Діагностувальна контрольна робота для 6 класу на виявлення рівня освітніх втрат

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Діагностувальна контрольна робота для 5 класу на виявлення рівня освітніх втрат
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6th Grade Diagnostic Test


  1. Read Marty’s blog and write T (true) or F (false).

Saturday Chores!    by Marty Winston

My Saturday mornings begin at half past six. I like getting up early. I have a shower, make my bed and tidy my room. I do this every day. Then I set the table and make breakfast. I make pancakes for my brother Jamie and my sister Anna, eggs for Dad, toast for Mum, tea and orange juice. I’m the best cook in my family! (I want to be a chef one day.)

After breakfast, I load the washing machine: white clothes first and then clothes with dark colours. Mum doesn’t want my brother to do this chore. A week ago, he washed his red shirt with some white clothes. Now we’ve got pink socks and pink T-shirts!

My brother Jamie and my sister Anna get up at nine. They hate getting up early. They have chores too. Anna takes the clothes out of the washing machine and hangs them out. Then she vacuums the rooms. Jamie feeds our dogs, brushes them and takes them for a walk. The animals love Jamie and he’s very patient with them. He also takes out the rubbish at night. He hates this job!

  1.         Marty gets up early in the morning on Saturdays.   T 
  2.         Marty makes his bed and tidies his room once a week. …..
  3.         Marty’s mum has pancakes for breakfast.   …..
  4.         After breakfast, Marty does one more chore.  …..
  5.         Marty’s brother gets up later than Marty.   …..
  6.        Jamie doesn’t look after the family’s pets.   …..

….. / 5






  1. Circle the correct answer.
  1.         Please don’t forget to                 the dog.

a) go   b) feed   c) water

  1.         I always                 the table after we have dinner.

a) clear  b) load   c) set

  1.         Please come home before it gets                .

a) lost   b) dark   c) bored

  1.         They wake                 very early in the morning.

a) out   b) on   c) up

  1.         I always give Granny                 when I see her.

a) a hug  b) a call  c) hands

  1.         I’d like to live                 when I’m older.

a) a family  b) my own business c) abroad

  1.         I love the sea. I want to go                 tomorrow.

a) snorkelling  b) camping  c) hiking

..... / 6


  1. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of the verbs.
  1.         The students do (do) their homework every day.
  2.         He                                     (watch) TV at the moment.
  3.         Hannah usually                                     (study) in her bedroom.
  4.         I                                     (know) the answers to all the questions.
  5.         We                                     (not visit) Grandma on Sundays.
  6.         What                                     (they / make) for lunch today?
  7.                                             (Amy / play) the piano every day?
  8.         I                                     (not work) in the garden at the moment.

..... / 7


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