Зимові свята . 6 клас

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Номер слайду 3

W1. People decorate the houses and fir-trees with bright lights and ornaments. They exchange postcards and gifts. Children like this holiday very much, because they always find presents early in the morning. Santa Claus brings them .2. He puts gifts under the pillow or in boots during the eve of December 18th. These are usually sweets (chocolate, candies, fruit), toys, games, books, or warm clothes. Adults may also receive a surprise in the morning of the 19th. 3 . Kutia » it is a very important dish that must be on the table. Some people go to a church, gathers with families around the festive table.  

Номер слайду 4

WWinter holidays are the most interesting and great. During the winter period Ukrainians celebrate a lot of holidays. So the celebrations start in December. Children wait for their first presents. The 19th of December Ukrainians celebrate St. Nicholas day. Some days before, children write their wishes for Saint Nicholas and 19th December they look for the presents under their pillows. St. Nicholas day

Номер слайду 5

WPreparing for New Year in Ukraine Ukrainians decorate their houses with New Years Trees, bells and lights. There are a lot of presents and sweets under New Year Trees.

Номер слайду 6

Christmas in Ukraine Christmas is the most important religious holiday in Ukraine. It is celebrated on the night of the sixth to the seventh of January. On this day people glorify Jesus Christ, and prepare Ukrainian Christmas dishes , but the most important of them are kutya, stewed fruit, cake vinihret, cabbage soup, cabbage rolls, fried fish and vegetable stew. Also there is a tradition to sing « koliadky » 

Номер слайду 7

During the winter period Ukrainians celebrate a lot of holidays. 2. The 19th of December Ukrainians celebrate St. Nicholas day. 3 . There aren’t a lot of presents and sweets under New Year Trees. The most important part of the celebration of Christmas is a festive table. Some people go to a church.6. In Ukraine there are not so many Christmas dishes

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

Well done!

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 березня 2024
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