths of Ancient Greece» is one of my favorite books.
  4.  A sonnet is a type of ____ with fourteen lines.
  5. A ___ is usually a long story.
  6. The Ancient Greeks had many ___ or stories and heroes.


  1. Сomics
  2. Tales
  3.  Legends
  4.  Poems
  5. Novel
  6. Myths


Speaking. Group work.

Presentation of books, which you have just read and other group have to guess, what is a title of this books and it`s author.

Let`s start.  (3 min)


T. Today we have got a lot of information about books and now we have to sum up. So, why do we need books? Express your ideas. Did like the lesson?  What activities did you like the most?

I hope you understand that without books our life will be empty and boring. Read good books and enjoy them.

You worked hard today. You were very active, attentive and creative. And now we summarize your total points. Who gets 12, 11, 10 put up your hands.

Home task:

1-3 – Learnt new expressions by heart

4-6 – Draw your favorite character

7-9 – Ask 5-6 questions for your friends and make up a crossword

10-12 – Do the project «Books in our Life», «Favorite books of my Family ».

All the best to you. Good – bye.


6 листопада 2022
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