Сценарій "TheThanksgiving day "

Про матеріал
Поданий матеріал є сценарієм позакласного заходу з англійської мови. Цей сценарій розрахований на учнів 6-х -7-х класів, залежно від рівня їх мовної підготовки та об'єднує вірші, пісні про історію та традиції свята подяки. Основна мета заходу-зацікавити більше дітей до вивчення англійської мови, активізувати та розширити їх словниковий запас,привчити дітей до чіткої вимови, правильно оформленої як фонетично, так і інтонаційно.
Перегляд файлу

“The Thanksgiving Day”



Ткачук М. вчитель англійської мови 6-9 класів

 Навчальний заклад: Ліцей «Надія» ЛМР, м. Львів



  • підвищувати мотивацію учнів до вивчення іноземних мов, ознайомити з історією та традиціями пов’язані зі святом.


  • сприяти розвитку міжкультурної компетенції;
  • сприяти розвиткові творчих здібностей дітей, розвивати комунікативну, інформаційну компетентності та компетентність творчої діяльності;
  • прививати любов і повагу до традицій та обрядів; створити атмосферу добра і дружби; виховувати в учнів чуйність, доброту, доброзичливість, увагу, милосердя, вдячність.


Інтер’єр: Зала прибрана- корабель, кошики з овочами, святковий стіл з фруктами та індичкою.

Обладнання: Проектор з відео про історія свята,  музичне обладнання з фонограмами до пісень.

Форма проведення: театралізована вистава.


Дійові особи: 2 ведучих, 3 пілігримів, вождь індіанців та 3 індіанців,  учні які декламують вірші.




The Thanksgiving Day


The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest is all gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain.
So open wide the doorway-
Thanksgiving comes again!


The Pilgrims came across the sea,
And never thought of you and me;
And yet it's very strange the way
We think of them Thanksgiving day.

We tell their story, old and true
Of how they sailed across the blue,
And found a new land to be free
And built their homes quite near the sea.

Story-teller: День подяки – це американське свято. Його святкують кожного року в четвертий четвер листопаду. А як виник день подяки? А почалося все ще в 17 столітті, коли відбувся перший святковий обід на честь подяки Богу.

Story-teller: Dear boys and girls! Dear guests! We are here to celebrate a wonderful holiday - Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you!

Thanksgiving Day comes on the 4th Thursday in November. It is a legal holiday celebrated throughout the United States. People of all faiths celebrate this holiday. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives. On Thanksgiving Day, families come together for a special dinner (feast). Turkey with stuffing is the main dish. It is served with mashed potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Apple cider is the drink of the day.

Story-teller: For many schools, the Thanksgiving Day game is the most important one of the year. Stores, classrooms, and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, wreaths of dried flowers and vegetables. Horns of plenty are also very popular. Charitable organizations serve dinner to needy people. They also send baskets of food to elderly and sick. And now we are going to show you a performance about the history of Thanksgiving Day.

Story-teller: А почалося все з того, що бідні люди в Англії не могли терпіти знущання свого короля, який примушував їх прийняти  іншу віру. І от у 1960 році найсміливіші люди вирушили до нового світу на кораблі Мейфлаве , на континент сучасної Америки. На борту корабля було 102 мандрівника-пілігрима. Вони перетинали Атлантичний океан 2 місяці в надзвичайно складних умовах. За бортом вирував шторм.

 Story-teller: On September 16, 1620 the Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth, England. The ship was called the Mayflower, they landed at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts, on December 26, 1620.

На изображении может находиться: 4 человека, люди стоят

Pilgrim 1: Oh, I see a land! Look!

All Pilgrims: Land! Hurrah! Land!

Pilgrim 2: Look! There are people there. They welcome us.

The Indian Leader: Welcome to our land! Who are you? Where are you from?

Pilgrim 3: We are Pilgrims. We are from England. We have come for new lives. And who are you?

На изображении может находиться: 4 человека, люди стоят

Indian 1: We are Indians. We have been living here for a long time. You may stay here and live on our land.

Pilgrims: Thank you very much!

Story-teller: The first winter was a terrible time. The Pilgrims were hungry, sick and cold. Many people died. Then the Native Americans, the Indians, helped the Pilgrims.

 1Pilgrim We have nothing to eat. Many people have died and many are sick. What shall we do?

(З’являються індіанці з кошиками з їдою).


