ТЕКСТ З ЧИТАННЯ 6 КЛАС "Ukrainian Christmas Traditions"

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Текст з читання, англійська мова "Ukrainian Easter Traditions" 6 клас із завданнями. Перед та після ознайомлення з текстом додаються завдання. Питання до змісту тексту, тест з варіантами відповідей та вправа на встановлення чи правдива інформація або хибна.
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                                                                              Teacher: Yuliia O.

Ukrainian Christmas traditions                Form: 6, 7

Pre-reading activities

  1. What do you know about Ukrainian traditions?
  2. What holiday is your favorite?
  3. Do you know any interesting information about Christmas? Which one?
  4. Have you ever taken part in their celebration? Did you like it?


Ukrainians celebrate Christmas on December 25. There are many traditions associated with Christmas, but the most important rituals that Ukrainians follow regularly are Christmas dinner and Christmas caroling. The Christmas celebration begins on Christmas Eve. Family members cook Christmas dinner consisting of 12 fasting dishes that symbolize 12 apostles. The main dish at the festive table is kutia – a mix of boiled grains, honey, nuts, poppy seeds, dried fruits, and other toppings. This dish is usually eaten first. Other dishes present at the Christmas table might include mushrooms, fish, varenyky, potatoes, etc. The next morning after Christmas Eve is Christmas day. On this day the fasting ends, and Ukrainians go to church and visit their relatives. Another ancient custom is Christmas caroling or Koliada. During Koliada, children and young people visit neighbors, relatives, and friends singing traditional songs and giving the families best wishes. In return, hosts give Koliada participants presents such as sweets, fruit, or money. Koliada participants wear traditional clothes and costumes. They also carry a handcrafted star that symbolizes the star that had appeared when Crist was born. Koliada begins on Christmas Eve and may last for several days.


Post-reading activities


1. Find the right answers:

1. When do Ukrainians celebrate Christmas?

A) December 25

B) January 25

C) November 25

D) February 25

2. How many fasting dishes are prepared for Christmas dinner, symbolizing the apostles?

A) 5

B) 12

C) 7

D) 10

3. What is the main dish at the festive table during Christmas dinner?

A) Pizza

B) Kutia

C) Sushi

D) Burger

4. What do Ukrainians do on Christmas day?

A) Go shopping

B) Go to work

C) Go to church and visit relatives

D) Stay home all day

5. What is another name for Christmas caroling in Ukraine?

A) Kolada

B) Makarol

C) Koleada

D) Koliada


2. Answer the questions :


1.How many fasting dishes are typically prepared for Christmas dinner in Ukraine and what do they symbolize?

2. What is the main dish served at the festive table during the Ukrainian Christmas celebration?

3. What happens on Christmas day in Ukraine and how do Ukrainians typically spend this day?


3. Read the text  Ukrainian Christmas traditions and say TRUE or FALSE:

  1. The Christmas celebration begins on Christmas Eve.
  2. Family members cook Christmas dinner consisting of 12 fasting dishes that symbolize 12 apostles.
  3. During New Year’s Eve, children and young people visit neighbors, relatives, and friends singing traditional songs and giving the families best wishes.
  4. The main dish at the festive table is kutia, pumpkin, nuts, poppy seeds, dried fruits, and cakes.
  5. Koliada participants usually wear traditional clothes and costumes.
6 жовтня
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