Оскільки вміння оперувати лексикою у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності залежить від кількості та якості виконаних тренувальних вправ на формування лексичних вмінь та навичок, я поставила перед собою ціль – узагальнити багаторічний досвід і розробити комплекс вправ за темою «Формування лексичної компетенції учнів 6 класу ЗШ з теми «Зовнішність. Риси характеру»
Комплекс складається з двох підсистем, кожна з яких відповідає певному характеру лексичних навичок (рецептивні та репродуктивні) та певному етапу навчання англомовної лексики. Різноманітність вправ забезпечує реалізацію особистісно-орієнтованого підходу до навчання. Вправи спрямовані на усвідомлення лексичних одиниць, відповідають характеру навчального матеріалу, несуть виховний характер, сприяють розвитку пам'яті, логічного мислення, уяви, здогадки, творчої та пізнавальної активності учнів, вміння аналізувати, користуватися довідковою літературою. Форми виконання вправ оживляють урок, формують позитивні емоції учнів, створюють «ситуацію успіху», а отже сприяють підвищенню інтересу та мотивації щодо вивчення англійської мови.
Практичне застосування даного комплексу вправ сприяло покращенню результативності навчальних досягнень шестикласників, а отже, знайшло підтвердження того, що система вправ стимулює процес формування ЛН та сприяє лексичному розвитку та формуванню лексичної компетенції учнів.
Даний комплекс вправ може стати практичним посібником для молодих вчителів англійської мови в загальноосвітніх школах, використовуватися учнями, які вдосконалюють англійську мову самостійно. Його можна взяти за основу для розробки тематичного комплексу вправ з інших сфер спілкування, що вивчаються на уроках англійської мови у загальноосвітній школі.
Вибір Україною курсу на входження в європейський економічний та освітній простір ставить відповідальне завдання перед вчителем англійської мови – сформувати іншомовну ЛК, інакше кажучи, вміння вільно спілкуватися англійською мовою як мовою міжнародного спілкування з репрезентантами інших країн.
Оскільки вміння оперувати лексикою у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності залежить від кількості та якості виконаних тренувальних вправ на формування лексичних вмінь та навичок, я поставила перед собою ціль – узагальнити багаторічний досвід і розробити комплекс вправ за темою «Формування лексичної компетенції учнів 6 класу ЗШ з теми «Зовнішність. Риси характеру» на уроці англійської мови та в позаурочний час».
Комплекс складається з двох підсистем, кожна з яких відповідає певному характеру лексичних навичок (рецептивні та репродуктивні) та певному етапу навчання англомовної лексики. Різноманітність вправ забезпечує реалізацію особистісно-орієнтованого підходу до навчання. Вправи спрямовані на усвідомлення лексичних одиниць, відповідають характеру навчального матеріалу, несуть виховний характер, сприяють розвитку пам'яті, логічного мислення, уяви, здогадки, творчої та пізнавальної активності учнів, вміння аналізувати, користуватися довідковою літературою. Форми виконання вправ оживляють урок, формують позитивні емоції учнів, створюють «ситуацію успіху», а отже сприяють підвищенню інтересу та мотивації щодо вивчення англійської мови.
Практичне застосування даного комплексу вправ сприяло покращенню результативності навчальних досягнень шестикласників, а отже, знайшло підтвердження того, що система вправ стимулює процес формування ЛН та сприяє лексичному розвитку та формуванню лексичної компетенції учнів.
Даний комплекс вправ може стати практичним посібником для молодих вчителів англійської мови в загальноосвітніх школах, використовуватися учнями, які вдосконалюють англійську мову самостійно. Його можна взяти за основу для розробки тематичного комплексу вправ з інших сфер спілкування, що вивчаються на уроках англійської мови у загальноосвітній школі.
Exercise 1. Write down antonyms to these adjectives: good, plump, wide, round, lazy, short, aquiline, high, long, ugly, snub, even, fair
Exercise 2. Make up sentences with these words and write them down: moustache, fair-haired, shoulders, protruding, complexion, chestnut.
Exercise 3. Working with a partner make a list of as many character traits and personality you can think of.
Exercise 4. Listen to the new words. Remember which syllable in these words has the main stress. Put them into the correct column. How many words have you got in the first syllable column? Second syllable column? Third syllable column?
Impatient, sociable, adventurous, ambitious, easy-going, talkative, naughty, cheerful, sensible, optimistic, unimaginative, reliable, responsible, unselfish, pessimistic, hard-working, untidy, aggressive, unsociable, generous, cheerful.
first syllable |
second syllable |
third syllable |
talkative |
Exercise 5. Write down the following words on the correct line.
