Can art help tackle climate change?

Про матеріал
Lesson Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to choose the most efficient art object (mural) weighing pros and cons and finding their own arguments.
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Can art help tackle climate change?

Lesson Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to choose the most efficient art object (mural) weighing pros and cons and finding their own arguments.





Teacher shows the picture to the students and elicits their ideas about where this picture can be found and the message it conveys.

Ss in pairs discuss their ideas. Then a few ideas are discussed within the class. The idea about murals is highlighted. For the transition teacher may ask about the topics murals are often devoted to: beauty of the world around us, social issues and environmental problems.


15 mins




Teacher elicits local environmental problems. For example, Odessa is a city with beaches which are pretty dirty and polluted.

Ss in pairs brainstorm some ideas about how to solve them.

If necessary teacher draws their attention to the fact that solving these problems demands other people’s participation. But how to draw other people’s attention? Can murals help?


20 mins


Ss-Ss, teacher monitors/

facilitates students

Ss in groups google “Climate Change Murals” or “Climate Change Art”, etc., and choose the mural or exhibit that they think would be perfect for their area. They need to:

  1. choose one;
  2. justify their choice by explaining what exactly appeals to them;
  3. prove that the problem it concerns needs taking urgent measures in their region;
  4. explain how they think it is going to influence on people in their region.

30 mins



Ss present their ideas via “Gallery Walk” and vote for the one they like explaining their reasons.

The mural that has been selected can be used to trigger the campaign: from classroom to the school – to the local authorities.


25 mins


























До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
5 жовтня 2019
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