Завдання для учнів 11 класу екстернатної форми навчання з англійської мови на II семестр

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Завдання для учнів 11 класу екстернатної форми навчання з англійської мови за підручником О.Карпюк на II семестр
Перегляд файлу


Read the text and do the tasks

Starting Your Own Blog

        I was sitting in my local cybercafé yesterday; I like to get away from my “home office” from time to time and it’s a great place to go for a cup of Espresso and to meet interesting people. The rather attractive lady sitting next to me was typing away and, when she had finished, I asked her what she was writing so furiously. It turned out she was a blogger and she was updating her web site. She was really interested in vegetarian cookery and she was adding a new restaurant review to her blog.

       If you spend any time at all online, you can notice blogs are becoming popular; and they are a great way of building an online presence without the need for any technical knowledge. A blog is an abbreviation of the term “web log”. Quite a few years ago, web surfers began collecting information and links that they encountered during their online travels. As time passed , they started to develop their own web logs. These blogs enabled them to update the information and links as often as they wished.  Blogs are more permanent than posts to an online forum or to a discussion list; they are much more dynamic than the traditional home pages. They are also more personal than journaling, and more public than diaries.  A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person’s life and what is happening on the Web. So, there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people.

      There are a few common characteristics of a blog, but there may be slight variations. Some blogs provide brief descriptions of links within the chosen theme of the blog. Some others contain commentaries and links to the news of the day. Other ones are political, intellectual, or merry. Blogs are posts that are short, informal and deeply personal no matter what the topic of discussion is. They can be characterized by their conversational tone. Two of blogs’ greatest strengths are their ability to filter and spread information to a wide audience, and the position outside the mainstream of mass media.

     If a person has a web presence but is disappointed with a static homepage, then blogging provides an ideal platform. There are many different options available to the new an experienced blogger alike. Some blog scripts are available to install on your own domain and these require at least a basic understanding of FTP and HTML. There are many hosted blog services available, some free and some paid. If you are serious about blogging, then I would strongly recommend you to use the best system that you can afford. My recommended choice of hosted blogging service would have to be the system that includes a wide variety of high quality features that enables you to generate an income from all your readers.

  1. Find the sentence that reflects the main idea best
  1. The text mostly tells about…
  1. an occasional meeting in the cybercafé
  2. blog’s genesis
  3. blogs in general and blogging tips


  1. The second paragraph says that..
  1. a blog often substitutes a diary
  2. a blog is a kind of hybrid of a diary and a website
  3. blogs are more permanent than posts to an online forum


  1. The third paragraph of the text mentions…
  1. blog kinds and features briefly
  2. blogs as the main news resources
  3. detailed blog characteristics


  1. The last paragraph contains…
  1. information about hosted blog services
  2. information about different blog options
  3. blogging tips


  1. Complete the sentences with the most suitable endings to clarify the details
  1. According to the text, cybercafé is a great place to…
  1. have a lunch and receive information
  2. go for a cup of Espresso and work
  3. drink coffee and communicate


  1. As we can understand, the woman that the author met was…
  1. an experienced blogger
  2. an occasional visitor
  3. his old friend


  1. Quite a few years ago, blogs appeared because…
  1. the term “web log” appeared
  2. surfers began to create logs of information and develop their own web logs
  3. blogs were more permanent than posts to an online forum
  1. There are as many exceptional types of blogs as there are…
  1. TV and radio programmes
  2. people who use them
  3. homepages and sites


  1. Usually blogs are posts that…
  1. are brief, unofficial and private no matter what is being discussed
  2. provide brief descriptions of links
  3. are political, intellectual, or merry


  1. Some blogs scripts are…
  1. available to a web presence
  2. available to the new and experienced bloggers
  3. available to install on your own domain


  1. The author recommends choosing the system that includes…
  1. the best features of hosted blogs
  2. a large diversity of the highest class characteristics
  3. a wide variety of special programme features


  1. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F)
  1. Blogs are a great way of building an online presence without any technical knowledge.
  2. Blogs allow people to update the information and links as often as they wish
  3. Some blogs can be characterized by their legal tone.
  4. Those who are dissatisfied with ordinary homepages can start a blog.





