2 клас англійська мова "Чия це іграшка"

Про матеріал
Урок з англіської мови для 2 класу за підручником І.В Доценко Урок розроблений для використання на уроках НУШ англійськох мови.
Перегляд файлу


Form: 2

Topic: Чия це іграшка?

Lesson aims: repeat  vocabulary ; teach ask and answer the questions; teach reading; practice listening  skills ; improve the phonetics and articulation of sounds.

Materials:: Toys cards, audio recording of tutorial exercises, video recording  for greetings and song «Good bye» .



I. Organizational moment

Good morning, pupils! How are you today? Do you ready for the lesson?

Song  «Good morning»


II. The topic of the lesson

Today we are going to speak about toys, sing the song improve the phonetics and articulation of sounds , ask and answer the questions.


  1. Warming up

Game “ Give  me a toy”


Now children I will give each of you cards with toys if you hear the name of your toy come  to me, name it and say translation.


  1. The main part of the lesson

1. Робота з підручником

Ex.1, p.82

Your task  is listen and repeat the questions


2. Ex.2, p.82


Your task is listen, match and say


Фізхвилинка (відеозапис)


3. Ex.4, p.83

Your task is read the sentences


 2  Speaking.  «Who Has Got Game»

Kids get in a circle. Distribute prepared cards for the game. The teacher begins with the question "Who has got a (car)?".  A student holding a card with this toy answers.


IV. Summing up.


What did you learn at the lesson? (відповіді учнів)

Song «Good bye»





24 січня 2020
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