Розробка заходу
з англійської мови
за темою
учитель англійської мови
Штепа Юлія Олександрівна
Виховний захід на тему: «У країні знань»
Клас: 5
Тема заходу: «У країні знань»
Мета: формувати мовну й мовленнєву компетенції в рамках
вивчених тем;
удосконалювати вміння учнів з аудіювання, читання,письма та усного
розвивати увагу, творчу фантазію, пізнавальний інтерес,
ініціативу в здійсненні мовленнєвої діяльності;
формувати здатність працювати в парі, групі; виховувати культуру
спілкування та інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: картки із словами та завданнями, пазли, наочний матеріал по відповідних темах.
Хід заняття
Вчитель: Dear friends! Today we’ll have a very interesting competition. Two teams of pupils will show us their knowledge of English. I think it will be interesting and funny. Today we'll speak about English, play many interesting games and remember what we have learned at our lessons.
OK. Let's start. Now you are divided into two teams. So, we have 2 teams. Each team has its own table. I wish you good luck!
Every team has the name. Let’s meet them. (Команди представляють свої назви та займають місця). I see you are ready and we can start our competition.
Round 1: The first round of our contest is called “Wordchain”. Let's play such a game: make up as many words as possible out of the given title: "INTERESTING BOOK" You may use letters twice. (Учні складають слова за 3 хвилини.)
Round 2: Do you like to guess the puzzles? Of course, you do. That is the second round. I’ll read a puzzle to both teams one by one. You have to answer it quickly and correctly. Is it clear? So let’s start. For every correct answer 1 point will be given to you.
I am black and red, and blue.
I draw a picture for you. (Pencils)
We have friends, they cannot play
And cannot see, but they are good
To you and me. (Books)
The teacher writes on me with chalk.
My face is black, I cannot talk.
I don’t know the ABC,
But I am writing
As you can see. (Pen)
I can tell you all the day:
Time to sleep and time to play. (Clock)
It is white, it is cold.
We can skate on it.
What is it? (Ice)
Round 3: «Colors»
Your task will be to guess the colors.
Black: coffee, tea, shoes, coal.
White: snow, sugar, teeth, ice-cream.
Green: leaves, grass, cucumber, snake, crocodile, frog.
Yellow: lemon, chicken, gold, sun, sunflower.
Blue: sky, flower, sea, pencil.
Red: tomato, cherry, rose.
Brown: chocolate, pencil, hair.
Orange: orange, carrot, pumpkin.
Round 4: Translate the words and word combinations into Ukraine and English.
(За кожне перекладене слово ( словосполучення) – 1 бал)
Команда 1 Команда 2
Holidays season
улюблений предмет сонячна погода
windy weather to rest
родина батьки
Physical Training Computer Study
шкільна форма rainy weather
an uncle літні канікули
winter an aunt
Round 5: Find out the animals.
Round 6: “Crossword”
Round 7: Think of the words which have three letters and the letter “I” in the middle. The text will help you to do it.
i |
i |
i |
i |
i |
A house
You can see a house in the picture. It is not little. It is big. I live in this house. My name is Sid. I am a little boy. I am six years old. I do not like to sit still. I have a brother. His name is Ben. He is a pupil. Every day he takes his bag and goes to school.
Round 8: “Vegetables, Fruits and Drink”
Fill in the table with the words.
Fruits |
Vegetables |
Drinks |
(Key: tea, apple, tomato, orange, carrots, milk, cucumber, pear, juice, coffee, banana, plum, potatoes.)
Завдання 9: Find out the words
S |
O |
W |
E |
A |
X |
F |
O |
U |
R |
C |
O |
L |
D |
R |
F |
N |
E |
N |
H |
V |
C |
O |
O |
N |
U |
D |
G |
O |
L |
S |
G |
Y |
S |
Y |
A |
S |
O |
T |
G |
G |
U |
R |
U |
B |
U |
Y |
Y |
H |
M |
E |
T |
A |
D |
X |
O |
R |
A |
I |
N |
Y |
Y |
E |
E |
W |
E |
R |
M |
U |
T |
F |
Y |
H |
O |
T |
N |
I |
W |
E |
T |
Round 10: “Decoder”
Change numbers into letters and read the sentence.
16 -21- 16- 9- 12- 19 12- 15 -22- 5 5 -14- 7 -12 – 9- 19 -8
(Pupils love English)
2- 15- 15- 11- 19 1 -18- 5 6- 18- 9- 5-4- 19
(Books are friends)
Підведення підсумків заходу. Нагородження команд грамотами.
Now we have finished all the tasks and it’s time to announce the winner. According to the scores we can congratulate the team of the “______” form with the victory and present them with diplomas “The best English learner”. And another team also receives diplomas “Good English learner”.
- Thank you both teams for the participation. Good bye!