Wide, beard, dark, cheerful, slim, brown, high, sociable, of medium weight, blond(e), wrinkles, hard-working, long, narrow, kind, straight, shy, glasses, lenses, friendly, thin, tall, fat, pessimistic, of medium height, impatient, middle-sized, adventurous, wavy, old, clever, skinny, aggressive, oval, cheerful. green, young, bushy, serious, strict, (bright) blue, excellent storyteller, grey, talkative, short, round, responsible, black, square, moustache, tidy, irresponsible, generous. |
Height: middle-sized_______________________
Build: slim_______________________
Face: oval ________________________
Eyes: brown ________________________
Eyebrows: pencilled________________________
Hair: wavy _______________________
Character: sociable_______________________
Special features: wrinkles
Exercise 6. Dictation (The teacher dictates the Ukrainian equivalents of the word-combinations and the pupils write down the English versions).
Широкий лоб, довгі вії, милі ямочки на щоках, сильні руки, терпляча людина, терпляче серце, красиве обличчя (чоловіка), ластовиння на носі, спортивна фігура, розумний і працьовитий, ледачий парубок, розумна жінка, відповідальна особа, добре серце, дбайлива (турботлива) бабуся.
Exercise 7. Read what Bill tells about his sister:
My sister is pretty, my sister is nice.
She has a snub nose and beautiful eyes.
Her lips are rosy; her cheeks are rosy too,
Her hair is curly, her eyes are blue.
Her little face is round, her ears are small.
I love my dear sister best of all.
Exercise 8. Agree with me if I'm right.
T: Bill’s sister is pretty and nice.
Ps: You are right. Bill’s sister is pretty and nice
1. She has got a snub nose and beautiful eyes.
2. Her lips are rosy, her cheeks are rosy too.
3. Her hair is not straight. It is curly.
4. Her little face is not oval or square. It is round.
5. Her ears are not largе. They are small.
6. Bill loves his dear sister best of all.
Exercise 9. Answer my questions. Give laconic answers.
T: Is Bill’s sister pretty and nice or ugly?
Ps: Pretty and nice.
1. Is her nose snub or straight? 2. Are her lips and cheeks rosy or pale? 3. Is her hair curly or wavy? 4. Are her eyes blue or hazel? 5. Is her little face round or oval? 6. Are her ears small or large? 6. Does Bill love his sister best of all?
Exercise 10. Learn the poem “My sister” by heart.
Exercise 11. Make an interview. Ask each other about your appearance. Give laconic answers.
1. Is your face round or oval? 2. Have you got a mole, dimples or freckles on your face? 3. Is your hair long or short? 4. Is your hair curly or straight? 5. Are you a dark-haired or a fair-haired boy (girl)? 6. Are you a blue-eyed or hazel-eyed girl?
Exercise 12. Do you like fairy-tales? Correct me if I am not right
T: Buratino has got a short turned-up nose.
P1: You aren’t right. Buratino has got a long straight nose.
Cl: Buratino has got a long straight nose
Buratino doesn’t like going to school. He is a very intelligent boy.
1. Malvina has got а short red hair. 2. Malvina is an irresponsible untidy girl.
3. Buratino’s father Carlo is a young lazy man. 4. Pierre is a cheerful Malvina’s friend. 5. Carabas Barabas is a very polite and generous man.
Exercise 13. Complete my statements.
Example: He never gets angry or nervous, doesn't lose his head even in a difficult situation. He is ____ (cool).
Exercise 14. Do you like reading fairy-tales? My favourite fairy-tale’s character is Malvina. Enlarge my first sentence with new “Part of the Body” words, playing the «Snowball-game».
T: I like Malvina’s hair.
P1: I like Malvina’s long hair.
P2: I like Malvina’s long curly hair.
P3: I like Malvina’s long curly blue hair.
P4: I like Malvina’s long curly blue hair and face…
Exercise 15. Work in pairs. Play the game “One question is behind.” (There are some answer-words below if you need.)
1. What do you wear on your head? 2. What do you wear on your legs? 3. What do
you wear on your feet? 4. What do you wear on your wrist? 5. What do you wear on your eyes? 6. What do you wear on your fingers? 7. What do you wear on your
Shoes, gloves, suit, trainers, bag, hat , tie, skirt, tracksuit, trousers, belt, shorts, blouse, jacket, watch, dress, cap, sweater, ring, T-shirt, boots, ear-rings |
Exercise 16. Form the questions using words in brackets and translate them into Ukrainian.
