Control Test (Writing) 9th form

Про матеріал
Робота містить у собі 12 запитань , де потрібно обрати одну правильну відповідь. Перед тим, як виконувати тестові завдання, учням потрібно ознайомитися з часовими формами Passive Voice.
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                                      Test (Writing) 9th form

                                   Passive Voice

Complete the sentences.

  1. London .............. by many tourists.

a)is visited   


  1. visits
  2. is visiting

2. The Art Museum ......... by many tourists every year.

     a) was visited

     b) are visited

     c) were visited

     d) is visited

3. The work ... by 6 o'clock.

     a)have finished

      b) has finished

      c)have been finished

      d)has been finished

4. This newspaper ______ a week ago.

      a) is published

       b)was published

      c)are published

      d)were published

5. These buildings _____ in 2004.

       a)is built

      b)are built

      c)was built

       d)were built

6. Many Ukrainian books ____ in our library.


A)  is shown

b)   are shown

c  )was shown

d)were shown    


7. What artist ________ in this picture?

a) is painted

b) was painted

c) are painted

d) were painted


8.  St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiyv ... in the 11th century

a)  was builded

b)  was built


9. David Copperfield ... by Charles Dickens

a)  was written

b)  written


10. A lot of money ... from the bank yesterday

   a) was stolen

b) were stealen


11. The film ... tomorrow

a)  will shown

b)  will be shown


12. Tennis ... in the gym tomorrow

a) will play

b)  will be played













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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 травня 2020
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