завдання для семестрового контролю

Про матеріал
завдання для контролю рівня сформованості навичок учнів в усній комунікації . Містить матеріал тем, вивчених у ІІ семестрі
Перегляд файлу

The 10-th form                                                    Speaking                                 II semester

I.Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. Don’t copy the sentences

1.MPs are (election/ elect/elected) every 5 years.

2.The UK is a (constitution/constitute/constitutional) monarchy.

3.National rights and dignity of all the people  of Ukraine are  (respect/ respectful/respected).

4.Some of my classmates dream to (join/unite/serve) the army after they leave school.

5.Do you think young people can be (corrupt/corruption/corrupted) by big city life?

II.Match the parts of the sentences. One ending is extra. DON’T copy the sentences

1.Canada is                            a)in North America and it consists of ten provinces and three territories.

2.It is located                            b)is the Queen or King and she/he is represented by the  Governor General.

3.The head of the state               c)the maple leaf.

4.Canada has                                     d)are ice hockey and lacrosse.

5.Canada’s national symbol is           e)is Ottawa, but the largest city is Toronto.

6.Canada’s official national sports    f)the second largest country in the world.

7.Canada’s capital city                      g)got two official languages.

                                                          h)the Prime Minister is responsible for the Senate

III.Match questions and answers. One answer is extra. Don’t copy them

1.Hello, Frank! Back from school? So early.                        A)No, Jack is with his friends.

2.Is Jack on the computer?                                                    B)Yes, I can. I’m sure the cartridge is OK.

3.Can you print out this document at home?                     C)No, the network at school is very slow.

4.Can the students in your class design a web page?       D)Yes, I have some homework to do.

5.Do you need the Internet?                                                  E)Perhaps it is out of paper or it isn’t plugged in.

                                                                                                F)Yes, there is some freeware I want to download.

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
24 травня 2023
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