Вікторина на тему "Найдопитливіший"

Про матеріал
Позакласний захід для 2-го класу за програмою НУШ. Матеріал у вигляді вікторини сприятиме вживанню здобувачами освіти у власному мовленні вивчених ЛО та граматичних структур, а також розвиткові критичного мислення та креативності.
Перегляд файлу

Позакласний захід для 2-го класу

Вікторина «Найдопитливіші»

Мета: вчити дітей вживати у власному мовленні вивчені лексичні одиниці та граматичні структури, повторити літери алфавіту;

           розвивати критичне мислення та креативність;

           виховувати вміння співпрацювати, почуття толерантності.

Дидактично - методичне забезпечення: картки з літерами (назви команд), картки зі словами, з літерами, з прикладами, ілюстрації предметів.

Хід проведення

Teacher: Hello, everybody. We have a quiz today.

We have two teams. The pupils should make up the team names out of letters proposed.

I. Teacher: Now members of the teams should introduce themselves. But first every pupil must introduce those who were before.

So, what do you like doing?

(to read, to sing, to watch TV, to dance, to play etc.)

II. Teacher: Let us find if you know the alphabet well. Both teams have letters on the cards. You must stand in line the way these letters are in the ABC.

(team 1 - u, v, w, x, y, z)

(team 2 - p, q, r, s, t, u)

Teacher: Now you must name the letter which is before the definite letter.

  1. Teacher: And now our captains are welcome to the blackboard. You are to make as many words as possible with these letters: o, p, c, b, h, t, g, v, 1, f, w, a, e.
  2. Teacher:We need one pupil from each team. In turns take a card out of this box, spell it, read, translate it and make a step forward if you have done it correctly.

Examples: eye, ear, nose, lip, mouth, cheek etc.

V. Т: And now the task "Odd One Out”    

              1. Red, pig, blue, yellow.

  1. Dress, shoe, hair, T-shirt.
  2. Duck, pig, hen, goose.
  3. Jump, run, desk, read.
  4. Pen, book, climb, blackboard.
  5. Boy, girl, father, table.

VI. T: Let us have a Maths lesson now. Do you like to count? Let us see.

Five plus three is ...

Fourteen plus thirteen is ...

Twenty-seven minus seventeen is ...

Eighteen minus three is ...

Thirteen plus five is ...

One hundred seven minus sixteen is ...

VIL T: Now, children, let us deal with sums. Your task will be to make up three sums.

VIII. T: Let us see if you know your working day routine. What do you do at:

- 7 o'clock in the morning?

- 11 а.m.

- 3 o'clock in the afternoon?

- 9 p.m.?

- 10 o'clock in the morning? Etc.

IX. T: Listen to the last task. You have some pictures. Look at them very attentively and try to describe them so that your opponents could guess this thing.

T: Dear children, I enjoyed our contest today. You can read, write, speak English. I wish you good luck. Thank you very much!


6 квітня 2022
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