Topic: Amazing animals. Those difficult teenage years.
lesson learning objective : students can find specific detail in an article and talk about behavior.
+ compliments to each other
-один учень виходить до дошки, бере питання з magic box та стік з ім’ям однокласника і задає йому питання. І так по черзі
1. These animals have harp teeth and eat meat.
2. We can ride these animals.
3. These animals are good at running.
4. People keep these animals for meat .
5. People use the skin of these animals for clothes or shoes.
6. These animals are very dangerous.
7. These animals are good at climbing.
8. Polar bears have white fur but black skin. Is it TRUE?
9. Butterflies can only see the colours red, green and yellow. Is it TRUE?
10. The tail of giraffe can grow to over 2.5 metres. True or False?
1) поділ на пари( з’єднати слово з визначенням)
chimp |
zebra |
an animal with four legs and a hard shell that lives mainly in water |
tortoise |
a flying insect that has a yellow and black body and makes honey (= sweet, sticky food) |
bee |
butterfly |
donkey |
wolf |
cow |
a tropical bird with a curved beak and colourful feathers that can be taught to copy what people say |
parrot |
a small animal with soft fur and no tail that is often kept as a pet |
hamster |
2) Look at the words and phrases in your books. Which things do teenagers typically do? What about adults?
Belong to gangs |
Criticize |
Come home late |
Sleep in front the TV |
Feel shy |
Talk about the past |
Do dangerous things |
Eat/drink too much |
Fight |
Forget things |
Ignore advice |
Make a lot of noise |
Study |
Now come to the board and stick these ideas
Match |
Behavior |
поведінка |
Adolescent Adventurous Lovable Forgetful Noisy Aggressive Impulsive |
юність пригодницький милий, симпатичний забудькуватий шумний агресивний імпульсивний |
Elephants are fighting
Otters – parent otter is looking after its child
I group – dogs
II group – elephants
III group - otters
Underline the information in the text that helped you to find the answer
Поділ на пари – знайти ім’я пари в капелюсі
Use phrases from ex.1
You have 60 seconds to speak about what you covered at today’s lesson