«All my sons» by Arthur Miller

Про матеріал
Завжди чудово спрацьовує цікавий текст, який є прикладом світової літератури, та бажання студентів успішно підготуватися до ЗНО.
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Навчальний предмет. Англійська література. 11клас

Розділ. Виникнення і формування театру в США.

Тема. «All my sons» by Arthur Miller

Тип уроку: урок-дискусія.

Програма для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов. 1–11 класи. Іноземні мови [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : old.mon.gov.ua/ua/activity/education/56/692/educational_ programs/1349869542/

Практична мета:

  1. Практикувати учнів в монологічному і діалогічному мовленні.
  2. Активізувати навички читання.
  3. Практикувати учнів в виконанні лексичних завдань у форматі ЗНО.

Розвиваюча мета:

  1. Розвивати вміння учнів працювати в різних режимах навчання.
  2. Розвивати вміння логічно передавати та аргументувати свою думку.
  3. Розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів.

Загальноосвітня мета:

     1.Розширювати філологічний кругозір учнів.

     2. Ознайомити дітей з культурою та реаліями країни, мову якої вони вивчають.

Виховна мета:

  1. Виховувати у дітей поважне ставлення до людини.
  2. Виховувати вміння сформулювати та відстоювати чітку життєву позицію.

Обладнання: робочий зошит “Solutions. Advanced”, роздатковий матеріал, відео презентація.










T: Dear students, it is never late to discover new horizons of the world literature. Today we will continue our conversation about Arthur Miller and his oeuvre.The topic of our lesson is “All my sons”. It is a play written by Arthur Miller.


T: I am sure you remember the key facts of Arthur Miller`s biography. We can check it easily doing the next activity. Complete this text with the words given above.

Complete the text with the words in the box.

awards dramatist experienced  guilty hardship immigrant overemphasis prestigious status sympathies undermining verdict

The______ Arthur Miller was the son of an Austrian__________,who was drawn to the USA by the Great American Dream. Miller's family later______severe financial____________. His most famous play, Death of a Salesman, was an attack on the American system and its_________ on money and social_______. The play won several_______literar_________. However, Miller was found________by the Un-American Activities Committee of__________ the American way of life because of his communist_______. That ______was later overturned.

(Students do this exercise individually with the tables. Then we check it together)




T: Before reading the article about the play “All my Sons” I would recommend to listen to the author and his introduction. (sl.1 )

(Students listen to interview with Arthur Miller)

T: Why did Miller say this play was his last chance? How long did it take him to write “All my Sons”? Why was writing “All my Sons” a good lesson for Arthur Miller?

(Students answer the questions preparing to read the article about the play)


T: Now read the text, ignoring the gaps. What does Joe come to understand at the end of the play?


All My Sons was ArthurMiller's first commercially successful play. Published two years before his most popular play, Death of A Salesman, it marked the beginning of the dramatist's most fruitful period of creativity. The play is________ in the mid-west of the USA just after the end of the Second World War and__________the story of the Keller family, as they try to come to terms with a terrible secret.

Joe Keller, the play's protagonist, has seemingly achieved the 'American Dream'. He has_________ his fortune selling aeroplane parts to the army______the war. His eldest son Larry is missing, presumed dead in the war, and he has one remaining son, Chris,____________ is destined to take ____________his business.

We learn that two years earlier Joe had been accused of knowingly allowing faulty engine parts to be shipped out of his factory, causing the deaths of 21 pilots. He was arrested but then exonerated after falsely denying all knowledge of the incident, laying the blame instead_________his business partner, who is now in prison. When Joe's deceit is revealed during the course of the play, he justifies his action saying he did it for the sake of his family's prosperity and Chris's future livelihood.


The central theme of the play is Joe Keller's conflict between his responsibility to his family and to wider society. By shipping the faulty parts, he had failed in his responsibility to the men who depended ___________the integrity of his work, men who, ironically, were prepared to give their lives in the service of their society. Chris, who is essentially a spokesman_______________ the playwright, strongly believes in people's responsibility to other members of society and is horrified by his father's crime. It is not until later in the play___________Joe, on learning that Larry had taken his own life after reading about his court case, finally realizes that he has been responsible not__________for the death of one son but that the soldiers were 'all my sons', a theme reiterated by the title of the play.

The anti-capitalist sentiment underlying the play was one reason __________the playwright had to appear before the Un-American Activities Committee during the 1950s.



T: Complete the text with suitable words.

(Students do this exercise individually, translating the sentences with gaps)

T: Find words in the second and third paragraphs of the text which match these definitions.

  1. main character___________
  2. found to be free from blame___________
  3. dishonest behavior_____________
  4. work that provides the money you need to live___________
  5. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles__________
  6. repeated or emphasised________________

(Group work)

T: Answer the questions in your own words.

  1. Why did the 21 pilots die?
  2. How does Joe explain his decision to send the faulty parts?
  3. Why does the writer use the word ironically in the third paragraph?
  4. How did Joe`s sons feel about their father`s deed?

(Students answer the question)


T: You worked really great! Tell one more time what new you learnt today and what you can do now?

(Students` answers: I can understand an article about the play “All my sons” by Arthur Miller. I have my own view of this play and I can express my ideas about it. I can the text about “All my sons” remembering about the structure of English sentences, I can understand and explain some words and phrases in English).

T: You did a good job, children! Your home task is to write the essay comparing two plays “All my sons” and “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Milller. I would recommend using the following plan:

  1. The themes touched upon in these works.
  2. Compare the protagonists of “All my sons” and “Death of a Salesman”:
  • social status;
  • age;
  • families;
  • their attitude to Great American Dream.
  1. How are the events of the plays connected with Arthur Miller`s life?

But certainly you may use your own plan or change anything you wish in this one. Good luck!


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