1. (Is) (than) (sister) (younger) (your) (or) (older) (you)? 2. (What) (look) (does) (like) (your) (sister)? 3. (Your) (does) (sister) (look) (whom) (like)? 4. (Like) (is) (sister) (what) (your)? 5. (You) (do) (friends) (like) (her)?
Exercise 17. Answer the questions. Work in pairs.
1. Have you got a friend? 2. What is his (her) name? 3. How old is your friend? 4. What school does your friend go to? 5. Are you in the same form with your friend? 6. What kind of pupil is your friend? 7. What is your friend’s hobby? 8. What do you usually like to do when you meet? 9. Is your friend a clever boy (girl)? 10. Is your friend tall for his (her) age? 11. What does your friend look like? 13. Do you like your friend? Why?
Exercise 18. Look at the photo and say if you like the girl (the boy). Why? Use these words for help:
beautiful, handsome, ugly, pretty, nice attractive, repulsive, tall, short, plump, slim, rosy, pale, low, high, dark-haired, fair-haired, grey-eyed, dark-eyed, oval, round, hazel, grey, bushy, pencilled, fair, dark, fat. |
T: I like her (him), because she (he) is tall but not short.
P1: I like her (him), because she (he) is not plump but slim.
P2: I like her (him), because she (he) is not dark-haired but fair-haired.
P3: I like her (him), because she (he) is not grey-eyed but dark-eyed. Etc.
Exercise 19. Read the sentences and then describe the appearance of any person, using the words in italics or their antonyms.
1. Mike is unlike (like) his mother. 2. His forehead is narrow (broad) and low (high), his teeth are large (small) and even (uneven). 3. He has got an aquiline (straight) nose and a protruding (round) chin. 4. Betsy is rather short (tall) and plump (thin). 5. Her hair is dark (fair) and straight (curly). 6. Her eyebrows are bushy (pencilled), her eyelashes are thin (thick) but long (short). 7. She has got small (large) hazel eyes and a crooked (turned up) nose. 8. Her lips are thin (full) and red. 9. Her face is very unpleasant (pleasant) when she smiles.
Exercise 20. Let’s play a game «Who is the best interpreter in the class?»
Exercise 21. Let’s sing a song
1. Please, touch your lips and your right check too.
And also the left, because you've got two.
Touch, please, you’ve got two, oh, yeh, you've got two.
You've got two cheeks, show me them, too.
2. Please show your hair, and show your face, too.
And also your hands, because you've got two
Show, please, you've got two, oh, yeh, you've got two
You've got two hands, show me them, too.
3. Open your eyes, and, please, come up, too.
And, please, say again the words «I love you».
Say, please: «I love you», oh, yeh, I love you.
Say them again the words – «I love you».
Exercise 22. Make an interview. Ask the classmates in your group about their appearance and character according the example:
— What do you look like?
— To my best friend’s mind I am a very pretty (handsome), middle-sized, hazel-eyed, dark-haired girl (boy).
— Whom do you look like?
— My parents say that I look like my aunt who lives abroad.
— What are you like?
— To tell the truth I don’t like to tell about myself. But I think I am responsible, diligent, punctual, not mean and careful enough.
Exercise 23. Work in pairs. Ask each other about appearance and character of your friends and relatives (aunt, uncle, cousin) according the example:
— What does your aunt look like?
— She is tall, slim and very attractive blue-eyed, fair-haired woman.
— Whom does she look like?
— I think she looks like her mother, my Granny.
— What is she like?
— To my mind she is a kind, fair, generous, patient, intelligent woman
Exercise 24. Describe appearance of any person you like. (Додаток А, мал.4-7)
Exercise 25. Describe appearance and character of your imaginary friend, using the table. (Додаток Б)
Exercise 26. Dramatize the situations:
Exercise 27. Interview your classmate about his (her) sister or brother and tell the class what you have learnt.
Exercise 28. Play the game «Guess the Person»:
Exercise 29. Role-play: Your little sister has been lost in the market. You come to a policeman and tell him about it. The policeman asks you to describe your sister (age, stature, appearance). Do it for him.
Exercise 30. Write a paragraph «The main person in my life».
Exercise 31.You are in the summer camp. Write a letter to your parents. Tell them about your new friends you have met there.
Exercise 1. Listen to the tape and read the text «My classmates». Choose new words whose meaning you would like to know. What clues about the word's meaning do the surrounding words or your mother language give you? What part of speech is it (e.g. noun, verb, adjective)? Are there words with silent letters?
