Використання сучасних пісень для удосконалення сприймання на слух на уроках англійської мови в старших класах

Про матеріал

Використання автентичних сучасних пісень на уроках англійської мови підвищує рівень мотивації старшокласників до вивчення іноземної мови та сприяє удосконаленню сприймання на слух іншомовного мовлення. Використайте дані пісні в якості початку уроку, для переходу до певної теми, як то "Права людей" (11 клас) або"Вікінги" чи "Становлення Великобританії".

Зміст архіву
Перегляд файлу

"Higher Ground"


1. Number the lines in the correct order

____World for the taking
____Ships in the making
____Men gone forever more
____Yet victory won't prevail
____Boarding and setting sail
____Bound for a distant shore

2. Match the lines

Freeze the arrow

leave it hanging there

Make your mark and

on higher ground

Be the first

in the air

Take the leap to land

to turn around


3. Choose the right word
Call in/it, surrender
Still, I won't/don’t feel like defeat
Men laying down their words/swords
Each of their owl/own accord

4. Write the missing letters
Free_e the arrow i_ the air
Make your ma_k and leave it _anging there
Be the f_rst to turn aroun_
Take the lea- to land on higher _round

Rai_e the battle to the s_y
Face the fear and hold your hea_ up high
Oooh-oooh, oooh-oooh
T_ke the leap l_ke you were bound fo_ higher ground

5.Fill the gaps with words you hear
Freeze the arrow _____ the air
Make _______mark and leave it hanging _________

Freeze _____ arrow in the air
_________ your mark and leave it hanging there
Be the _________ to turn around
Take the leap to ________ on higher ground
_____ the first to turn around
Take the leap and land on ___________ ground


Перегляд файлу


Rag'N'Bone Man






I'm only human
I'm only, I'm only
I'm only human, human


1. Order the lines according to the song

Don't put your blame on me

Thinking I can see through this
Got no way to prove it
Maybe I'm foolish
But I'm only human after all
Maybe I'm blind
So maybe I'm blind
I'm only human after all
Don't put your blame on me

And see what's behind

2. Choose the right word

Take a look /luck in the mirror
And what do you see/saw
Do you see it/it’s clearer
Or are you deceived
In/it what you live/believe
'Cause I'm only human after ball/all
You're live/only human after all
Don't put the flame/blame on me
Don't put your/my blame on me


3. Fill the gaps with words from the box

Don't      luck       only      

think       blame      people      after  


Some _______got the real problems
Some people out of ________
Some people _______I can solve them
Lord heavens above
I'm ______human after all
I'm only human _______all
Don't put the ______on me
_____ put the blame on me


4. Write the missing letters

Don't _sk my opini_n
D_n't ask _e to l_e
The_ beg for fo_givenes_ 
For m_king you _ry
Makin_ you cr_
'Cause I'm _nly hum_n afte_ all
I'm onl_ h_man after _ll
Don't p_t your bl_me on m_
Do_'t put _he blame _n me

5. Fill the gaps with words you hear

Oh, some _________ got the real problems
Some people out of _________
Some people think I can solve them
Lord heavens _________
I'm only human after all
I'm _______ human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put the _________ on me


I'm only human
I ________ mistakes
I'm only human 
That's all it takes
To _______ the blame on me
Don't put the blame on _______


I'm ______ prophet or Messiah
Should _____ looking somewhere higher
I'm only human ________ all
I'm only human after all
_________ put the blame on me
Don't put the blame ______ me


I'm only human 
I do _______ I can
I'm just a man 
I do what I _______
Don't put the blame on me
Don't ______ your blame on me


До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 липня 2018
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