Artistic Traditions in Ukraine 2 Карпюк 10 клас

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                          Artistic Traditions In Ukraine 2 Quiz

Make the statements True(+) or False(-)

1 Ukraine was called at that time West European Italy.

2 Impressionism was the leading art trend in Europe in the 20th century.

3 Kharkiv Art School of 1930-1940 was notable for its genre.

4 Kazimir Malevich was one of the outstanding icon-painter.

5 An original phenomenon of the early 20th century was Kazimir Malevich Art School.

6 Shevchenko is considered as a classic of Ukrainian folk art.

7 Schternberg was a friend of Malevich.

8 Ekster propagated the ideas of cubiform futurism in music and worked in Moscow.

9 M.Boichuk Art School combined the folk local primitive painting and the principles of religion art.

10 Pryimachenko had no analogues in the world of painting.

Choose the most suitable reply

1 The leading European trend in the 20th century is … .

a)classicism  b)avant-garde  c)baroque

2 A unique phenomenon who has no analogue in the world of art was … .

a)Zaretsky  b)Shevchenko  c)Pymonenko  d)Pryimachenko  e)Vrubel

3 Mykola Pymonenko was the prominent representative of … .

a)icon-painting  b)mosaic-maker  c)Odessa painting school  d)frescos-painter

4 Impressionism was in the … century.

a)19th  b)20th   c)21th

5 Ukrainian … influenced on Malevich’s works.

a)baroque  b)avant-garde  c)constructivism

6 Ukraine was called … Italy at that time.

a)North East     b)North Eastern   c)Eastern European

7 The ideas of cubiform futurism were propagated by … .

a)Yermylov  b)Malevich  d)Ekster

8 … was a talented artist of Soviet period.

a)Bohomazov  b)Ekster  c)Pymonenko  d)Shyshko

9 … taught in Kyiv drawing school, was the person of Ukrainian origin.

a)Ekster  b)Bohomazov  c)Petrytskyi  d)Repin

10 Shevchenko was … .

a)a unique phenomenon  b)propogated cubiform futurism  c)father of modern Ukrainian art

Find the match

1 Shevchenko             a)propogated the ideas of cubiform futurism.

2 Schtenberg             b)said about the influence of Ukrainian baroque on his works.

3 Murashko                c)experimented with abstraction.

4 Vasnitsov                d)was a close friend of Shevchenko. 

5 Ekster                    e)was a prominent representative of Kyiv drawing school.

6 Bohomazov              f)taught in Kyiv drawing school.

7 Malevich                 g)was a father of modern Ukrainian art.

Answer the questions

1 Who continued the traditions of symbolists?

2 What did Boichuk Art School combine?

3 What was Ukraine called at that time?

4 What Ukrainians taught in Kyiv drawing school?

5 What artist has no analogue in the world of painting?

6 Who propagated the ideas of cubism futurism?

7 Who was the close friend of Shevchenko?

8 Who experimented with abstraction?

Mozghunov Roman
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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