Перегляд файлу





Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1 Kevin … (change) his password when he realized that someone else was using his page.

2 When Kate buys herself a new computer next week, she … (use) her old one for five years. 3 We need to check the database until Mr. Smith … (arrive).

4 Until she returns, you … (hide) all of the appliances.

5 I … (fix) the printer for two hours when Jake entered the room.

6 Helen … (not leave) the office till her boss allowed her to.

7 They … (not improve) the website until you require to do this.

8 Life had not been so convenient as nowadays until the Internet … (invent)


Read the text below. Match choices (A—H) to (1—5). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Positive thinking is a practice which requires your certain mental attitude. Someone who has a positive thinking always foresees happiness, good health, success, and a positive outcome of almost every situation and event t h a t takes place. A person with a positive thinking expects that things will always work out and they often do. When you have a positive thinking, you easily find answers to even the most complex problems and challenges.

(1) ________

Before you can work out a positive thinking pattern, you first have to realize t h a t positive thinking is not something you do from time to time. Positive thinking is a practice, one that you work with daily and apply regularly. By making it a daily habit you create a positive thinking mindset that allows you to avoid potentially negative and challenging situations, and helps you to resolve dilemmas quickly and easily.

(2) ________

             You will attract what you think about regularly. So if you believe that life is difficult, you will attract situations that will make your life difficult. Thus you should start paying close attention to what you think. Every day catch yourself thinking, ask yourself — what am I thinking about? Is this thought positive or negative? Does it help me to improve my life or does it make my life more difficult?

(3) ________

While they will help to develop a positive thinking pattern, it can take some time to see real results from reciting positive affirmations repeatedly. That's because it depends on what you want and where you are in life. To create a positive thinking mindset, your positive affirmations should be said daily, should be in the present tense, and should be said in your voice. Working with affirmation CDs is also helpful.

(4) ________

See yourself succeeding at what you want to achieve. This will help to boost the results of your affirmations and develop a stronger positive thinking pattern. When you visualize, your subconscious associates the image with the affirmation and helps you to achieve the success you want sooner.

(5) _________

When you're positive, when you have a positive thinking mindset and when you work with positive affirmations daily, you begin to spread the positive emotions. When this happens, you naturally begin to attract positive people and positive situations into your life.

A. Spread the Positive Energy

В. Create Positive Thoughts that Lead to a Positive Thinking Mindset

C. We Are All Connected

D. Visualize Your Success

E. Involve Your Friends and Family

F. How to Develop Positive Thinking

G. These Changes Won’t Happen Overnight.

H. Results with Positive Thinking and Affirmation Can Vary



Перегляд файлу

It’s Your Planet (Unit 6)



1.  …..of our land, sea and air is very bad for the health of humans.

a) development;  b) research;  c) pollution;  d) investigation.

2. Most scientists agree that the temperature of our Earth is …..

a) falling;  b) rising;  c) changing;  d) usual.

3. The Earth’s weather will be worse and there will be more wind, rain and …..

a) sun;  b) storms;  c) moon;  d) stars.

    4. People at home can try to use less electricity by turning …lights.

a) off;  b) on;  c) in;  d) of.

5.  Good can never grow out of …..

a) good;  b) evil;  c) nothing;  d) friendship.

6. The biggest polluter today is a ….., especially in cities.

a) man;  b) child;  c) seller;  d) car.

7. …..is the organization for protecting the ecology of our planet.

a) Green Grass;  b) Green Planet;  c) Green Tree;  d) Green Peace.

8. …..is difficult for some animals.

a) climate change;  b) good weather;  c) fresh air;  d) dirty water.

9. We could all use our cars less and walk or use ….. more.

a) planes;  b) ships;  c) taxes;  d) public transport.

10.  Many countries must try to control the growth of the ….. .

a) population;  b) temperature;  c) crops;  d) youth pregnancy.