I am Ann White. I have many friends, but my best friend is Janet Stone. We go to school together. Some people say that she looks like her mother, but I don't think so. Janet has blue eyes and fair hair, while her mother’s eyes are hazel and she’s dark-haired. My friend has a lovely fresh complexion and a beautiful mouth with full lips. Nevertheless she is short-sighted and wears glasses she is very attractive. She is middle-sized and has a beautiful slim figure.
Janet is an intelligent hard-working person, but she doesn't get good marks at school because she doesn't study enough. Janet is good at games but never takes them seriously. My friend is a very cheerful girl. She has a wonderful sense of humour and often cheers me up when I am depressed. I admire her because she is so bright and energetic, but I think it is a good thing that I am calm and tolerant, and when she is impatient with me I just laugh, and then she laughs, too. Sally West is a true friend too. She is kind but too shy. But Bess Hobson is not
serious. She has no control of her tongue and often offends other children and makes fun of all our teachers.
Exercise 2. Write down the new words from the text into your vocabularies.
Exercise 3. Try to find in the text and read aloud the words and word-combinations said by the teacher in Ukrainian.
Exercise 4. Find in the text word-combinations pronounced by the teacher and translate them into Ukrainian
Exercise 5. Put the mixed letters into the right order, read the words.
1) gtethero; 2) onlexcipmo; 3) sorth-dightes; 4) enugho; 5) damire
Key: 1) together; 2) complexion; 3) short-sighted; 4) enough; 5) admire
Exercise 6. Fill in the correct word(s). Use the words only once: to wear, at game, to take something, a bright and energetic, complexion, tongue, together, sense, to
1)___ girl; 2) to be good ____; 3) to have no control of ____ ; 4) to go to school
____; 5) ____of humour; 6)____seriously; 7) a fresh ____; 8) ___ glasses;
Key: 1) bright and energetic girl; 2) to be good at games; 3) to have no control of tongue; 4) to go to school together; 5) sense of humour; 6) take something seriously;7) a fresh complexion; 8) to wear glasses.
Exercisе 7. Fill in the gaps of the text with proper words.
I am Ann White. My best friend is Janet Stone. Some people say that she looks like her mother, but I don't think so. Janet has blue eyes and fair hair, while her mother’s eyes are hazel and she’s a dark-haired woman. My friend has a lovely fresh 1) … and a beautiful mouth with full lips. Nevertheless Janet is 2) … and wears glasses, she is very attractive. She is middle-sized and has a beautiful slim figure.
Janet is an intelligent 3) … person, but she doesn't get good marks at school because she doesn't study enough Janet is good at games but never takes them seriously. My friend is a very cheerful girl. She has a wonderful 4) … … …and is always 5) … … … . Janet often 6) ... me ... when I am depressed. I 7)… her because she is so bright and energetic, but I think it is a good thing that I am calm and tolerant, and when she is 8) ... with me I just laugh, and then she laughs, too.
Sally West is a true friend too. She is kind but too shy. But Bess Hobson is not
serious. She has no control of her 9) … and often 10) … other children and makes
fun of all our teachers.
Key: 1) complexion; 2) short-sighted; 3) hard-working; 4) sense of humour; 5) in good mood; 6) cheers up; 7) admire; 8) impatient; 9) tongue; 10) teases;
Exercise 8. Exchange the exercise-books with your neighbour and looking through the text “My classmates” control each other.
Exercise 9. Choose from the pictures those ones which proper the text.
Exercise 10. Look at the lists of adjectives below and divide them into 3
a) adjectives describing a person's appearance
b) adjectives describing a person's character
c) adjectives describing other qualities
tall |
lazy |
careful |
free |
lovely |
short |
great |
honest |
unhappy |
serious |
wise |
beautiful |
famous |
ugly |
hard-working |
tidy |
lonely |
cheerful |
generous |
slow |
modest |
athletic |
thin |
smart |
smart |
strong |
sad |
ill-mannered |
attentive |
fat |
poor |
unhelpful |
untidy |
young |
pleasant |
selfish |
stupid |
weak |
clever |
kind |
strict |
brave |
polite |
tiny |
dull |
shy |
small |
attractive |
Exercise 12. Copy out from the text: a) “Parts of the body” words; b) all the words which describe positive features of the character; c) all the words which describe negative features of the character.
