Бінарний урок англійська мова та географія 6 клас

Про матеріал
Це бінарний урок англійської мови та географії, який поширює знання учнів з обох предметів, розвиває їх світогляд, сприяї розвитку монологічного мовлення, творчої здогадки
Перегляд файлу

6 form


Тема: Навколо світу.

Мета: Відпрацювати вживання лексичних одиниць.

 Розвивати навички декламування віршів.

 Тренувати учнів у роботі з картою.

 Знайомити з навколишнім світом.

 Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам’ять, увагу.

 Сприяти розвиткові самостійного мислення.

 Виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

 Прищеплювати любов до англомовної поезії.

Обладнання: Відеофрагменти з видами різних країн, комп’ютер, аудіо записи з мелодіями різних країн, слайди з відомими видами різних країн, фотовиставка на дошці, карта світу, географічні атласи, глобус, проекти, які підготували діти, прапорці або магніти; картки з текстом вірша, із завданням, набір карток.


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Привітання. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Учитель вітає клас, учні, у свою чергу, вітають учителя.

На екрані – вид Землі з космосу.

Бесіда з дітьми.

Т: What’s that? Do you like to travel? What countries do you like to visit?

Кілька учнів відповідає.

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: Today we’re going to travel around the world. We start from our place.

 На екрані з’являється вид міста з космосу, потім вид улиці та школи. Учні намагаються відгадати, що саме вони бачать. Правильність відгадки перевіряється показом фотографії. Таким чином, демонструється зображення, більш схоже на карту.

3. Фонетична розминка.

Т: Let’s read the poem about a traveler’s experience.

I took a chance -

In France,

Turned grey

For the day

In St Tropez,

I forgot

What I did

In Madrid,

Had some tussles

In Brussels

With a trio

From Rio,

Lost my way

In Bombay,

Nothing wrong

In Hong Kong,

Felt calmer

In Palma,

And quite nice

In Nice,

Yes, felt finer

In China,

Took a room

In Khartoum

And a villa

In Manilla,

Had a “do”

In Peru

With a llama

From Lima,

Took a walk

In New York

With a man

From Milan,

Lost a sneaker

In Cost Rica,

Got lumbago

In Tobago,

Felt a menace

In Venice,

Was a bore

In Singapore,

Lost an ear

In Korea,

Some weight

In Kuwait,

Tried my best

As a guest

In old Bucharest,

Got the fleas

In Belize

And came home.

By Pie Corbett

Бесіда з учнями.

Т: Do you like it?

II. Основна частина уроку

  1. Знайомство з географічними назвами.

Т: Let’s look at the map. A map is a picture of a place seen from above. This big map shows you what the world would look like if it was flattened out.

 Порівняння глобуса та карти.

Т: Look here. This is the planet Earth. Imagine a line around its middle. This is called the equator. Find the equator on your maps. The top of the Earth is called the North Pole. The bottom is called the South Pole. Find them on your maps. Our planet is divided into seven continents. We live in Europe.

  1. Повторення лексичних одиниць.

Т: And we begin our trip from here. And of course, we need maps. We can’t travel on foot. How can we travel?

 Діти пригадують, якими видами транспорту можна подорожувати.

Complete the sentences.

car, bus, train, plane, bike, ship, on foot.

  1. Travelling by ___________ is the fastest.
  2. Travelling _______________is the slowest.
  3. You like sea-trips. Travelling by ___________ is for you.
  4. You like watching nature. Travelling by ___________ is for you.
  5. You like travelling alone or in a small company. Travelling by ___________or __________ is for you.



  1. plane. 2) on foot. 3) ship. 4) train. 5) car, bus.

Т: So we begin our trip. Choose the transport for your pair.

  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Захист проектів.

Кожна пара вдома підготувала невелику інформацію про континенти. На екрані – слайд шоу з видами тих континентів, про які розповідають діти.



 Europe has a great history and many of its cities are very old. Castles, cathedrals and places built hundreds of years ago are still standing today. Europe lies to the north of the Mediterranean Sea and overlooks the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. It includes the surrounding islands such as the British Isles and Iceland. The continent has many natural beauties.


 North and South America are two continents joined by a thin bridge of land. A towering range of mountains runs right down the west coast, from Alaska to the tip of South America. It is called the Rockies in the north and the Ands in the south. There is a variety of climates and landscapes.



 It is hot almost everywhere in Africa. The biggest and the hottest in the world the Sahara Desert covers most of North Africa. Near the equator there are thick rainforests. More than a third of Africa is a high, grassy plain. The world’s last great herds of wild animals are there.



          Australia is the only country that is also a continent . It is known for it’s hot, dry climate. The continent of Australia is the smallest in the world. Many of thousands of nearbyPacific Islands are very tiny.


           Asia is easily the largest continent of the Earth. It is so wide that the Sun rises almost 11 hours earlier in the east of the continent than it does in the west. Over half of all the world’s people live there. Desert covers much of the Middle East and China, and Siberia is a vast , freezing wilderness.

