Workshop "The 21st Century Skills. Critical Thinking Skills."

Про матеріал
Матеріал пропонує види діяльності для розвитку навичок 21 століття. Особлива увага акцентується на розвитку навичок критичного мисленняю
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Critical thinking abilities

Save polar bear cubs



Agree or disagree


What is going on in the picture?




Detective story





















Problem solving







The 21st century skills. Critical thinking skills.

Objective: to define critical thinking abilities, to practice some activities to develop critical thinking.


1.Icebreaker: -name

                       - hobby

                       - place to rest

                       -the most important thing for you

   a) how is this activity called?

   b) Why do we use icebreakers?

   c) What is the difference between icebreaker and warming up?

2. Critical thinking. Why it is important to develop critical thinking? Critical thinking skills and abilities.

3. Save polar bear cubs. It is a good activity to review vocabulary or phrasal verbs.

-fall behind, look after, hand out, hand in, look forward to,

Be over(end),catch up with(reach), drop in( visit informally), get along with( be friendly), hang around(waste time), hang out(relax).

  a) What critical thinking skills were involved?

We have reviewed vocabulary and may go on to more serious activities.

4. Agree or disagree. Appropriate for the age interesting and real life based statements.

-every one should live life with dignity

-it is essential to have a role model

 Let’s try this one.

  1. May we apply it in junior classes?

5. What is going on in the picture ?




   a)What makes you think so?

   b) Did we apply any critical thinking abilities?

You may add some details and elicit  more information.


 6. Video.

   a) What is this video about? 

   b)The tiger is striped , why does not it have stripes here?

   c) Do you have any ideas how did tiger get the stripes?

Now let’s watch. What happened in the part you did not watch?

    a) What critical thinking abilities were applied working with video? ( to show the film)

7. Role play. Detective story.

  a)What are the possible challenges of role play?

  b)How to anticipate these challenges?

8. Reflection.

   a)What critical thinking skills were mentioned today?

   b)At what stage did we develop?

Thank you for being supportive and active today!



















It is essential to have a role model





Everyone should live life with dignity.

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
4 листопада 2019
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