Form,3 |
Term 1
Variant 1
1. Fill in am, is or are. Заповни пропуски словами am, is чи are
1) I ________ a boy. My name _______ Bill. 2) She _________ my teacher.
3) He ________ my brother. 4) You __________ my friend. 5) We ______
friends. 6) They _________ friends. 7) It __________ my pet.
2. Підбери і познач відповідне речення.
1. He helps sick people. __ A) He is a teacher.
2. He looks after his sheep and pigs. __ B) He is a doctor.
3. He takes children to school.__ C) He is a farmer.
3. Перестав слова і запиши речення.
4.Write about you and your family. Напиши про себе та свою сім’ю. (5 рeчень.)
Form,3 |
Term 1
Variant 2
1. . Fill in am, is or are. Заповни пропуски словами am, is чи are
1) I ________ a girl. My name _______ Kate. 2) He _________ my brother.
3) She ________ my teacher. 4) You __________ my friends. 5) We ______
cousins. 6) They _________ friends. 7) It __________ my pet.
2. Підбери і познач відповідне речення.
1. He feed animals. __ A) He is a teacher.
2.He makes bread. __ B) He is a farmer.
3. He takes children to school.__ C) He is a baker.
4.He gives homework to children. __ D) He is a bus driver.
3. Перестав слова і запиши речення
4. 4.Write about you and your family. Напиши про себе та свою сім’ю. (5 рeчень.)