Англійська мова Контрольна за семестр 5 клас

Про матеріал
Завдання середнього рівня, з якими діти повинні справитись. Граматичні завдання.По підручнику Несвіт.
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Variant 1

I.Виберіть much або many. І перепишіть речення.

  1. They have too (many/much) furniture in the room.
  2. There are too (many/much) books on your desk.
  3. You have too (many/much) mistakes in the test.
  4. You must drink (many/much) coffee.
  5. I like reading. I read (many/much).
  6. We have (many/much)  lessons of English this year.

II. Розкрийте дужки використовуючи Present Continuous.

1. He ( go) to the cinema now.

2. I  ( work) in the garden now.

3. They (watch) a cartoon now.

4. We ( read) this magazine now.

5. She ( work) in the library now.

6. You (use) my mobile phone!

III. З»єднайте частини речень.

1. Children watch cartoons                          a) to see the works of my sister

2. We go to the cinema                                b) to watch new films

3. We go to the circus                                  c) to know many interesting things

4. My grandmother goes to the theatre        d) to watch an opera

5. I go to the art gallery                                e) to have fun

6. I read magazines                                       f) to watch the animal show

IV. Розкрийте дужки та напишіть дієслова у правильній формі, використовуючи конструкцію to be going to:

  • 1.We                 play football.
  • 2. I                   visit a city.
  • 3. They             go to the sea.
  • 4. She               go for the walk.
  • 5. He                work at the farm.
  • 6.You           go hiking in the mountains.




Variant 2

I.Виберіть much або many. І перепишіть речення.

1. You put too (many/much) vegetables in the soup.

2. You put too (many/much) fruit in the salad.

3. Must we learn (many /much) words for today?

4. We have got (many /much) sandwiches.

5. Do you drink (many /much)  coffee?

6. I like this new teacher very (many /much).

II. Розкрийте дужки використовуючи Present Continuous.

  1. My dad (wash) his car now.
  2. It (not rain) today.
  3. What (you / do) at the moment?
  4. We (sit) on the train now.
  5. The students (have) lunch in the canteen now.
  6. He ( go) to the cinema now.

III. З»єднайте частини речень.

1. Children listen to music              a) to watch a ballet

2. We go to the zoo                         b) to have fun

3. We go to the wood                      c) to look at the animals

4. My friend goes to the theatre      d) to gather mushrooms

5. I watch a game quiz                     e) to see an exhibition

6. I go to the museum                      f) to know many interesting thing

IV. Розкрийте дужки та напишіть дієслова у правильній формі, використовуючи конструкцію to be going to:

  • 1. I                   visit a city.
  • 2. She               go for the walk.
  • 3.You           go hiking in the mountains.
  • 4. They             go to the sea.
  • 5.We                 play football.
  • 6. He                work at the farm.


16 грудня 2019
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