11.  We are not doing enough to protect the environment from  …..

a) development;  b) research;  c) pollution;  d) investigation.

12.  People should ….. as much of their rubbish as possible.

a) food;  b) recycle; c) attitude;  d) salary.




Use an appropriate relative pronoun to complete the sentences.

1 Global warming is a general increase in the temperature ....is affecting many countries.

2 Michael is the man ... daughter is a well-known scientist.

3 A tropical forest is an area .... tall trees grow very close together.

4 This is the lady ... can show you the way to national parks without a car.

5 Deforestation is really bad in the mountains… many trees are cut down every year.

6 We live in a time … some animals may stop existing because of hunting and pollution.



Use of English

Choose the correct answer

 Scientists have come up with a new theory on why woolly mammoths became (1) ______21,000 years ago. Up until now, people have believed that mammoths, the 3-metre-high relatives of elephants, died out because they were hunted to extinction. New research shows they ran out of grass, and that was caused by global (2) ______ 21 millennia ago. Researchers from the UK’s Durham University suggest the hairy dinosaurs (3) ______ to death because forests took over the grasslands they needed to (4) _____. As the Earth became warmer and wetter, forests spread and the mammoth had fewer areas to graze. "Mammoths had roamed and munched their way across many parts of Europe," said lead researcher Professor Brian Huntley.

Professor Huntley said what happened to the mammoths in prehistoric times is a warning of what might happen in the future to today’s large herbivores. “This was a time of major environmental (5) _____ and losses of (6) ______ that may have led to the (7) _____ of mega-species that roamed many parts of the planet,” he said. He had a warning about the plight of today’s large animals: "It is food for thought in these times of global warming and (8) _____ habitat change." Other creatures also to become extinct due to climate change were the cave lion, giant deer, woolly rhino and the cave bear. The research team believe today’s elephants and rhinoceroses could suffer a similar fate.













































































Перегляд файлу

Speaking About Art (Unit 7)


1. An …..is a story of a person‘s life, written by that person.

a) autobiography;  b) horror story;  c) science fiction;  d) comedy.

2. A  ….. is a story or film which makes people laugh and has a happy ending.

a) autobiography;  b) western;  c) cartoon;  d) comedy.

3. A  ….. story or film is about events in the future or other worlds.

a) science fiction;  b) thriller;  c) horror story;  d) war story.

4. A  ….. is a period of fighting between countries or states.

a) cartoon;  b) war story;  c) thriller;  d) horror story.

5.  I love cinema with a big …… It makes you feel part of the action.

a) screen;  b) heroes;  c) popcorn;  d) audience.

6. J.M. Turner is one of  …..well-known painters.

a) French;  b) Italian;  c) British;  d) German.

7. Children’s books appeal to children if they have attractive ….. .

a) stories;  b) pictures;  c) puzzles;  d) layout.

8. At the end of the performance the ….. usually stands up and applauses for several minutes.

a) producer;  b) moderator;  c) actors;  d) audience.

9. Impressionism was founded in France in the 1870’s by Claude Monet and his  …...

a) family;  b) friends;  c) neighbors;  d) animals.

10.  …..art became popular in the 20th century.

a) Abstract;  b) Expressionism;  c) Cubism;  d) Surrealism..

11.   …..is the most important actor or actress in a film.

      a) Star;  b) Director;  c) Plot;  d) Scene.

12.  …..is the music of a film.

  1. Soundtrack ;  b) Sequel;  c) Effects;  d) Cast.



1) The girl ___________________(stand) at the window is my sister.

      2) ________________ (send) to the wrong address the letter didn't reach him.

3) He sat in the armchair_____ (think).

4) She came up to us_____________ (breath) heavily.

5) The hall was full of _____(laugh) people.

6) The _______(sing) girl was about fourteen.

7) The hunters were absolutely silent..________________  (follow) the tiger's footsteps.

8) The president climbed the stage,___________________ (follow) by his family.

9 ) He arranged the whole trip for the English tourists______________________ (wish) to visit the Carpathian Mountains.

