Contest about Great Britain

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Contest about Great Britain

Suggested level - B1- Intermediate

Тетяна Собина, учителька англійської мови Білоцерківського ліцею іноземних мов – гімназії № 9, Київська обл.

 Objectives: to learn some facts about Great Britain,                    

to learn some facts about Great Britain,                    

to improve reading, listening and speaking skills,

to deepen the students’ knowledge about the places of interest, music and poetry in the United Kingdom,

to stimulate students’ thinking.

Equipment: a laptop or a computer, handouts, posters.

Type of the lesson: interactive.

Duration: 60 minutes.


Compere: Dear guests! We are glad to see you here in our school. Today we are going to have an interesting contest about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. First, let’s listen and sing the national anthem of Ukraine. Let’s start our contest. I’d like to introduce our jury to you. The teacher of English in our lyceum is …. Two students o the 11th forms. They are ….

I. The introduction of the teams.

There are 2 teams of the 11th forms who are going to take part and do their best in this contest. Let’s ask the participants of the first team.

Team Leprechauns: We are the participants of the team Leprechauns. The motto of our team:

May good luck be with us forever

May we get everything that we desire

May we never see the ground

And only reach higher and higher.

Compere: Thank you very much. You can take your seats. Let’s ask the second team.

The thistles: We are the participants of the team thistles. The motto of our team:

We are thistles, we are prickly, we will win today so quickly.

Compere: Thank you. You can take your seats. We would like to ask our jury to count the points for every contest, then tell us about the results at the end of activity.

II. Main body.

Compere: This contest is going to be shown with the help of the screen. Each member of the team should choose one box and answer the question.

The questions for the teams:

1. What is the name of famous shopping street in London? (Oxford street).

2. The ruined castle in the southwest of England, where King Arthur is supposed to have been born, is called: …. (Tintagel)

3. Where does the Queen live (In Buckingham Palace)

4. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff) 

5. How many parts does London consist of ? (4)

6. Which birds can you see at the Tower of London? (Ravens)

7. The official languages of Wales are: …. (Welsh and English)

8. The Welsh flag is a red dragon on a ….  background. (Green and white)

9. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)

10. What is the name of Scottish national dance? (Sword dance)

11. What is the symbol of Wales? (The daffodil)

12. What is the symbol of Scotland? (The thistle)

13. Describe the flag of Scotland ….  White cross on the blue background …)

14. What is the highest mountain in Wales? (Snowdon)

15. The name of the Scottish national instrument is …. (Bagpipe)

16. Another name for Northern Ireland is: (Ulster)

17. The capital of Northern Ireland is: …. (Belfast)

18. What sea is to the east of Northern Ireland? (The Irish sea)

19. What is the Flag of the UK called (The Union Jack)

20. What is the currency in the Northern Ireland? (Pound)

21. What is the capital of the UK? (London)

22. What is the national anthem called? (God save the Queen)

23. What ocean is to the west of the Northern Ireland? (The Atlantic ocean)

24. Who is the Queen of the UK? (Elizabeth II)

25. What is the longest river in the UK? (The Severn)


III. 1. The British anthem.

Compere: Our next contest is going to be very interesting, as it is connected with the national anthem of the UK. While playing the music the participants will be busy putting the words of the anthem into the right order. Let’s start. (The students are doing the task putting the words of the anthem into the right order).


God save our gracious Queen,

Long live our noble Queen

God save the Queen:

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us:

God save the Queen. 


O Lord, our God, arise,

Scatter her enemies,

And make them fall.

Confound their politics,

Frustrate their knavish tricks,

On Thee our hopes we fix,

God save us all.



Thy choicest gifts in store,

On her be pleased to pour;

Long may she reign:

May she defend our laws,

And ever give us cause

To sing with heart and voice

God save the our Queen.

Compere: That’s enough! You have finished. Let’s ask our jury to check the answers of both teams.

2. Let’s stand up and sing the national anthem (The students are singing the anthem).


IV. The British Landmarks.

Compere: Our next contest is going to be connected with the British Landmarks. The participants should guess the famous British sights, which they are going to see on the screen. (There are British sights on the screen: Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament, The British Museum, Tower Bridge, London Eye, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, The Tower of London).

Compere: Thank you. You are very clever.

V. Puzzles.

Compere: Now. Let’s do puzzles of the famous British sights. 3 students of both teams are going to take part. Be ready. Let’s start. The team which will be the first in doing puzzles, will be the winner of the contest. (The students are making the puzzles of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben).

VI. The contest of the British music, poetry and films.

Compere: Our next contest is devoted to the British music, poetry and films. After watching there are some questions on these topics. Let’s begin.

1. After watching the episodes of the films you should guess the names of the British national heroes. (The episodes of the films: ‘Brave Heart’ and ‘Robin Hood.’ National Heroes: William Wallace, Robin Hood).

2. You are going to listen to the extracts of the poems. Your task is to call the names and the authors of the poems. (The extracts of the poems ‘My heart’s in the Highlands’ by Robert Burns, ‘Sonnet 130’ by William Shakespeare.

