Діагностична письмова робота

Про матеріал
Письмова діагностична робота за другий семестр з англійської мови. на кожному аркуші розміщено по дві роботи
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Name_____________________Date_______Form 3_____


1. Choose can or can’t (Обери може/не може).

1) Dolphins can/can’t fly.     2) My mother can/can’t write.

3) A monkey can/can’t climb.    4) An elephant can/can’t jump.

2. Complete with have got or has got (Встав have got or has got).



1) I _________ two legs.   2) Jill __________  yellow hair.

3) Den ___________ curly hair.   4) We ___________ arms.


3. Read and write           True    or     False

  1. Managers work in banks. __________________
  2. Farmers   work in  hospitals.________________
  3. Teachers  work in schools.__________________
  4. Waiters  work in  cafes.____________________

4. Complete with is or are (Встав is / are)

  1. He __ playing tennis now.  2) They __drinking now.

3) She __ singing now. 4) We __eating now.

5. Match (З’єднай)

1. What`s your name?

2. Do you like apples?

3. Can you fly?

4. What’s this?

5. What’s the time?

a) It’s a pen.

b) Yes, I do.

c) It’s 3 o’clock.

d) No, I can’t.

e) My name is Tom.

Name______________________Date___________Form 3______


1. Choose can or can’t (Обери може/не може).

1) Dolphins can/can’t fly.     2) My mother can/can’t write.

3) A monkey can/can’t climb.    4) An elephant can/can’t jump.

2. Complete with have got or has got (Встав have got or has got).


1) I _________ two legs.   2) Jill __________  yellow hair.

3) Den ___________ curly hair.   4) We ___________ arms.


3.  Read and write           True    or     False

1. Managers work in banks. __________________

2. Farmers   work in  hospitals.________________

3.Teachers  work in schools.__________________

  1.   4.Waiters  work in  cafes.____________________

4. Complete with is or are (Встав is / are)

  1. He __ playing tennis now.  2) They __drinking now.

3) She __ singing now. 4) We __eating now.

5. Match (З’єднай)

1. What`s your name?

2. Do you like apples?

3. Can you fly?

4. What’s this?

5. What’s the time?

a) It’s a pen.

b) Yes, I do.

c) It’s 3 o’clock.

d) No, I can’t.

e) My name is Tom.


Kiseliova Inna
7 листопада 2021
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