Weather Forecast . Future Simple Tense

Про матеріал

Розробка уроку про прогноз погоди, ознайомлення з майбутнім неозначеним часом. Урок містить різноманітні вправи для відпрацювання нових лексичних одиниць та граматичних структур. В уроці використано елементи гри - квесту, після виконання кожної вправи діти отримують одну літеру чарівного слова.

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Form : 6                                                           Level: Elementary

Theme: Weather Forecast. Future Simple

Teaching Objectives:

  • To practice the active vocabulary of the topic;
  • To develop speaking,  reading , listening skills through various activities;
  • To develop student's thinking, memory, imagination, attention and creativeness.
  • To practice the use of "will" for the future.
  • To develop interest to nature.

Aids: pictures of different weather, worksheets, videos, multimedia presentation, computer.

                                               Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Preparation for apprehension foreign speech
  1. Greeting
  • Good day children. Nice to meet you. Today we have unusual lesson. First of all we have guests, these are teachers, let's greet them.
  • And now take your seats.
  • Today we must do 7 exercises. After each exercise you will get one letter of our magic word, at the end of the lesson you will make a word and in that place you will find a present from me.
  • Let's begin.
  1. Warm – up
  • How are you today?
  • What is your name?
  • How old are you?
  • Where are you from?
  • Where do you live?
  • What day is it today?
  • What month is now?
  • What the date is it today?
  • What is the weather like today?
  • I give you the first letter - C
  1. The poem
  • Let's read the poem, mind your sounds and intonation please.

The sun is shining

And I am smiling,

The weather is bad

And I am sad.

  1. Phonetic exercise

Students revise sounds [Ө] and [/∂/]. The teacher gives pupils the cards with the table. Students have to listen and tick the right sound, then check them.







































  • I give you the second letter - A
  1. The Basic Part of the Lesson
  1. New words

Sunny, rainy, foggy, warm, cold, frosty, snowy, cloudy, partly cloudy, windy, temperature, forecast

  • Listen to me.
  • Repeat after me.
  • Will you…
  • Well done!
  • I give you the third  letter – N
  1. Test " Nature"
  • Divide these words into two groups good weather and bad weather
  • cold, windy, rainy, cloudy, snowy, partly cloudy, foggy, and frosty.
  • I give the fourth letter – T
  1. Grammar Time
  • Today we'll  talk about the  weather forecast, but for this exercise we need to get acquainted with the new time form – Future Simple
  • Let’s watch the video. Be attentive, please.
  • When we use the Future Simple?
  • What is the main word in this tense?
  • Who can make a sentence in the Future Simple? the order of the words are on the board
  • 1. I (to do) morning exercises.
    2. He (to work) at a factory.
    3. She (to sleep) after dinner.
    4. We (to work) part-time.
    5. They (to drink) tea tomorrow .
    6. Mike (to be) a student.
    7. Helen (to have) a car.
    8. You (to be) a good friend.
    9. You (to be) good friends.
    - I give worksheets for everybody, make up the sentences in the F.S.
  • I give you the fifth letter - E
  1. Weather forecast
  • Let's watch the video with forecast. Be attentive.
  • Hello, my name is.... I want to tell you about the weather next days. On Wednesday it will be snowy and windy. The temperature will be 5 degrees below zero. But on Thursday the weather will change for the better. It will be sunny and frosty. The sky will be blue and cloudless. So, you will be able to enjoy real winter weather. Have a nice day!


  • Let's check how you were attentive. If the sentence is correct you put the letter T, if the sentence is wrong you put the letter F.
  • I give you the sixth letter - E
  1. Funny time
  • Divide into two groups.  I give you a weather forecast for Friday and Saturday in London. You must translate into English. One of your groups tells the weather, other two pupils show what will the weather be like. Ok?
  • I give you the seventh letter – N. It is the last letter for today.
  1. Relaxation

The teachers makes movements with pupils

  • Stand up, clap, clap.

Arms up, clap, clap.

Arms down, step, step.

Clap, clap, sit down.

  1. The Final Part of the Lesson
  1. Homework – write the weather forecast for the next week.
  2.  Summarizing
  • You have collected all the letters of our magic words and now you know where is my present for you.
  • Ok, today we read, listened, did exercises. You were great. You all get good marks.
  1. Saying – Goodbye
  • Tell our guests and me " Goodbye"
  • See you soon
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Англійська мова (2-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Пахомова Т.Г.)
2 березня 2018
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