  1. Тренування у читанні та пошукові інформації.

Діти отримують набір картинок з інформацією, намагається визначити місце на карті та знайти фотографію цього місця. Потім читає її в голос, знаходить фотографію цього місця та позначає його на карті за допомогою магніту або прапорця. Повідомлення слід починати словами  “ Do you know that…”

  1. The highest point in the world is Mount Everest in the Himalayas, Asia – its summit is 8,848 m above sea level.
  1. The river Nile in Africa is the world’s longest river.
  1. The world’s longest mountain range is the Andes of South America. It’s also home for the world’s highest active volcano Ojos de Salado.
  1. The lowest point on land is the shore of the Dead Sea in Asia. It lies 399 m below sea level.
  1. The Tower of Pisa leans so far to one side that it looks as if it might fall over. It has stood for over 700 years!
  1. The main streets of the Italian city of Venice are mostly canals. If you need a taxi, you can hire a motor boat or a water bus!
  1. Over 40,000 of these strange rocks make up the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland.
  1. The world’s biggest waterfall is Angel Falls in Venezuela, South America. Here the water drops 979 m.
  1. Mexico City is the largest city in the world. Over 20 mln people live there.

10)Each year, during the Famous and spectacular carnival of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, thousands of people parade through the streets in glittering costumes.

11)The gigantic faces of four American presidents are carved into the granite cliffs of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, USA.

          12) Africa’s Sahara Desert is the biggest in the world.

          13)  The beautiful Taj Mahal in India is one of the world’s most famous bu-

          ildings. It was built over 300 years ago as a tomb for the wife of the em-

          peror Shah Jahan.

          14) The Great Wall of China was built over 2,000 years ago to keep out in-

          viding armies.

          15) Sydney Opera House is one of the most unusual buildings in the world.

         16) The Eiffel Tower in Paris was built in 1889. It was 300 m high.

          17) There are hundreds of extraordinary statues in Easter Island. Some of

          tham is 10 m high.

         18) The Statue of Liberty in New York was presented to the United States by

         France in 1884. It stands in Liberty Island.

         19) On Salisbury Plain in England there is Stonehenge, an ancient circle of

         standing stones. It was built between 3000 and 1500 BC.

        20) The largest and the most impressive of pyramids  is the Great Pyramid at

        Giza. It was built in 2580 BC for King Cheops.

        21) The Dnieper is one of  the longest European rivers

        22) Kriviy Rih is the longest city in the world.


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

  1. Домашнє завдання.

Т: Find a partner to do  a new task. You’ll have to make a project. Find the information about a place that can be a wander of the world.

  1. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Учитель дякує учням за роботу на уроці та пропонує музичну гру.Музтчна гра схожа на «Вгадай мелодію». Учні слухають фрагменти пісень різних країн. Вони повинні вгадати раїну, з якої походять пісні.






I took a chance -

In France,

Turned grey

For the day

In St Tropez,

I forgot

What I did

In Madrid,

Had some tussles

In Brussels

With a trio

From Rio,

Lost my way

In Bombay,

Nothing wrong

In Hong Kong,

Felt calmer

In Palma,

And quite nice

In Nice,

Yes, felt finer

In China,

Took a room

In Khartoum

And a villa

In Manilla,

Had a “do”

In Peru

With a llama

From Lima,

Took a walk

In New York

With a man

From Milan,

Lost a sneaker

In Cost Rica,

Got lumbago

In Tobago,

Felt a menace

In Venice,

Was a bore

In Singapore,

Lost an ear

In Korea,

Some weight

In Kuwait,

Tried my best

As a guest

In old Bucharest,

Got the fleas

In Belize

And came home.






























 Europe has a great history and many of its cities are very old. Castles, cathedrals and places built hundreds of years ago are still standing today. Europe lies to the north of the Mediterranean Sea and overlooks the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. It includes the surrounding islands such as the British Isles and Iceland. The continent has many natural beauties.


 North and South America are two continents joined by a thin bridge of land. A towering range of mountains runs right down the west coast, from Alaska to the tip of South America. It is called the Rockies in the north and the Ands in the south. There is a variety of climates and landscapes.



 It is hot almost everywhere in Africa. The biggest and the hottest in the world the Sahara Desert covers most of North Africa. Near the equator there are thick rainforests. More than a third of Africa is a high, grassy plain. The world’s last great herds of wild animals are there.



          Australia is the only country that is also a continent . It is known for it’s hot, dry climate. The continent of Australia is the smallest in the world. Many of thousands of nearbyPacific Islands are very tiny.


           Asia is easily the largest continent of the Earth. It is so wide that the Sun rises almost 11 hours earlier in the east of the continent than it does in the west. Over half of all the world’s people live there. Desert covers much of the Middle East and China, and Siberia is a vast , freezing wilderness.


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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 липня 2019
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