10 клас. « Природні Катастрофи» Natural Disasters Story (video worksheet)

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Матеріал "10 клас. « Природні Катастрофи» Natural Disasters Story (video worksheet)" розроблений на основі автентичного навчального відео фрагменту. Матеріал містить завдання двох видів: підібрати назву природнього катаклізму дати відповіді на питання Матеріал може бути використаний на різних етапах вивчення теми, як для ознайомлення, так і для закріплення лексики або для перевірки учнями навичок розуміння на слух.
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10 клас. « Природні Катастрофи» Natural Disasters Story (video worksheet)

  1. Fill in the words:

sandstorm        drought       typhoon         avalanche          tornado        tsunami        hurricane                        flood           landslide                                 earthquake

An……………. is a sudden shaking movement of the Earth’s tectonic plates.

A …………….. is an overflow of water onto dry land

A …………….. is a strong wind in a desert, which carries sand through the air.

An ………….. is a large mass of snow, ice and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain.

A …………….. is the rapid downward movement of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain.

A……….... is a powerful vertical funnel of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground.

A ………… is a very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or a volcanic eruption.

A …………. is a destructive storm with high speed winds. It occurs in the North Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific Ocean.

A …………… is a destructive storm with high speed winds. It occurs in the Northwest Pacific Ocean.

A ………………is a long period without rain

  1. Answer the questions:

1.Which natural disaster happens in the  desert?

2. Which natural disaster occurs in the North Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific Ocean.

3. Which natural disaster happens after a long period without rain?

4. Which natural disaster is connected with Earth’s tectonic plates?

5. Which natural disaster is connected with large amount of rain?

6. Which natural disaster is connected with large amount of snow?

7. Which natural disaster is caused by an underwater earthquake or a volcanic eruption?

8. Which natural disaster is caused by the rapid downward movement of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain?




20 серпня 2023
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