5 клас англ.мова А.Несвіт урок з теми Nature Weather Seasons

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Розробка уроку з теми Nature Weather Seasons 5 form по підручнику А.Несвіт з супроводжуючей презентацієй
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           5 клас

Відкритий урок з







                  Виконала вчитель англійської мови

Маленкова Т.О.

                   Дмитрівський НВК ім.С.С.Курогло







Тема:Nature .Seasons. Weather


Тип уроку: урок закріплення вивченого матеріалу, систематизація знань.

Змістові лінії:

Екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток – учень розглядає природу,як цілісну систему.

Здоров’я та безпека – учень робить повідомлення про погодні умови

ПРАКТИЧНI ЗАДАЧI: систематизувати та закрiпити знання з вивченого матерiалу на основi виконання тренувальних вправ.


РОЗВИВАЮЧІ ЗАДАЧI: розвивати комунiкативнi здбностi , сприяти формуванню життєвих компетенцiй.


ВИХОВНI ЗАДАЧI: виховувати любов до кожної пори року.


ОБЛАДНАННЯ: пiдручник, iндивдуальнi картки, iлюстрацiї до теми, проектор, мультимедійний екран.


Хiд уроку


  1. Органiзацiйний момент. 


Привiтання: Hello, my dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you today. We’ll talk about the seasons of the year. Answer the questions, please. What’s the weather like today?  Is it windy today?  Is it raining? Do you like today’s weather? What weather do you like?


  1. Повiдомлення теми та мети уроку.


Today we are going to review all the material we learnt at the previous lessons. We’ll do many interesting exercises that will help you to become closer to our nature and all seasons of the year.







  1. Write the letters in the correct order:

- n a m w o n s

- r e b m e c e d


- y r a u n a j

- niar

- t e r w i n

- nmutuа



Основна частина уроку


  1. Самостійна робота.


Холодно           sunny

Вітряно             windy

Спекотно          cloudy

Сніжно              snowy

Хмарно              hot      

Сонячно            cold


  1. Робота в парах (choose the right answer).


1. The coldest season of the year is …

a) autumn c) spring

b) winter d) summer

2. The hottest season of the year is …

a) autumn c) spring

b) winter d) summer

3. Pupils have the longest holidays in …

a) autumn c) spring

b) winter d) summer

4. September, October, November are the months of the …

a) autumn c) spring

b) winter d) summer

5. Spring has three months: March, April and …

a) June c) May

b) July d) August

6. New Year starts in …

a) January c) November

b) February d) December

7. Winter months are: December, January and …

a) September c) November

b) October d) February





8. Pupils begin to go to school in …

a) June c) August

b) July d) September

9. We go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and …

a) Friday c) Sunday

b) Saturday d) July

10. The last day of the week is …

a) Sunday c) Tuesday

b) Monday d) Wednesday

11. Rest days are Saturday and …

a) Thursday c) Sunday

b) Friday d) Monday

12. After Monday goes …

a) Tuesday c) Thursday

b) Wednesday d) Friday


4)Вiдповiдi на запитання. (аnswer the questions).


1. What season is after spring?

2. What season is before winter?

3. What season is between autumn and spring?

4. What season is after winter?

5. What month is before January?

6. What month is after February?

7. What month is between April and June?

8. What month is between September and November?

9. What day of the week is after Tuesday?

10. What day of the week is before Thursday?

11. What day of the week is between Friday and Sunday?

12. What day of the week is after Wednesday?


5) Фізкультхвилинка


6)  Робота у групах.


The class is divided into 4 groups, every group gets the name of the season and discuss advantages and disadvantages of the given season.


          7) Listening.


Pupils listen to the riddles and try to guess the seasons





This is the season

 When fruit grow,

 The sun shines brightly

 In the  sky above home. (Summer)


This is the season

 When fruit is sweet,

 This is the season

 When school – friend meet. (Autumn)


This is the season    

When days are long, 

And the sun is high and strong.      (Summer)


This is the season

When yellow leaves

Fall down from the trees. (Autumn)


This is the season 

 When children ski

 And Grandfather Frost  

 Brings the New Year Tree.  (Winter) 


 This is the season

 When snowdrops bloom

 When nobody likes

 To stay in the room. (Spring)


This is the season

When birds make their nests,

This is the season

We all like best. (Spring)   



8) Match the weather to the season


it’s rainy and wet, trees and flowers start to grow


it’s hot and sunny, people go on holiday


it’s cool and foggy , trees lose their leaves


it’s very cold and it snows, Christmas is in this season

  1.  One Odd Out








to wear

to blow

to fall


to shine






















  1.  Reading («Seasons»), (підручник ст.101, впр.3)

Agree or disagree. Correct the wrong statements.

  1.  Team work. Гра «Guess what season it is», (з елементами пантоміми), (учні використовують речі для пантоміми: плащ, парасолька, капелюшок, сонцезахисні окуляри, кошик з квітами та ін.) Команди отримують картки з описом пори року. Представники команд повинні представити пори року. Інші повинні вгадати, що це.



It’s warm. The sky is blue. The birds build their nests. The snow melts.

The people go to the forest and pick snow-drops.



It’s hot and sunny. The days are long. The people go to the seaside.

They swim in the sea or in the river.



It’s very cold. It’s frosty. It snows.

The children skate, ski and play snowballs.



It’s rainy. The sky is grey and cloudy. The trees are green, yellow, red and brown.

The people wear raincoats and take umbrellas.



  1.  Speaking.

(Учні презентують свої роботи і розповідають про пори року, 2 учнів розповідають про прогноз погоди на завтра)


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

  • підсумки уроку

T: Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to the end. It’s time to say good-bye. We have done much at the lesson. We read, listened to the text, did exercises. You  presented you projects. You were great! You all get good and excellent marks.

  • Home task for the next lesson – Speak about your favourite season.



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