Матеріали до уроків з теми '' Food.Favourite recipes "

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Завдання до уроків з теми "Їжа"для активізації в мовленні вивченої лексики та навчання вживання здорової їжи
Перегляд файлу

  Для 6 класу                                                               


Task 1

  •        Listen and read the drink recipe.
  • Create your own drink and give it a name

               BANANA &FIG SMOOTHIE                                                                             Картинки по запросу банановый смузи

  • Ingredients
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 3 or 4 figs (sun-dried best )
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 cup water


  • Put  all the ingredients in a blender and
  • mix till smooth . Add a heaped teaspoon of
  • bee pollen  powder (or  oquivalent in capsules )
  • for an extra boost . Sun-dried dates or raisins
  • can be substituted for figs .
  • Benefits
  • Bananas benefit your nervous system ;
  • figs  dates & raisins contain natural sugars
  • to boost energy ; honey nourishes digestion
  • & boosts energy
  • Картинки по запросу морковно яблочный смузи


  • 1 carrot (finely diced)
  • Half an apple (finely diced)
  • 1 cup  natural soy milk ( unsweetened ,unflavored )
  • 1egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Ginseng extract (3-9 grams , liquid or granulated form )


  • Put all ingredients in a blender and mix till smooth


  • Energizes, strengthens and invigorates   
  •   Listen and read the salad recipe.
  • Create your own salad and give it a name
  •             VERY EASY FRUIT SAIAD
  • In a hurry ?  Make  this   fruit  salad  in  about  10  minutes .
  • You  can  add  different   fruits  according  to  your  taste  and  what   is   in  season .


  •      4 Servings
  • *145 g of  strawberiies
  • *180 g of seedless   grapes    ,  halved
  • *1-1/4 kiwis
  • *1-1/4 bananas
  • *235g of   peach   pie  filling
  • In  a  large  bowl  , combine  the   strawberries  ,  grapes , kiwis ,   and   bananas .
  • Gently   mix   in peaches . Chill for 1 hour before serving .



                MANDARIN FRUIT SALAD

  • When a friend brought this salad to a picnic , it was eaten fast!


  • 4  Servings
  • * 3/4  can mandarin oranges
  • *240g of apple pie filling
  • *3/8 can pineapple chunks
  • *1-1/4 bananas
  • *115g of halved fresh strawberries
  • Combine all ingredients . Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours or until chilled .

Task 2                                                                                                                             You are visiting a supermarket. There are a lot of products in it. But you must know how to choose healthy food. Read the text and answer. Why do you choose only healthy food. Explain your choice.
It may seem odd  that so many E-numbers are added to foods and drinks  these days, but they are there for a reason. Each additive included in products plays a specific  role and without them, many of the products would be different to how we know them.            
                E-Numbers to Avoid                       
E102 This yellow food colouring has already been banned from use in Norway and Austria.
E122 Banned in several countries, including Norway, Japan, America and Sweden, this colouring is found in products such as sweets, yogurts, packet soup, jelly and jam.

  • E129 It may cause allergic skin reactions, especially in anyone sensitive to aspirin.
    E104 It is a synthetic yellow colouring used in products such as smoked haddock and scotch eggs.
    E621 It is used to make food products taste better
    it can cause symptoms such as headaches ,nausea, dizziness, muscle  pain and palpitations
    E951 It is an artificial sweetener. It’s well known to be linked to problems such as headaches.
    E211 This E-numbers is used as a preservative and is found in products such as margarine, salad dressing, soy sauce, sweets and soft drinks.
    E151 It is a from of black synthetic dye It is already, banned in Australia ,Austria, America, Germany                                                  Norway,  Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium and France
    E133 It adds a blue colour to some products.  Some people have been found to experience allergic reaction.
  • E213 This E-numbers is used to lengthen the shelf life of foods and drinks. It has been linked to allergic reactions.

























Task 3              See the difference!

Look at the photos and write what the

difference is between the children in them.

The Johnson

Похожее изображение

The Greenes

Картинки по запросу семья обжор

Which lunch will these families like? Why?

What lunch do you like more? Why?


Картинки по запросу фастфуд


Картинки по запросу здоровое питание


16 лютого 2020
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