Діагностична робота №5
Are you a vegetarian?
I –V
Діагностична робота №5
Are you a vegetarian?
1. Odd one out
1. Berries, chicken, pork, turkey.
2. Milk , bread, yoghurt, butter.
3. Bananas, salt, oranges, pineapples.
2. Fill in: all, both, a few, a lot of/lots of
1. Look! There are ____________ cucumbers on the shelf.
2. ________ jar of honey are kept on the table.
3. _________fruit is grown in Africa.
3. Unscramble the words
1. tgedis_________ 2. taganeveir__________ 3. ekab _________
2. ygeren_________ 5. scesayner__________ 6. onslam __________
4. Match
1. Water is boil in a … a) bottles
2. Food is put on a … b) plate
3. We cook food in a … c) kettle
4. Drinks are kept in … d) cooker
5. Guess and write the names of the kitchen items
1. We never make pizza in a m_______________.
2. It’s so hot! Give me the o____________, please.
3. Taras is cutting the tomatoes on a c_____________.
4. We use a w______________ to mix different food, like eggs.