Exercise 13. For each of words in the box find and write down their opposites:
Silly, unfriendly, pessimistic, hard-working, untidy, lazy, ugly, aggressive, impatient, unsociable, angry, full, slim, cheerful, make sad, fair-haired, short-sighted, polite, to cry |
Exercise 14. Listen and cross out the odd words in the group of words
1. a) attractive b) handsome c) ugly d) pretty
2. a) slim b) fat c) plump d) thick
3. a) friendly b) depressed c) cheerful d) merry
4. а) helpful b) selfish c) kind d) careful
5. a) oval b) middle-sized c) high d) tall
6. a) calm b) noisy c) patient d) quiet
Key: 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – b, 4 – b, 5 – a, 6 – b.
Exercise15. Fill in the correct words given in the list below:
hazel, complexion, short-sighted, seriously, cheer up, depressed, admire, calm, impatient |
1. This girl can never wait more than five minutes. She is so ____.
2. In autumn many people are ____ because of the bad weather.
3. All Ann’s relatives ____ her beauty and intellect.
4. He is never noisy. He is a very____ and patient boy.
5. Don’t take it ____. He is not angry. He is just in joking mood
6. The girl had rather small features (nose, mouth), a snub nose and a fair ___
7. His father is ____. That’s why he wears contact lenses.
8. The princess was so sad that nobody could ____ he____.
9. Eyes may be large or small. They may be of different colours: grey, green, blue, black or ___ (brown).
Exercise 16. Paraphrase the next sentences using new words
Example: 1. When the weather is rainy many people are in bad mood. — When.
the weather is rainy many people are depressed.
2. Her hair is dark. 3. The colour of her face is not dark but fair. 4. She has problems with her eyes. She can’t see well on long distance. 5. Her mother has got large brown eyes. 6. She is not tall and not short. 7. She is not plump. 8. Her friend understand jokes well. 9. I like her. I find her very beautiful and intelligent. 10. I wonde, their baby is never noisy.
Exercise 17. Fill in the correct prepositions, then make questions with items.
To be good …, to be interested …, to be crazy …, to be fond …, to be serious
…, to be popular …, to be worried …, to socialize …, to prefer sth … sth else
Exercise 18. Broaden the sentences by adjectives
Her … …hair is plaited. We can see a …ribbon in her…, rather … braid. Her … face is oval. She has … … eyes and … … eyelashes. Her eyebrows are … and …, her nose is …, her lips are rather…. She is smiling now and we can see her … … teeth and a … dimple in her left … cheek.
Exercise 19. Look at the picture of a girl, listen to the sentences and raise your hands if they don’t fit the picture. (if they are false)
1. Today we'll describe the appearance of a boy. (False)
2. Look at her photo. She is not very tall (False)
3. Her straight fair hair is plaited. (False)
4. Her face is oval.
5. She has big blue eyes and thick long eyelashes.
6. Her nose is straight.
7. Her lips are rather thin. (False)
8. She is smiling now and we can see her white teeth.
Exercise 20. Complete the sentences with correct comparatives or superlatives.
Exercise 21. a) Listen to the dialogue: b) Complete its mixed phrases with proper words; c) Put the phrases in right order and read the dialogue in pairs.
Kitty: You see, my cousin Betsy is coming today with the 2.30 train, but I can't meet her at the station as I have a meeting after my lessons. Will you do me a favour and meet her?
Kitty: I've forgotten to tell you that Betsy has a big mole on her left ____1) and
that her ____2) is freckled.
Kitty: What a pity! What shall I do then?
Kitty: She is twelve, but I think she looks____3) as she is, rather tall for her age.
Kitty: It's quite easy. She ____4) like her mother.
Kitty: Fair and plaited. She has a high forehead, large grey____5), dark penciled____6) and a straight nose. Her____7) are large and even.
Nelly: But I've never seen her, how could____8) I her?
Nelly: But I've never seen her mother.
Nelly: Try to describe her. What does she look like?
Nelly: Hair?
Nelly: I'm ____9) it is not much. There'll be at least a dozen girls like that at the station.
Nelly: That'll help me for ____10). Go to your meeting and I'll meet your cousin Key: 1) cheek, 2) face, 3) оlder, 4) looks 5) eyes, 6) eyebrows, 7) teeth, 8) recognize, 9) afraid, 10) sure
Exercise 22. Listen to the proverbs and comment them on.
1. If you want to have a friend — be one.
2. The way to your friend is never too long.
3. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
4. Like father, like son. / Like mother, like daughter
5. «Actions speak louder than words».
6. The apple never falls far from the trее.