10)John, (having been seen / being seen), finally admitted to his parents that he smokes.

11) The placement test, (carried out / carrying out) by our teachers, could give us a detailed picture of our  student's knowledge.

12)The carpet (covered / covering) the floor in his dining room was bought in Iran.






Перегляд файлу

Focus on Youth (Unit 8)


1.  …..is an ability to learn, understand and think about things.

a) anxiety;   b) response;  c) illiteracy;  d) intelligence.

2. Without emotions, we are just like….. .

a) cats;  b) pets;  c) robots;  d) goose.

3. We should ….. our emotions.

  1. control;  b)wait;  c) look;  d) expect.

4. Some teens may become ….. and spend too much time with the computer.

a) interested;  b) net addicted;  c) depressed;  d) adults.

5. Young people today are getting more economically ….. , but at the same time they become more pragmatic.

a) active;  b) right ;  c) wrong;  d) depressed.

6. It is necessary now not only to help young people with some of their problems, but to pay more attention to the youth on a ….. level.  .

a) democratic;  b) first;  c) political;  d) pragmatic.

7. The ….. of our country depends on our younger generation.

a) control;  b) family;  c) understanding;  d) future.

8. Statistics shows that the number of ….. marriages has dropped over the past decades.

a) registered;  b) money;  c) man-man;  d) friends.

9. I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don’t ….. that their subjects are not the most important thing in my life.

a) understand;  b) watch;  c) tell; d) describe.

10.  Some of my friends found a ….. job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money .

     a) part-time;  b) best;  c) most important;  d) well-paid.

11.  Parents should teach their children that smoking is ….. .

      a) important;  b) forbidden;  c) dangerous;  d) multinational.

12. Many young people think that ….. makes them look like an adult, look sexy.

a) dancing;  b) education;  c) party;  d) smoking.





 Complete the sentences with the words from the box

 More and more young people are involved in _____(1). There are several possible _____(2) for this. Firstly, lack of _______(3) at home and at _______(4) could be the cause. Young people often grow up ______(5) and ______(6), because children receive no discipline at home.

 Secondly, social conditions such as ________(7) and _________(8) are important. In big cities there are groups of _________(9) teenagers who steal in order to ______(10). Besides, in many cities young drugs addicts ______(11) crimes so as to be able to buy ________(12).

 So, there are many ______(13) which have caused an increase crime among young people. It is difficult to know which of them _________(14), or how the increase can be stopped.


Reasons, discipline, school, to eat, disruptive, to commit, homeless, drug addiction, unruly, poverty, crime, drugs, factors, responsible




Перегляд файлу

(назва школи)



Індивідуальний план

для учениць 11 класу _________________

    з англійської мови


на II семестр 202_/202_н.р.


№ за/ п

Виконання навчального плану

Форма атестації


Тема 5

Наука і технічний прогрес (вплив науково-технічного прогресу на життя людини й довкілля)

Adverb Clauses with Time: till, untill

Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми


Тема 6

Природа і довкілля (національні парки та заповідники/заказники України, їх охорона екотуризм)


Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми


Тема 7

Мистецтво (види та жанри мистецтва фестивалі кіно, театр, живопис, телебачення характеристика фільму / вистави / телепрограми опис картини емоції вплив мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини)


Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми


Тема 8

Молодь і молодіжна культура  (життя і проблеми молоді молодіжний рух в Україні та у світ)

The Infinitive

Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми


Тема 9

Україна у світі (суспільно-політичне життя в країні представницькі місії за кордоном міжнародне співробітництво міжнародні організації: ЄС, ООН, Рада Європи)

Країни виучуваної мови (міжнародні відносини знаменні події видатні люди)

Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (Revision)

Тестова контрольна робота + написання твору з теми



Контрольні роботи з 4 видів мовленнєвої діяльності.

Семестрові контрольні роботи з 4 видів мовленнєвої діяльності


Учитель:                    _______________________

Завдання з англійської мови за підручником English 11 Оксани Карпюк, 2019

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Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Парасоченко Ірина Іванівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 лютого 2023
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