Indian 2: Hello! We have brought food to you: bread, vegetables, fruit, corn, and other things.

Pilgrim 2: Oh! Thank you very much! You have saved our lives! We’ll never forget you!



Little Pilgrim clothed in gray
on that first Thanksgiving Day.
Natives also clothed in brown,
come to visit Plymouth Town.
Side by side they ate and prayed,
on that First Thanksgiving Day.
Let's be thankful for this day,
for our friends and our play.
Let's be thankful, let's be glad,
for our food and the things we have.
Let's give thanks for you and me,

And our home and family.


The pilgrim children

Long ago

Learned to live

With ice and snow

They lived in cabins,

Slept in cold

When nights were long

And winds blew cold

But all of them

Were glad, I'd say

To have that first

Thanksgiving Day

And when they went

To bed at night

I'd guess their dreams

Were warm and bright

Story-teller: Spring came.  One day a kind Indian came to the village.

The INDIAN Leader : Hello People.  I want to offer you my help.

Pilgrim 3: Welcome to our village.  We appreciate your help.

Story-teller: Soon more Indians came.

INDIANS: We can show you how to grow your own food.

Pilgrim 1: Please, tell us how.

Indian 3: These are corn seeds.  This is how you should plant them.

Story-teller: And the Indians showed the pilgrims how to plant corn, and wheat, and other vegetables. 

Indian 1: I want to be your friend.  We also want to teach you how to hunt and fish.

Indian2: We will hunt wild animals and turkey.  Come let´s go to the forest.

Story-teller: The crops did well, and in the fall (autumn) of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate with a feast. The Pilgrims invited the Indian friends to share this Thanksgiving feast.

Pilgrim 2: Welcome to our Thanksgiving feast! We are grateful to you for many things. But the main is: you helped us when we suffered greatly.  And we’ll never forget those days!

Pilgrim 3: Orange is a pumpkin.

Yellow is the corn.

Brown is the turkey

with stuffing to adorn.

Pilgrim 1:Red are the cranberries.

Green are the beans.

Five delicious colors

in a feast of my dreams.

The Indian Leader:

Lay the table with rich treat,

And gather all of us to the feast,

Raise a toast to the persistent pilgrims

Whose courage only increase.



Today is thanksgiving day

Meeting and Feasting day

Today is thanksgiving day

Meeting and Feasting day

Its time to be thankful to all

Parents n families n friends

Let us all thank the almighty god

and remember him as much as we can

Today is thanksgiving day

Meeting and Feasting day


(За столом.)


Pilgrim 2: Oh, Thanks God, we have gathered a rich harvest. Nobody will be hungry this winter.

Pilgrim 3: There is plenty of food for our feast. Cucumber, carrots, cabbages, turnips, radishes, onions and beets.

Pilgrim 1: Our men hunted wild turkeys, geese and ducks.

Pilgrim 2: This isn’t just a turkey

As everyone can see

I made it with my hand

Which is part of me!

Pilgrim 3: It comes with lots of love

Especially to say

I hope that you have

Great Thanksgiving Day!

Pilgrim1: It's happy Thanksgiving, 
Thanksgiving! Horray! 
We're going to dinner 
With family today.

Indian 3: Well, we are all glad to greet everybody at our Thanksgiving today... It’s a remarkable day.

Pilgrim 2: Thanks a lot! Now let’s have a fun! Let’s recite poems and dance.


TURKEY DANCE (https://www.google.com/search?q=turkey+dance&oq=turkey+dance&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.9208j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


For each new morning

With its light,
For rest and shelter

Of the night,
For health and food,

For friends and love,
For everything

We thank the God!



Story-teller: Thanksgiving Day is an important day for family, relatives and friends. It’s also a time to think, to think about our life.

Story-teller: It’s a day to have a chance to say thank to God, to whole world, to you our dear dads and moms, teachers and friends.


For the breath I breath

Oh God I thank you

For the food I eat

Oh God I thank you.

For the clothes I wear

Oh God I thank you

For the place I live

Oh God I thank you.


For my family

Oh god I thank you

For your love to me

Oh God I thank you

For all my blessings

Oh god I thank you


Songs with sign language:    Today it’s a Thanksgiving day.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One

Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son

And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"

And now let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us"
Give thanks (3)

Tkachuk Marija
15 лютого 2020
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