Your digital footprint (11th form) Контроль навичок читання

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Короткий тест допоможе вчителю перевірити навички учнів пошуку інформації в тексті та буде мати добрий виховний ефект на учнів щодо правил роботи в мережі Інтернет
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Your digital footprint   (11th form)

imageimageimageimageEvery time you go online you leave a trail. This is just like a real . It reveals where you’ve been, how long you stayed and what you’ve been doing there. Every time you register for an online service, send an email, download a video or upload a photo, the information can be accessed and your digital footprint can be revealed. This shouldn’t necessarily be worrying but it is advisable to be aware of your digital footprint and to be cautious and sensible when you are online.

Six top tips for taking care of your digital footprint

1.   imageDon’t forget to log off when you leave a website, especially if you are using a shared computer. If you don’t, someone can easily pretend to be you!

2.   imageDon’t tell anyone your passwords and don’t write them down in an obvious place. Make them more complex by using a combination of letters, numbers and punctuation marks.

3.   imageimageTell an adult if you come across anything online that makes you upset, anxious or concerned. There are ways to report inappropriate or abusive content and in most cases web managers respond rapidly.

4.   Remember your favourite websites by using the history button and the bookmark function on your computer or mobile device. This is a way that your digital footprint can work in your favour, but remember to clear your browser history regularly.

5.   imageimageIf you want to post comments online, you don’t have to use your own name. Invent a nickname to use instead. You can also use a picture instead of a real photo.

. Protect your identity online. Be careful about who you share personal information with and always think twice before sharing details like your email, home address, school or phone number with someone.

Think about the future

imageAll kinds of people are interested in your digital footprint. It's now quite common for colleges, universities and employers to check out the online profiles of possible candidates as part of their application process. There are cases of people having missed out on jobs and places in college because their digital footprint didn’t impress the recruiters. So, remember: keep safe, don’t put too much personal information online and always think carefully before you post something. Ask yourself, ‘Would I be happy for absolutely everyone to see this?’

imageЗірочка (*) указує, що запитання обов’язкове

1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Електронна адреса *


2.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Прізвище та ім'я учня/учениці. *


3.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What does your digital footprint reveal? *          1 бал

Виберіть лише один варіант.

imageYour favorite websites and passwords.

Inappropriate or abusive content you have encountered online.

Where you've been and what you've been doing online.

Personal information like your address and phone number.

4.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What should you do when using a shared computer? *     1 бал

Виберіть лише один варіант.

imageDelete your digital footprint.

Leave without logging off.

Tell someone your passwords.

Log off before leaving the website.

5.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        * 1 бал

What should you do if you come across something online that makes you upset or concerned?

Виберіть лише один варіант.

imageIgnore it and keep browsing.

Tell an adult and report the content.

Share it with your friends.

Delete your digital footprint.


What should you consider before sharing personal information online? * Виберіть лише один варіант.

1 бал

imageYour email and phone number.

Your nickname and picture.

Your favorite websites.

Who you are sharing it with.


* Why is it important to think carefully before posting something online?

Виберіть лише один варіант.

1 бал

imagePotential employers and schools may check your digital footprint.

To protect your identity online.

To share inappropriate or abusive content.

To impress web managers and recruiters.


  ... log off when you leave a website.  * Виберіть лише один варіант.

1 бал



9.           ... use your name when you post comments online.  *

1 бал

Виберіть лише один варіант.



10.               ... forget to erase your browser history. *      1 бал

Виберіть лише один варіант.



11.               ... use punctuation marks in your password. *          1 бал

Виберіть лише один варіант.



12.               ... write your password in a place where you can find it easily *      1 бал

Виберіть лише один варіант.



13.               Have modern gadgets changed our world and made it a better place         * 2 бали or have they turned us into slaves?






14.               Which gadgets do most students find to be “cool”? *           2 бали





Are we too dependent on technology? How dangerous could it be? *

2 бали









What are the bad sides of using technology in students’ daily lives? *

2 бали








17.        Modern technologies are used ... *                                                                            4 бали

imageВиберіть усе, що підходить. in healthcare in the educational sector to get entertainment in natural and social sciences in shopping in the military industry in the mechanical engineering



Компанія Google не створювала цей вміст і не підтримує його.

image Форми

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