Діагностувальна робота "Day by day" (Карпюк)

Про матеріал
діагностувальна робота для учнів 3 кл по темі Day by Day" за підручником Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів О.Карпюк
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Name ___________________________

Test: Day by Day

1.       Put a, an, some.


1. ____sausage

6. _____sandwich



2. _____apple

7. _____juice



3. _____sugar

8. _____onion



4. _____ice cream

9. ____tomato



5. _____coffee

10. ____soup


      2 Choose the correct answer

1) Some water? :-)


a) Yes, please b) Here you are 2) Pass me some bread, please.

c) No, thanks

a) Yes, please b) Here you are 3) Pass me some salt, please

c) No, thanks

a) Yes, please b) Here you are 4) An orange? :-)

c) No, thanks

a) Yes, please b) Here you are 5) Some salad? :-(

c) No, thanks

a) Yes, please b) Here you are

c) No, thanks

3 Unscrumble the sentences

1.           always my bed in I the morning make.


2.           cook I never breakfast.

_____________________________________ Name ___________________________

Test: Day by Day

2.       Put a, an, some.


6. ____sausage

6. _____sandwich



7. _____apple

7. _____juice



8. _____sugar

8. _____onion



9. _____ice cream

9. ____tomato




10. ____soup


      2 Choose the correct answer

1) Some water? :-)


a) Yes, please b) Here you are 2) Pass me some bread, please.

c) No, thanks

a) Yes, please b) Here you are 3) Pass me some salt, please

c) No, thanks

a) Yes, please b) Here you are 4) An orange? :-)

c) No, thanks

a) Yes, please b) Here you are 5) Some salad? :-(

c) No, thanks

a) Yes, please b) Here you are

c) No, thanks

3.           Unscrumble the sentences

1     always my bed in I the morning make._____________________________________

2     cook I never breakfast.


3.       I help mother usually my.       3 I help mother usually my.

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 4. go I sometimes 9 to bed at o’clock.      4 go I sometimes 9 to bed at o’clock.

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 5. Sundays I never to  go school on.      5 Sundays I never to  go school on.

_____________________________________________                                                                        _____________________________________________

4.           Label the pictures      4 Label the pictures

play football     have lunch     read a book     watch TV     go to bed play football     have lunch     read a book     watch TV     go to bed

                                                 wake up     play basketball     clean teeth                           wake up     play basketball     clean teeth


__________ __________

__________ __________

__________ __________

__________ __________

__________ __________

__________ __________


__________ __________

__________ __________

__________ __________

__________ __________

__________ __________

__________ __________


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    Оригінальність викладу
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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
2 березня 2023
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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