The comprehensive task on the text “Dragon soup” on pages 134-137 (English 6, Karpiuk O.) for the 6th form
Task 1. Fill in the gaps using the text.
There was a … and a … who was very fat because he was fond of food.
One young man saw the long … of people and learnt about the king’s … .
I’ve got a … of a … soup!
The king was happy not only to give him … but to cook happily in the … .
Klaus looked at it and saw a … on the dragon’s cheek.
After four … he said, “That is one of the best soups I’ve ever … !”
The … felt good to be an … of the royal cook.
Task 2. Translate into English.
Королівство і король
Великий сніданок о восьмій годині
Великий ланч о дванадцятій годині
Дивився теніс або на коней
Маленький перекус
Королівський святковий обід
Мав одну проблему
Хотів зробити зміни
Змінювати всі свої рецепти
Може бути королівським кухарем
Прийшли у замок короля
Дізнався про королівське змагання(конкурс)
Подумав трохи і став у чергу
Нарешті зайшов до палацу
Рецепт супу з дракона
Я розумію
Почувався добре
Ваша величність скаже мені точно
Щасливо готував у кухні
Той самий метод(спосіб)
Я можу запросити вас
Пройшов час
Я пам’ятаю, це твій секрет
Солдати принесли клітку
Сльоза на щоці дракона
Просто хочу обдурити короля
Король прийшов скуштувати
Після чотирьох порцій
Дозвольте представити мого помічника
Високий білий кухарський ковпак
Не потрібно було розпалювати вогонь
Дракон сам розтоплював піч
Task 3. Find true (+) or false (-) sentences.
The story is about a dragon and a princess.
The story tells us about a king who liked food very much.
The king had meals six times every day.
The king usually ate sandwiches at four o’clock.
The king usually had breakfast at nine o’clock in the morning.
The king wanted to eat a dragon soup.
The king said:” the one who tells me the most unusual recipe will be a royal cook.”
People liked the king very much because he was very good.
Klaus Dinkelspies had a recipe of a dragon soup.
The soldiers brought the cage with the dragon into the kitchen.
The dragon was a very good cook.
Klaus Dinkelspies made a real dragon soup for the king.
The dragon became an assistant of the royal cook.
The king lighted fire in the stove every day.
Task 4. Answer the questions.
What is the title of this story?
Who is the author?
Who are the main characters of the story?
Why was the king fat?
When did the king have meals?
What was the king’s biggest problem?
What was the king’s contest?
What was the name of the man who had the recipe of the dragon soup?
Did Klaus kill the dragon?
Did the king taste the real dragon soup?
Who became the royal cook?
Who became an assistant of the royal cook?
Did you like this story? Why?