A play "The Rensom of Red Chief"

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The ransom of Red Chief


The Kid is running and playing.


Bill Hey, little boy! Would you like to have a bag of candies and nice ride?


The Kid is throwing a stone at Bill and hits him straight in the eye.


Bill Old Ebenezer will have to pay an extra five hundred dollars for this!


Bill catches the Kid and takes him to the cave. They are sitting near the fire. The Kid has two bird`s feathers in his hair.


Kid Ha! You wicked pale-face! Do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief, the terror of the land?


Bill He is all right now. We are playing Indians. He is Red Chief and I am his prisoner. Tomorrow he is going to scalp me. By God that kid can kick hard!


Sam OK. Let`s have supper.


Kid I like this very much. I have never camped before. I hate to go to school. Are there real Indians in the wood? I want some more bacon. We have two dogs. Are the stars hot? I don`t like girls. My father has a lot of money. A parrot can talk but a fish cannot. Have you beds to sleep on in the cave? What makes your nose so red, Snake-eye?


Sam Red Chief, do you want to go home?


Kid What for? I have no fun at home. I have to go to school. I lake camping here. Are you going to take me home, Snake-eye?


Sam Not right away. We will stay here in the cave for some time.


Kid All right! That will be fine. I have never had such fun in all my life.


Sam Let`s go to sleep.


Sam wakes up and come to the fire and smokes. Than Bill wakes up and comes up to Sam.


Bill Why are you getting so early, Sam?


Sam Oh, I want to smoke, that`s all.


Bill You are lying. Are you afraid? He said he would burn you at sunrise. And you are afraid he will do it. And he will if he finds a match. What shall we do, Sam? Do you think anybody will pay us money to have this little devil back home?


Sam Of course! Parents love their kids even if they are little devils. Now, Bill, you and the Chief get up and cook some breakfast. I will go up to the top of the mountain to look around.


The Kid takes a big stone with a war-cry and hits Bill`s ear. Bill gets unconscious. Sam throws some water on his head. Bill opens his eyes.

Sam Take it easy, Bill. You will be all right soon.


Bill Please, Sam, please, do not leave me alone!


Sam catches the Kid, shakes him.


Sam If you don`t stop doing such things I will take you home at once. Now, are you going to be good, or not?


Kid I was only playing. I didn`t want to hit him. I will be good, Snake-eye. Don`t send me home. May I play the Black Scout today?


Sam What kind of game is it? I don`t know it. I am going on business for some time. You play with Mr Bill today. Come in and make peace with him. Say that you are sorry that you have hit him. Do what I tell you, or you will go home at once!


Red Chief and Bill shake hands and make peace.


Bill You know, Sam, that I have always stood by you. I have helped you in everything you did. I have never been afraid of the police or anything till we kidnapped this two-leged sky-rocket. The more I stay with him the more nervous I become. Please! Don`t leave me with him for a long time.


Sam I will be back in the afternoon. Play with the kid and be kind to him. And now let`s write the letter.


Bill and Sam write a letter.



   “Ebenezer Dorset,

   We are hiding your boy in the place which is very far from your town. Don`t look for him. It is useless. Neither you nor the police can find him. So, don`t try! You can have him ask only on these terms: we demand 1500 dollars for his return. If you agree – write a note and send it with your messenger tonight at half past eight.

   If you do not do as we ask you to do – you will never see your boy again. If you pay the money – it will take us only three hours to bring him back.

Two Desperate Men”

Sam puts the letter into his pocket.


Kid Snake-eye, you said I could play the Black Scout while you are away.


Sam Play it, of course. Mr Bill will play with you. What kind of game is it?


Kid I am the Black Scout and I have to ride a horse. I am tired of playing Indians… I want to be the Black Scout.


Bill But what am I to do?


Kid You are the horse. Get down on your hands and knees and I will ride on you.


Bill How far are you going to ride?


Kid Ninety miles.


Bill Ninety miles! For Heaven’s Sake, Sam, hurry back. Return as quickly as you can. I am sorry we didn`t ask for a thousand dollars only!


The Kid rides Bill. Sam is leaving


Bill is walking softly. He is smiling. The Kid is some distance behind him. Sam is coming.


Bill Sam, you may think I am a bad comrade, but I couldn`t help it. You know I used to take part in many dangerous plans. You know I have always stood by you. But this time I couldn`t help it… The boy is gone. I have sent him home. Everything is lost. My patience has come to an end.


Sam What`s the matter, Bill?


Bill He rode me. Then he gave me oats to eat. And it was not real oats of course, it was earth. And then for an hour he asked me questions and I had to explain why there is nothing in the holes; why the road runs in both directions; why grass is green. So, at the end of two hours I took him by the ear and dragged him down the mountains. He bit my hand so hard that I have to use some iodine now. But I am glad to say he is gone. I am sorry we have lost the ransom. But we had to choose: either the ransom or Bill Driscoll goes to the madhouse.


Sam Bill, is your heart strong?


Bill I think so. Why do you ask?


Sam If your heart is strong you may turn around and look.


Bill turns around, sees the Kid and sits on the ground. He starts crying.


Sam Everything will be OK. There is still hope. It is time to fetch the answer from Kid`s father.


Sam leaves.


Kid Will you play war with me?


Bill (Smiling) Yes, I will.


Sam returns with the answer.


Sam (reading the letter) “Two Desperate Men.

Gentlemen. I have received your letter today by post. You ask me for fifteen hundred dollars ransom for the return of my son Johnny. I think you are asking too much for him. That is why I am making you a counterproposition and I hope you will agree to it. You bring Johnny home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars in cash, and I agree to take him off your hands. I advise you to bring him back at night because of neighbours. They are sure he is lost. If they see you bringing him back – they may kill you.

Your Ebenezer Dorset.”


Good, the old man is mad!


Bill Sam, what is two hundred and fifty dollars after all? We have the money. One more night with the boy and you will have to take me to the madhouse. I think we must agree to Mr Dorset`s kind proposition. Oh, Sam, please, let us pay the money and go away from here!


Sam To tell you the truth, I am tired of our little friend too. We will take him home, pay the ransom and leave the town at once.


Sam and Bill take the Kid home.


Sam Red chief, your father bought you a new rifle and moccasins.


Bill We will hunt bears with you the next day.


San and Bill are near Ebenezer`s house. Bill puts money into his hand. Ebenezer catches the Kid and holds him.


Bill How long can you hold him?


Dorset I am not so strong as I used to be. But I think I can promise you ten minutes.


Bill Enough. In ten minutes, I will cross the Central, Southern and Middle Western States. In fifteen minutes, I will be in Canada.


Sam and Bill run away.





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