3. After listening to the songs you should guess the names of the singer and the band. (Sting – the English Musician, the English band ‘Queen’).

VII. Home task.

Compere: It’s time to listen to the questions which you have prepared for your opponents. It was your home task.


I. The task of the Leprechauns:

1. Who was the author of this poem?

2. Where did he live?

3. What genre did the author use in his poetry?

 Adieu, adieu! My native shore’

 Lord Byron (1788 – 1824)

Adieu, adieu! My native shore

Fades o’er the waters blue;

The night – winds sigh, the breakers roar,

And shrieks the wild sea – mew.

Yon sun that sets upon the sea

We follow in his flight;

Farewell awhile to him and thee,

My native Land – Good Night!

A few short hours, and he will rise

To give the morrow birth;

And I shall hail the main and skies,

But not my mother earth.

Deserted is my own good hall,

Its hearth is desolate;

Wild weeds are gathering on the wall;

My dog howls at the gate.


II. Our task is about the British football team. After looking at the picture, match the emblems to the countries to the uniforms and to the years of the foundations of the football teams.



I. Our task is connected with the national dishes of the UK. Look at the pictures and match the names of the meals to their definitions.

II. Our next task is to listen to the song and answer the questions:

1. What famous British poet composed this song?

2. What is the song about?

3. When do the British people usualy sing this song?

Robert Burns ‘Auld lang syne’

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my job,

For auld lang syne,

We’ll take a cup o’kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.

And surely ye’ll be your pint – stoup,

And surely I’ll be mine;

And we’ll take’ a cup o’kindness yet,

For auld lang syne.

For auld, etc.

VIII. Leaders’ fights.

Compere: Now, let’s see who of the leaders is more intelligent.  I am going to ask you some questions and you should quickly give the answer. You have 1 minute.

The questions for the leaders of the teams:

1. What is the official name of Great Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

2. What channel separates the UK from Europe? (The English Channel)

3. Who does the real power in the UK belong to? (The Parliament)

4. Who is the Head of the Government? (Prime Minister)

5. What was the Tower in the past? (a prison)

6. What famous people are buried in Westminster Abbey? (Newton, Darwin, Dickens)

7. What is the Scottish national fabric? (Tartan)

8. When is the Halloween celebrated? (October, 31)

9. Where did the Beatles come from? (Liverpool)

10. Where is the Speaker’s Corner? (In Hyde Park)

11. In which town was William Shakespeare born? (Stratford-upon-Avon)

12. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland? (Bagpipe)

13. What is the name of the present British Queen (Elizabeth II)

14. When is Christmas celebrated in Great Britain? (December)

15. What is the monument in the centre of Trafalgar Square? (Admiral Nelson)

16. Who wrote the book ‘Alice in Wonderland’? (Lewis Carroll)

17. Where is Ben Nevis situated? (In Scotland)

18. Who lives at Downing Street, 10 (The Prime Minister)

19. What is the most popular drink in Great Britain? (Tea)

20. What do people send to each other on February 14th? (Valentine cards)

21. What are the lakes in Scotland called? (Lochs)

22. What is the most famous art gallery in London? (National Gallery)

23. Who was called ‘An Iron Lady’? (Margaret Thatcher)

24. In which city was the film about Harry Potter made? (Cambridge)

25. What is the oldest part of London? (The City)


1. What is the highest peak in the UK (Ben Nevis)

2. What is the population of London? (8,5 m)

3. What houses does the British Parliament consist of? (The House of Lords and the House of Commons)

4. Who was the first wife of Prince Charles? (The Princess Diana)

5. What is the biggest clock tower in London? (Big Ben)

6. What is the Tower of London now? (A museum)

7. What is the name of the Palace where the Queen lives? (The Buckingham Palace)

8. When was the Big Fire of London? (1666)

9. What is the most popular Christmas dish? (Turkey)

10. What is the biggest news company in Great Britain? (BBC)

11. Who is the head of the state in Great Britain? (Monarch)

12. What is the Scottish national dress called? (A kilt)

13. What holiday is celebrated on February 14th ? (St. Valentine’s Day)

14. What do children leave at the end of their beds in Christmas times?

( A stocking) 

15. Who is the famous architect in London? (Sir Christopher Wren)

16. Who wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes? (Arthur Conan Doyle

17. Who wrote the book ‘Gulliver’s Travels’? (Jonathan Swift)

18. What river does the capitan of Great Britain stand on? (The Thames)

19. Who is the Prime Minister in Britain now?

20. What is the central square in London? (Trafalgar Square)

21. What is the name of the world famous British playwright? (W. Shakespeare)

22. What is a British daily newspaper published in London? (Times)

23. What is the most famous tennis competition in the world? (Wimbledon)

24. What is the famous airport in London? (Heathrow)

25. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? (Robin Hood)

Compere: Thank you. That’s all. Let’s ask our jury to count the points of both teams and give us the results.

Jury: The results of this contest is ……

The winner is the team: ……

You were better today and demonstrated us your perfect knowledge of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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